Suggest correction - #1456 - 1990-12-24

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    $1000 10
Samson caught 300 of them, tied torches to their tails & used them to burn the fields of the Philistines

Show #1456 - Monday, December 24, 1990

Game entered from audiorecording. Missing prizes.


Curt Daniel, a chemistry teacher from Colorado Springs, Colorado

Chris Tully, a research assistant originally from Kearny, New Jersey

Gordon Nash, a teacher originally from New York City, New York (1-day champion whose cash winnings total $20,800)

Jeopardy! Round

(Alex: In keeping with the spirit of the season.)
    $100 26
Suet pudding that contains currants & usually raisins, but never the fruit for which it's named
    $100 11
Andean Equatorial is an Aborigine language family spoken on this continent
    $100 16
Archipelago off northern Scotland in which a famous pony & sheepdog originated
    $100 6
In 1936, this country broke the Locarno Treaties by sending troops into the Rhineland
    $100 1
"Have you driven" one of these "lately"?
    $100 21
The Chipmunks sang "Christmas, Christmas time is near, time for toys and time for" this
    $200 27
If you want to prepare these vegetables Duchess style, don't forget the egg yolks & butter
    $200 12
Over 100 million people in this country speak languages of the Dravidian group
    $200 17
When Ramsay & Travers discovered this gas in 1898, a red light went on over their heads
    $200 7
In the 1814 Treaty of Kiel, Denmark gave Norway to this country
    $200 2
"We build excitement"
    $200 22
According to the song title, they're "All I Want for Christmas"
    $300 28
Some people ferment this taro root dish for two or three days until it acquires a sour taste
    DD: $500 13
Most of the Indian dialects spoken in Guatemala originated from this language
    $300 18
During this century, the U.S. Constitution was amended just four times
    $300 8
Of the Seven, 30 or 100 Years War, the one ended by the Peace of Westphalia
    $300 3
"The heartbeat of America"
    $300 23
Line that follows "Then how the reindeer loved him as they shouted out with glee"
    $400 29
This dessert named for a ballerina has a meringue base & is usually topped with fruit
    $400 14
It's the official language of Liberia, Sierra Leone & Papua New Guinea
    $400 19
In the 1960s, a new group of minstrels used the name of this man who put together a group in 1842
    $400 9
This treaty ended World War I & set up the League of Nations
    $400 4
"Built for the human race"
    $400 24
Burl Ives urged us to have this type of Christmas; "it's the best time of the year"
    $500 30
Some cooks add cheese to this cornmeal mush popular in Italy
    $500 15
The angular katakana characters of this written language are used for foreign words
    $500 20
First name shared by Count Basie & Captain Kidd
    $500 10
Named for the palace where it was signed, this treaty established Vatican City as an independent state
    $500 5
"The ultimate driving machine"
    $500 25
The first line of this Christmas carol appears in "Rockin' Around The Christmas Tree"

Scores at the first commercial break (after clue 13):

Gordon Chris Curt
$1,000 -$200 $300

Scores at the end of the Jeopardy! Round:

Gordon Chris Curt
$1,400 $2,100 $1,300

Double Jeopardy! Round

    $200 22
"Portnoy's Complaint"
    $200 1
Medically speaking, it's the opposite of malignant
    $200 21
In the wedding vow "to love, honor & cherish", it's the word "cherish" has replaced
    $200 11
Britannica calls this Georgia capital the artistic center of the Southeast
    $200 6
Solomon compared a fair woman without discretion to a jewel of gold in this animal's snout
    $200 16
He switched this given first name with his middle name so he wouldn't be confused with his father
    $400 23
"The Beautiful and Damned"
    $400 2
From the Latin for "I shall please", the doctor's dose for a hypochondriac
    $400 27
In many states, living together a certain number of years constitutes this type of marriage
    $400 12
This largest Delaware city was founded by the Swedes who called it Fort Christina
    $400 7
It's easier for this to go through the eye of a needle than for a rich man to enter into the kingdom of God
    $400 17
Once Ike's protege, this man delivered the eulogy at his funeral
    $600 24
"Farewell, My Lovely"
    $600 3
Not a slow flight, but the common name for circadian dysrhythmia
    $600 28
This sex symbol said "Marriage is a great institution, but I'm not ready for an institution yet"
    $600 13
Now a ghost town, in the 1870s this Nevada locale had a population of 30,000
    $600 8
Proverbs calls it the "strongest among beasts, and turneth not away for any"
    $600 18
Ike's defense secretary is famous for saying "What's good for" this company "is good for America"
    $800 26
"The Moon Is Down"
    $800 4
More men than women suffer from Daltonism, commonly called this
    $800 29
This actor not only married Zsa Zsa Gabor, he married her sister Magda, too
    DD: $2,400 14
Texas city southeast of Dallas named for the 10th president of the United States
    DD: $1,100 9
Noah sent this bird from the ark first, but it did not return
    $800 19
In 1955, this event caused the sharpest drop in the stock market since the Great Crash
    $1000 25
"Cakes and Ale"
    $1000 5
It's also called "the royal disease" since European royal families were afflicted with it
    $1000 30
Formerly, young English couples who wanted a quick marriage would elope to this Scottish village
    $1000 15
Alabama city on the Black Warrior River named for a Choctaw chief whose name meant "black warrior"
    $1000 10
Samson caught 300 of them, tied torches to their tails & used them to burn the fields of the Philistines
    $1000 20
Though he was born in Denison, Texas, this Kansas town is home to his library

Scores at the end of the Double Jeopardy! Round:

Gordon Chris Curt
$8,200 $3,400 $2,900
(lock game)

Final Jeopardy! Round

The DuPont Company, which was founded in 1802, initially made only this product

Final scores:

Gordon Chris Curt
$6,800 $1 $5,800
2-day champion: $27,600 3rd place 2nd place

Game dynamics:

Coryat scores:

Gordon Chris Curt
$6,400 $4,500 $2,900
16 R
(including 2 DDs),
1 W
16 R,
4 W
(including 1 DD)
14 R,
5 W

Combined Coryat: $13,800

[game responses] [game scores] [suggest correction]

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