Suggest correction - #9027 - 2024-01-30

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    $400 28
Vicarius Christi in Latin, this title is also the title of a novel about a Medal of Honor winner turned Chief Justice turned pope

Show #9027 - Tuesday, January 30, 2024

2024 Champions Wildcard Group 1 semifinal game 2.


Robbi Ramirez, a writer from Orlando, Florida

Alec Chao, a management and program analyst originally from Fort Lauderdale, Florida

Juveria Zaheer, a psychiatrist from Whitby, Ontario, Canada

Jeopardy! Round

(Robin: I'm Robin Roberts. Surmounting obstacles on both sides of the Atlantic, the Harlem Hellfighters made their mark fighting for the U.S. in World War I, and I'll present clues about a new series I've executive produced.)
    $200 22
"Can't you see me standing here, I've got my back against the record machine"; now leap in & name this hit, VH's only No. 1
    $200 30
Elementary, dromedary! This mammal can hoof it through 120-degree desert temps & then spit on you for making it do that
    $200 27
In Houston the "MOB" is the Marching Owl Band of this university
    $200 29
In professional wrestling today, steel cage matches usually take place in a ring surrounded by this barrier
    $200 28
It sounds like you are clearing your throat to get my attention
    $200 26
(Robin Roberts presents the clue.) The 369th Infantry Regiment has its origins as the 15th New York Infantry Regiment of this reserve section of the Army; before the U.S. entered World War I, they trained in a second floor dance studio in Harlem
    $400 7
Turns out his tongue had an eye for talent! This KISS bassist was an early Van Halen supporter, producing a demo for the band in 1976
    $400 21
Part of this mammalian group, the greater bilby survives 157-degree days in Queensland using elaborate burrow systems
    $400 9
The Pritzker School of Law is part of this "directional" Big Ten school
    $400 24
The chain connecting the propellers to the engine on the Wright Brothers' Flyer was like the chain drive on one of these
    $400 23
This interjection is the first thing Lil Jon says on Usher's hit of the same title
    $400 25
(Robin Roberts presents the clue.) A celebrity-musician turned soldier, who fought for the Harlem Hellfighters, James Reese Europe's work as a bandleader is credited with showing an early version of this music genre to France
    $600 6
Attributed to this original Van Halen frontman: "I used to jog but the ice cubes kept falling out of my glass"
    $600 8
Birds don't have these glands, so they take heat out of their bodies using a version of panting
    DD: $1,000 4
The land donated to start this ACC sports powerhouse was home to the estate of John C. Calhoun
    $600 19
Andy Bell & Vince Clark make up this British duo that had its biggest hit with the 1988 song "Chains Of Love"
    $600 20
This hyphenated term is paired with SpaghettiOs in an ad
    $600 14
(Robin Roberts presents the clue.) After facing racial discrimination near their training facility in South Carolina in 1917, the Harlem Hellfighters were among the first U.S. units to ship to France as they joined this vast body of troops--AEF for short
    $800 5
The purpose of Van Halen's rider saying no to the brown color of this candy was to ensure their complicated contract got read
    $800 11
The warming Atlantic is driving the tiger type of this apex predator farther & farther north, altering the food chain
    $800 1
Author Ralph Ellison was a music student at this Alabama institute
    $800 16
In August 1500 he & his brothers were sent back to Spain in chains for mismanagement & brutality in Hispaniola
    $800 18
This mild oath was a favorite of Napoleon Dynamite
    $800 13
(Robin Roberts presents the clue.) When the U.S. entered World War I, some Black Americans enlisted thinking it would better their station in life; at the same time, President Woodrow Wilson was a supporter of having the armed forces enforce these segregation laws bearing the name of a stereotypical minstrel character
    $1000 3
A "volcanic" rock event, the solo called this on VH's 1st album introduced Eddie's 2-handed guitar tapping to a stunned world
    $1000 10
100° spring water is no problem for the Ash Meadows Amargosa pupfish in this morbid Western U.S. national park
    $1000 2
The name of this Omaha university honors a man who built the transcontinental telegraph
    $1000 15
In 1775 this Virginian asked, "Is life so dear or peace so sweet as to be purchased at the price of chains and slavery?"
    $1000 17
The fictional dimwitted English gentleman Bertie Wooster uses this interjection, an alteration of "Oh God!"
    $1000 12
(Robin Roberts presents the clue.) With the French army on the brink of collapse & in need of reinforcements, this American general, also known as "Black Jack" lent the 369th Infantry to fight for France

