Suggest correction - #2719 - 1996-05-30

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    $300 3
Crema Danica is a rich dessert cheese from this country

Show #2719 - Thursday, May 30, 1996


Gale Myers, a media research company owner from Honolulu, Hawaii

Damien Reynolds, a computer illustrator from Chicago, Illinois

John Ned, a student from Salt Lake City, Utah (1-day champion whose cash winnings total $14,100)

Jeopardy! Round

    $100 12
This grain, threshed & unhulled, is called paddy
    $100 6
A jelly holds this animal's eggs together & dissolves when the tadpoles hatch
    $100 11
This playwright was depicted on a 1995 U.S. stamp with a streetcar in the background
    $100 1
This independent state's official name is Stato Della Citta del Vaticano
    $100 17
It's "the Golden Rule"
    $100 18
Morgan Le Fey
    $200 13
The cutting edge of this common farm implement is called a share
    $200 7
Found on different islands in the Galapagos, these great animals started Darwin thinking about evolution
    $200 23
A 1988 Israeli stamp featured this young diarist & the Amsterdam house in which she hid
    $200 2
Millions of people travel by train in this country every day; some tourists take the Taj Express
    $200 27
Irving Thalberg told Louis B. Mayer not to buy this book, saying, "No Civil War picture ever made a nickel"
    $200 19
    $300 14
For this crop to develop fully, each thread of the silk must receive a grain of pollen
    $300 8
Used to slit its shell, it falls off a baby mamba a few days after it hatches
    $300 24
The island of St. Vincent honored this Texas pitcher, including his 5,000th strikeout
    $300 3
Crema Danica is a rich dessert cheese from this country
    $300 28
His advice to people in a 1966 lecture was "Turn on, tune in and drop out"
    $300 20
Woody Mahoney,
Finian McLonergan
    $400 15
Some organic wastes used as manures are compost & seabird droppings, called this
    $400 9
From the Greek for "crawling things", it's the study of reptiles & amphibians
    $400 25
For the 25th anniversary of the 1st moon landing, Bhutan issued stamps with this type of 3d image
    $400 4
Haarlem in this country has a museum named for artist Frans Hals, who spent most of his life there
    $400 29
Samuel Butler said to "Look before you ere you leap; for as you sow, ye are like to" do this
    $400 21
Marcellus Washburn,
Harold Hill
    $500 16
2,4-D, a selective one of these weedkillers, came into use in the 1940s
    $500 10
Because people thought the salamander lived in fire, this mineral became "salamander's wool"
    $500 26
In 1977, the year of his death, Cyprus issued stamps of this archbishop in full vestments
    DD: $600 5
The joropo is considered the national dance of this country that's named for a city in Italy
    $500 30
1987 Rob Reiner film with Wallace Shawn's advice "Never go in against a Sicilian when death is on the line"
    $500 22
Gabrielle Chanel

Scores at the first commercial break (after clue 15):

John Damien Gale
$1,000 $1,600 $300

Scores at the end of the Jeopardy! Round:

John Damien Gale
$300 $2,600 $200

Double Jeopardy! Round

    $200 26
Are you feeling lucky? Then come up with the name of this actor elected mayor of Carmel, Calif. in 1986
    $200 21
This doubting apostle was also called Didymus or "twin"
    $200 16
This Shakespeare comedy in which Shylock tries to claim a pound of flesh was probably written in 1596
    $200 8
Columbus named this Caribbean island group for St. Ursula & her 11,000 maidens
    $200 3
Wine shops sell a special tool to retrieve this if it's accidentally pushed into the bottle
    $200 1
Different "Carolyn Keene"s wrote about this girl detective, but Millie Benson was the first
    $400 27
Alessandra, the granddaughter of this dictator, was elected to the Italian Parliament in 1992
    $400 22
In 1 Chronicles Elhanan defeated the brother of this Philistine champion slain by David
    $400 17
Johannes Kepler defended this Pole's theory of the solar system in "Cosmographic Mystery"
    $400 9
French is an official language of this British-owned group of islands off the coast of France
    $400 4
The cheaper the champagne, the lower this should be for serving
    $400 2
This Perry Mason creator's pseudonyms included Carleton Kendrake & Charles J. Kenny
    $600 28
Silent film star Charlie Farrell was a mayor of this California city, as was Sonny Bono
    $600 23
One of his rare mentions outside Genesis is in 1 Chronicles 1:1, where he begins a family tree
    $600 18
The Spanish seized this French town on the Strait of Dover in 1596 & held it for 2 years
    $600 10
234-square-mile Lake Taupo on North Island is this nation's largest lake
    $600 5
The two most common ways of getting the juice out of the grapes are crushing & this
    $600 13
This author of "Lost Horizon" wrote the 1931 novel "Murder at School" under the pseudonym Glen Trevor
    $800 29
Sioux City citizens sent this seagoing star to Congress in 1986
    DD: $500 24
The name of this heroine of a Biblical book is derived from a Persian word for a star
    $800 19
This French philosopher known for his "Discourse on Method" was born March 31, 1596 in La Haye
    DD: $600 11
Toronto Harbor is separated from this Great Lake by the Toronto Islands
    $800 6
Name that completes Chateau Lafite & Chateau Mouton
    $800 14
Lute Puckett & Elmer Chubb were pseudonyms used by this "Spoon River" poet
    $1000 30
This Academy Award winner for "Women in Love" ran for Parliament in 1992 & won
    $1000 25
Ahab, king of Israel, is known for his marriage to this Sidonian who worshiped Baal
    $1000 20
During the year books 4-6 of his "The Faerie Queene" were published
    $1000 12
Malaysia's highest point, Mount Kinabalu, lies in the region of Sabah on this large island
    $1000 7
Used in a popular "white" blush wine, it's the most extensively planted red grape in California
    $1000 15
This "I, Claudius" novelist published some poems under the name John Doyle

Scores at the end of the Double Jeopardy! Round:

John Damien Gale
$6,500 $8,100 -$600

Final Jeopardy! Round

The 1st U.S. naval ship with a plural name honored their memory; a 2nd ship was christened in 1995

Final scores:

John Damien Gale
$100 $3,100 -$600
2nd place: Gateway PC New champion: $3,100 3rd place: Michael C. Fina flatware set

Game dynamics:

Coryat scores:

John Damien Gale
$7,100 $9,000 -$600
18 R,
6 W
(including 1 DD)
29 R
(including 1 DD),
5 W
(including 1 DD)
4 R,
2 W

Combined Coryat: $15,500

[game responses] [game scores] [suggest correction]

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