Suggest correction - #8692 - 2022-07-26

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    $1000 27
To have your first drink after abstaining for a long time is to do this tumble

Show #8692 - Tuesday, July 26, 2022


Alexa Jakob, an electrical engineer from Queens, New York

Mark Stover, a physician from Flagstaff, Arizona

Ed Coulson, an economics and real estate professor from Dana Point, California (1-day champion whose cash winnings total $17,399)

Jeopardy! Round

(Ken: These are artists with channels devoted to them on Sirius XM.)
    $200 4
In June 1215 King John accepted the Articles of the Barons, a basis for this document
    $200 1
By August Wilson:
"The ____ Lesson"
    $200 3
You are welcome to know that the knobbed whelk is New Jersey's state one of these
    $200 19
Place your bets! Big wheel keep on turning in this game
    $200 5
You may be right, I may be this man who periodically gets his own channel; in 2022, his "52nd Street" got played track by track
    $200 29
You've lost "track" of reality & have "loco motives" if you've gone "off" these
    $400 6
Around 630 B.C. this militaristic city-state basically turned Messenia's people into serfs
    $400 7
A Tony winner:
"The ____ Incident of the Dog in the Night-Time"
    $400 13
You'd have to expect that this would be Maryland's state bird
    $400 20
"Circle Of Life" is the opening number of this musical & not so surprisingly, closes it as well
    $400 24
The music of this late, great Heartbreaker leader who also traveled as Charlie T. Wilbury Jr. gets its own channel
    $400 28
Could I interest you in some of the same-named whiskey on this overnight flight?
    DD: $1,000 16
From the 1600s to the 1780s, "guests" were sent to this structure, a state prison, via lettre de cachet, a direct order from the king
    $600 8
A reptilian title:
Tennessee Williams'
"The Night of the ____"
    $600 14
Fans must have gone "wild" when this was named Minnesota's official sport
    $600 21
It's the oxymoronic slang term for a wrestling ring
    $600 11
You don't need a miracle to listen to Jerry, Bob, Phil, Bill & Mickey of this jam band... you can just dial up their channel, man
    $600 2
Whatever you feel like doing, or "whatever" does this, a rhyming phrase involving a transport
    $800 17
In 1586 the first colony on this island went back to England with Sir Francis Drake; no one knows where a later colony went
    $800 9
From a line in Shakespeare:
____ & ____ are Dead"
    $800 15
The Appalachian this is Kentucky's state instrument
    $800 22
Despite the various colors, the circles of this cereal favored by Toucan Sam were found to have the same flavor
    $800 10
This icon who can "Prove It All Night" has some "Glory Days" on his dedicated channel
    $800 26
This alliterative phrase refers to a difficult time or journey as well as a delicious type of ice cream
    $1000 18
I am this pharaoh I, founder of the 19th Dynasty! How did my mummy spend years in the Niagara Falls Museum?
    $1000 12
Exploring the relationship between a teacher & his deaf student:
"Children of a ____ ____"
    $1000 25
Its state insect is the honey bee & its state emblem is a beehive
    $1000 23
Jennifer Jason Leigh was the title Mrs. in a movie about this writer & her "Vicious Circle"
    $1000 30
"What Would You Say" if I told you this man, seen here along with his band, had their own channel, or have I said "Too Much"?
    $1000 27
To have your first drink after abstaining for a long time is to do this tumble

Scores at the first commercial break (after clue 15):

Ed Mark Alexa
$3,000 $2,400 $1,000

Scores at the end of the Jeopardy! Round:

Ed Mark Alexa
$7,200 $5,000 $2,800

Double Jeopardy! Round

    $400 10
They extend over 4,000 miles from Venezuela to South America's southern tip
    $400 19
In 988 Vladimir I, grand prince of this now-Ukrainian city, converted to Christianity & cast its pagan idols into the Dnieper River
    $400 5
The theory of general relativity has been verified through experiments involving this innermost planet
    $400 30
This first lady's middle name LaVaughn honors her paternal grandmother
    $400 29
Damon Wayans took on the Danny Glover role when this buddy cop movie came to the small screen
    $400 24
If you're ichthyophagous, your meals consist of these
    $800 9
Some 20 monasteries & dependencies, including the Great Lavra, are located on Mount Athos, a holy mountain in this country
    $800 20
The lares were statues of household gods in ancient Rome; the lararium was this, at which they were worshiped
    $800 4
John Von Neumann pioneered game theory, starting by analyzing this game where bluffing is commonplace
    $800 11
Finley & Breese were the middle names of this 19th century American inventor & painter
    $800 17
There can only be one Adrian Paul as the immortal title hero Duncan MacLeod in the TV version of this epic film
    $800 25
Those that are galactophagous get their sustenance via this liquid
    $1200 7
The Snowy Mountains, which include Mount Kosciuszko, form the "roof of" this country
    $1200 21
After coming down from Mount Sinai, Moses destroys the golden calf, an idol fashioned by this brother of his
    DD: $2,800 1
The third law of thermodynamics says entropy tends to reduce as the temperature approaches this 2-word state
    $1200 12
This playwright did not have "Three Sisters" but he did have the middle name Pavlovich
    $1200 15
Nia Vardalos' nuptial hit "My Big Fat Greek Wedding" settled down on TV as "My Big Fat Greek" this
    $1200 26
If you're apivorous, you get by dining on these
    $1600 6
The Goƻter Refuge offers a place to rest for climbers en route to the top of this mountain on the border between France & Italy
    $1600 22
Ahab was okay with Jezebel's idol worship of this 4-letter fertility deity
    $1600 2
This British doc who developed germ theory was the son of a microscope pioneer also named Joseph
    DD: $2,000 13
Biblical middle name of the man said to be the richest person in the U.S. at his death in 1848
    $1600 16
In the TV version of "The Exorcist", Geena Davis was this character all grown up, but with a possessed daughter of her own
    $1600 27
Mycophagists are people who eat these in the wild, avoiding the autumn skullcap
    $2000 8
This Canadian mountain is second only to Denali as the highest peak in North America
    $2000 23
In the 7th century this Middle East city was said to be home to as many as 360 idols, including the moon god Hubal
    $2000 3
Legend says this Greek ran naked through Syracuse after discovering his buoyancy principle
    $2000 14
This middle name of Jackie Robinson honored the president who died the year he was born, 1919
    $2000 18
We saw the early life of a psycho in the sort of TV prequel "Bates Motel", with this actor as young Norman
    $2000 28
Saurophagous is a description for those that eat these, tails & all

Scores at the end of the Double Jeopardy! Round:

Ed Mark Alexa
$16,000 $11,400 $4,800

Final Jeopardy! Round

This children's book character, introduced in 1926 & a friend of the title creature, gets his name from the sound he might make

Final scores:

Ed Mark Alexa
$22,801 $13,199 $1,399
2-day champion: $40,200 2nd place: $2,000 3rd place: $1,000

Game dynamics:

Coryat scores:

Ed Mark Alexa
$17,600 $11,400 $7,600
21 R
(including 1 DD),
2 W
(including 1 DD)
18 R,
2 W
11 R,
3 W
(including 1 DD)

Combined Coryat: $36,600

[game responses] [game scores] [suggest correction]

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