Scores at the first commercial break (after clue 15):

Juveria Alec Robbi
$6,000 $1,200 $0

Scores at the end of the Jeopardy! Round:

Juveria Alec Robbi
$7,400 $1,200 $1,600

Double Jeopardy! Round

    $400 28
Vicarius Christi in Latin, this title is also the title of a novel about a Medal of Honor winner turned Chief Justice turned pope
    $400 29
TV hosts
Kressley &
    $400 25
There wasn't a dry eye in the house when this show recently paid tribute to the late Len Goodman with a waltz
    $400 27
Charles Kao got a Nobel by applying to telephony the "old, old idea" of transmitting light through this material
    $400 30
The Geneva Free Port, a giant warehouse complex in this nation, houses an estimated 1.2 million works of art
    $400 26
Book 1 of the ancient work "Elements" deals with basic concepts in this field like "a line is a length without breadth"
    DD: $4,600 24
Andrew Greeley's "Novel of Papal Election" has this colorful title, the signal that a new pope has been chosen
    $800 23
French guys Mitterrand & Truffaut
    $800 21
Quinta Brunson & Sheryl Lee Ralph play teachers on this comedy that Brunson created
    $800 22
Maxwell Upson's mastery of the prestressed type of this material for support made the Lake Pontchartrain Causeway possible
    $800 10
Explore the cobblestone streets of this historic city on the Tagus River & visit the El Greco Museum
    $800 20
A punk band fronted by Billy Idol, or the group born following the baby boom
    $1200 1
"I am Carlo Ventresca... the late pope's camerlengo" is an introduction in this Dan Brown novel with title opposites
    $1200 12
Ex-P.M. Eden & ex-Supreme Court justice Kennedy
    $1200 9
For 5 seasons Idris Elba played this title BBC detective, struggling with his own demons while hunting down murderers in London
    $1200 14
This machine part "ratio" tells you how many times a little wheel has to turn for the big wheel it meshes with to turn once
    $1200 4
The Mount Athos area in Greece has monasteries that still follow this calendar that preceded the Gregorian
    $1200 17
I don't have time for your whole idea--just give me this, the essential part
    $1600 7
In Donna Woolfolk Cross' novel about the legend of the 9th century woman known as pope her, she passes as brother John
    $1600 11
Gangster Cohen & pulp writer Spillane
    $1600 6
Tony Danza was ballplayer-turned-domestic Tony Micelli on this sitcom
    $1600 16
Your degree isn't just on paper--oh yes it is, from this Atlanta school's former paper engineering program
    $1600 2
Until a Bangladesh-India deal, Dahala Khagrabari was a "3rd-order" this unit within foreign soil, lying within another within a 3rd
    DD: $8,400 18
In part this herb's name is from the Chinese for "human being" & its roots make it look like one
    $2000 8
18 years later but not exactly like "Clockwork", this novelist used his "Earthly Powers" to create Pope Gregory XVII
    $2000 13
Harlem renaissance writer McKay & French anthropologist Lévi-Strauss
    $2000 5
Barnabas Collins was the resident vampire on this Gothic soap of the 1960s & early '70s
    $2000 15
Petroleum engineers know that a darcy is a unit of this, or how readily a porous rock lets liquid through it
    $2000 3
Up we go! There are more than a dozen old-school funiculars in Valparaíso on the coast of this South American country
    $2000 19
Anthony Trollope's novels about Barsetshire concern the high class known by this 6-letter word, especially when they owned land

Scores at the end of the Double Jeopardy! Round:

Juveria Alec Robbi
$18,200 $10,000 $22,600

Final Jeopardy! Round

The scientific name of Jamaica's ackee fruit honors this captain who brought it to England in 1793

Final scores:

Juveria Alec Robbi
$25,200 $20,000 $8,600
Finalist 2nd place: $10,000 3rd place: $10,000

Game dynamics:

Coryat scores:

Juveria Alec Robbi
$19,200 $10,000 $12,000
23 R,
4 W
(including 1 DD)
13 R,
4 W
13 R
(including 2 DDs),
1 W

Combined Coryat: $41,200

[game responses] [game scores] [suggest correction]

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