Suggest correction - #4 - 2023-05-09

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    $800 23
The IMDb credits for this actress begin in 1923; she goes ape quite memorably 10 years later & works until 1980

Jeopardy! Masters game #4 - Tuesday, May 9, 2023

2023 Jeopardy! Masters quarterfinal game 4.


Matt Amodio, a postdoctoral researcher from Cambridge, Massachusetts

James Holzhauer, a self-described game show villain from Las Vegas, Nevada

Andrew He, a software developer from San Francisco, California

Jeopardy! Round

    200 17
Golfers tee it up at the Masters each April, amidst the blooming azaleas & dogwoods at the National Golf Club in this Georgia city
    200 27
Harvard's Widener Library honors Harry Elkins Widener, whose rare works were donated after his death in this maritime disaster
    200 28
March 1, 1781: Finally!
The states fully ratified this document! No way it isn't a document guiding U.S. democracy forever!
    200 20
30 years after organizing this huge concert for famine aid in Ethiopia, Bob Geldof led a fund for private equity investing there
    200 29
It's how Caesar supposedly said, "I came, I saw, I conquered"
    200 30
Heidi Klum takes this espresso & steamed milk drink full-fat; Reese Witherspoon favors an almond soy one
    400 16
Many have said a prayer before playing the 11th, 12th & 13th holes, collectively known as this
    400 26
When this big-box retailer moved out, McAllen, Texas moved in to create a 123,000-square-foot public library, complete with a cafe
    400 25
Oooof, this year: Matthew Flinders died.
The White House, set on fire. 1,200 killed by the Philippines' Mayon volcano eruption
    400 19
This former name for Ethiopia is thought to come from an Arabic word meaning "mixture"
    400 22
Meaning "from the latter" & used of inductive reasoning, it's contrasted with "a priori"
    400 24
Be your own amateur barista using this national device for that perfect cup
    600 15
Here's this golf great; after sinking his putt in 1986, he would win the tournament for the sixth time
    600 13
In March 1889 the first American library endowed by this philanthropist opened in Braddock, Pennsylvania
    600 5
Dec. 29, 1170: Will no one rid me of this meddlesome priest?! I'm Henry II, for heaven's sake! You did? OK, awkward
    600 18
Seen here in written form, this Semitic language with 33 basic characters is spoken by millions of Ethiopians
    600 21
Heard in courtrooms, it's Latin for "elsewhere"
    600 23
This specialty coffee is grown in volcanic soils in the coffee belt of the same name at the base of Mauna Loa
    800 14
One of golf's greatest champions, he co-founded the club, & what became the Masters Tournament, in the 1930s
    800 12
The Haskell Free Library straddles the U.S. & Canada--the front door is in Vermont; the circulation desk, in this province
    800 3
July 28, 1794: Hold up, he dominated the Committee of Public Safety! Guillotine?! You just can't do that to this guy! Oh... I guess you can
    DD: 2,600 7
With many now living in Israel, Jews of Ethiopian origin trace their lineage to Menelik I, traditionally the son of this woman
    800 9
This type of argument is directed against a person, not the facts in dispute
    800 10
Vietnam grows the most robusta coffee, a stronger variety; Brazil grows the most of this other main variety, a more aromatic mild type
    1000 4
The annual champions dinner began in 1952 when he hosted, a year after his first Masters win & 3 years after a near-fatal car wreck
    1000 11
In 1996 this library moved its main branch from the Mazarin Palace on the rue de Richelieu to a new facility along the Seine
    1000 2
1494: This business league is comin' apart, man! Ivan III nixed Novgorod from being one of its kontors, or trading posts
    1000 6
There are 55 member nations of this regional organization whose headquarters in Addis Ababa are seen here
    1000 8
Want to start a war? You'd better have this 2-word justification
    1000 1
Company legend says Teddy Roosevelt praised Maxwell House coffee with these 5 words, a slogan they still use today

Scores at the end of the Jeopardy! Round:

