Suggest correction - #8987 - 2023-12-05

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    $400 24
Some might say Polyphemus, one of these giants, was rude in eating Odysseus' men, so Odie blinded him

Show #8987 - Tuesday, December 5, 2023

2023 Champions Wildcard Hearts quarterfinal game 5.


Matt Mierswa, an attorney from River Edge, New Jersey

Andrew Chaikin, a musician and teacher from San Francisco, California

Laura Portwood-Stacer, an editor and author originally from Livonia, Michigan

Jeopardy! Round

    $200 22
This song mentions "purple mountain majesties"
    $200 23
These events, hearing from the beyond, were popular in Victorian days, when the one seen here took place
    $200 26
On average, this organ produces up to 2.5 pints of bile every day
    $200 30
This league adopted a rule in 2020 that prevented teams from manipulating the game clock via dead-ball fouls
    $200 28
A 1903 George Bernard Shaw play is called "Man and" him
    $200 27
The Connecticut, not the Maine, version of the sandwich called this roll gets my vote but why use a hot dog bun?
    $400 21
"After thinking it over for some time", this purple crayon-toting tot went for "a walk in the moonlight"
    $400 20
Be careful when you come across one of these, a "double-goer" in German--some can be evil & dangerous
    $400 17
A tree branch, or a solar flare seen at the edge of the Sun
    $400 29
In golf, the driver is referred to as this number wood
    $400 24
Some might say Polyphemus, one of these giants, was rude in eating Odysseus' men, so Odie blinded him
    $400 1
I love the contrast of the banh mi's julienned veggies with this long, thin French bread, but it's essential you toast it
    $600 12
Author who wrote that it angers God "if you walk by the color purple in a field... and don't notice it"
    $600 18
In the 1930s the Daily Mail printed Robert Wilson's now-famous photo that purported to show its head & neck
    DD: $1,400 10
Any of a hydrophobic group of organic compounds, including fats & oils
    $600 16
In college, this basketball star was the first freshman named National Player of the Year
    $600 6
This Black Sabbath song says, "He was turned to steel in the great magnetic field"
    $600 2
I like the sweet marshmallow creme with savory peanut butter in this sammy, a New England fave, but don't love the texture
    $800 13
Milton wrote of this Roman god, "that first from out the purple grape crush'd the sweet poison of misused wine"
    $800 7
Also called an O.B.E., it's the sensation that one's self is in a different location from one's physical form
    $800 8
When you activate a light stick, the chemicals within react to produce this type of cold light
    $800 25
This British soccer club was truly fab in 2019, winning the UEFA Champions League
    $800 5
If you're driving & one of these pointing to the right lights up, turn right!
    $800 3
You can count on enjoying this ham, turkey & Swiss sandwich, dipped in an egg & milk mix & then fried, but must you dip it in jam?
    $1000 14
This lord's poem "Locksley Hall" tells of "pilots of the purple twilight, dropping down with costly bales"
    $1000 15
From the Greek for "outer" & "form", this supernatural substance is said to exude from a medium & be used by a spirit to manifest
    $1000 9
5-letter term for a center of activity, or the position of a gene on a chromosome
    $1000 19
Honus Wagner signed a historic contract in 1905 that saw him endorse this baseball bat with a Kentucky city in its name
    $1000 11
Nondescript name of the Volkswagen seen here
    $1000 4
I'm glad we've gone from paper to wafers to cookies as the "bread" for this "sandwich"; I still like the old name, hokey pokey

Scores at the first commercial break (after clue 15):

Laura Andrew Matt
$1,600 $2,600 $1,800

Scores at the end of the Jeopardy! Round:

Laura Andrew Matt
$4,400 $3,600 $2,600

Double Jeopardy! Round

(Ken: Each correct response will come between "dawn" and "dusk" alphabetically.)
    $400 23
Most visitors to the Capitoline Museums don't turn to stone when they see Bernini's bust of this slithery gal
    $400 10
"Over The Rainbow" (1939)
    $400 29
February 15, 1933 after making a speech in Miami
    $400 27
This Kellogg's trio look pretty spry, considering they turned 90 in 2023
    $400 28
It's the rather cheerful name for the flag seen here
    $400 21
You may feel one in the room, but we're talking about military conscription
    $800 11
Legend says that if you toss a coin into this Baroque masterpiece, you'll return to Rome
    $800 9
"Lose Yourself"
    $800 30
May 12, 1982 on a visit to the famous shrine in Fatima, Portugal
    $800 26
Through WWII, this candy bar had 3 pieces in one package, flavored chocolate, vanilla & strawberry; now it's all chocolate
    $800 16
Seen here, the Washington Monument is encircled by this many flags
    $800 20
It's the measure of cream atop the brownie
    $1200 4
The Pinacoteca, a collection of religious paintings begun by Pius VI, is one of many museums in this enclave
    $1200 5
Heard here is a song from this 1979 film
    $1200 14
September 5, 1975 while greeting a crowd in Sacramento, California
    $1200 25
In 1882 Germany, Italy & Austria-Hungary formed this, renewing it periodically until World War I
    $1200 15
A seminal L.A. punk band of the 1980s, or what a NASCAR driver gets if he's caught speeding on pit road
    $1200 19
The nature of a deity; some universities have a "school" for it
    $1600 3
Roman ceilings, walls & floors display this type of art made of bits of material; you can walk on fine examples in Ostia
    $1600 6
"When You Wish Upon A Star"
    $1600 13
August 22, 1962 when his luxury Citroen was attacked near Paris
    $1600 24
This name for 3 wars between Rome & Carthage comes from the Greek for "Phoenician"
    DD: $2,600 1
The main flag on a warship is called this, also a rank in the Navy
    $1600 18
A sheriff in the Old West might do this to someone, making him part of law enforcement
    DD: $5,000 7
In the Gallery of Borghese, Caravaggio's portrait of this saint shows him with his head still on his shoulders
    $2000 8
"Puttin' On The Ritz" (1974)
    $2000 12
October 14, 1912 on his way to a campaign rally in Milwaukee, Wisconsin
    $2000 22
In Greek & Roman myth, 3 goddesses who determined human destinies were called these, a synonym for destinies
    $2000 2
Gilbert Baker created the Rainbow Flag & this man rode in a parade with one shortly before his 1978 assassination
    $2000 17
This name for a free-for-all fight comes from an Irish fair known for its rioting

Scores at the end of the Double Jeopardy! Round:

Laura Andrew Matt
$6,400 $18,200 $7,200
(lock game)

Final Jeopardy! Round

The title locale of this series is really the Belnord, dating to 1908 & located at 86th & Broadway on NYC's Upper West Side

Final scores:

Laura Andrew Matt
$12,700 $18,242 $7,644
2nd place: $5,000 Winner: semifinalist 3rd place: $5,000

Game dynamics:

Coryat scores:

Laura Andrew Matt
$6,400 $14,400 $9,800
10 R,
0 W
19 R
(including 2 DDs),
6 W
19 R,
6 W
(including 1 DD)

Combined Coryat: $30,600

[game responses] [game scores] [suggest correction]

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