Andrew James Matt
5,200 7,600 6,800

Double Jeopardy! Round

(Ken: You'll supply the title of each artwork with the word "of" in its title.)
    400 30
Here is the nebula that makes up part of the sword in this constellation
    400 29
In 1997 he was up for a Grammy, made a cameo in "Good Burger" & ended the season shooting 48% from the free throw line
    400 28
"All hope abandon, ye who enter here" appears in this medieval poem
    400 27
This verb can mean to view a movie, or to hide something from view, perhaps with a partition
    400 25
Naturally, in "Foreign Correspondent", Joel McCrea wore this coat with a name from World War I
    400 26
A kneeling trio offers the Christ child gifts of gold, frankincense & myrrh in this 1480s painting by Leonardo da Vinci
    800 11
An image from a NASA probe shows the Great Dark Spot on this planet
    800 23
The IMDb credits for this actress begin in 1923; she goes ape quite memorably 10 years later & works until 1980
    800 3
Poe's short story "The Murders" here marked the first appearance of the French detective C. Auguste Dupin
    800 19
To do this in the U.K. is to discuss a topic at a meeting; to do it in the U.S. is to postpone discussing it
    800 24
The U.S. Navy issued these, double-breasted, hip-length & dark blue, to new recruits until 2019
    DD: 13,200 9
This 1793 painting seen here depicts an event from July of that year
    1200 10
Solar prominences such as those seen here are huge clouds of relatively cool matter in this fourth state
    1200 22
Will Ferrell, as this Cubs announcer: "It's a simple question, doctor. Would you eat the Moon if it were made of ribs?"
    1200 1
Lewis Carroll was the pen name of this mathematician turned children's author
    1200 18
To split a diamond with a sharp instrument, or to cling to someone very closely
    1200 13
In 2019 this iconic star said a red coat she wore to protest the dangers of climate change will be the last clothing item she buys
    1200 6
The exuberant Matisse canvas "Le bonheur de vivre" has this title in English
    1600 8
This supernova remnant is M1, the first object listed in the Messier catalogue
    1600 21
One of many classic keyboard parts he's played with Elvis Costello is the organ on "Watching The Detectives"
    1600 2
A letter this author began writing to her grandfather evolved into her first novel "The House of the Spirits"
    1600 17
You can ask for one of these if you wish to delay a trial, but it can also refer to just going on with the trial
    DD: 10,400 14
This Scottish chemist invented a waterproof material that was used to make a raincoat that bears his name
    1600 5
Plato & Aristotle are the central figures in this allegory by Raphael
    2000 12
The bright rays visible at the bottom of the Moon emanate from this impact crater named for an astronomer
    2000 20
At Woodstock, he quipped, "What we have in mind is breakfast in bed for 400,000"; also, his real last name is Romney... Triiiippy!
    2000 4
Created by Edith Pargeter, this monk solves crimes in the Middle Ages in mysteries like "The Leper of Saint Giles"
    2000 16
An expression of regret for one's actions, or a defense like the one "of the Augsburg Confession"
    2000 15
Similar to a parka, this hooded jacket gets its name in part from Greenlandic Inuit
    2000 7
Enjoy an interior view of the arm of a Dutch criminal in this Rembrandt masterpiece depicting a renowned physician at work

Scores at the end of the Double Jeopardy! Round:

Andrew James Matt
9,600 28,400 28,400

Final Jeopardy! Round

In 1915 the assassination of President Sam brought Uncle Sam to this country, beginning a 19-year military occupation

Final scores:

Andrew James Matt
9,600 0 27,400
2nd place: 4 match points 3rd place: 3 match points Winner: 3 match points

Game dynamics:

Coryat scores:

Andrew James Matt
9,600 19,600 14,200
13 R,
1 W
27 R
(including 1 DD),
1 W
16 R
(including 2 DDs),
2 W

Combined Coryat: 43,400

[game responses] [game scores] [suggest correction]

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