Suggest correction - #12 - 2023-01-26

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    $900 18
This French peasant girl is seen here as 3 saints appear to tell her to fight the English; now, she's a saint herself

Primetime Celebrity Jeopardy! game #12 - Thursday, January 26, 2023

2022-2023 Primetime Celebrity Jeopardy! semifinal game 3.


Michael Cera, an actor from Brampton, Canada

Brendan Hunt, an actor from Chicago, Illinois

Patton Oswalt, a Grammy and Emmy Award-winning comedian from Portsmouth, Virginia

Jeopardy! Round

(Mayim: Responses begin with "G".)
(Mayim: A traveling exhibit of innovations that didn't work, with quotes from their website.)
    $100 26
It's a group of related, often unconscious ideas or impulses that affect a person's actions, like the Oedipus one
    $100 11
This No. 1 song says, "If you like it, then you should've put a ring on it"
    $100 6
A disease of this tuber in the 1840s led to famine, death & a large emigration away from Ireland
    $100 16
More than a mile deep in some places, it's the natural wonder seen here
    $100 21
Uncommon, or steak with a cool red center
    $100 1
This beverage brand "changed its classic recipe in 1985... consumers were furious... original formula was rapidly re-introduced"
    $200 27
Around 1880 Dr. Charles Lasegue described this impulse control disorder involving theft as typical of housewives
    $200 12
Though the title mentions a different car part, Nicky Youre is in a convertible in the video for this hit song heard here

"You got me stuck on the thought of you /
You're making me feel brand new /
You're more than the sunshine in my eyes /
La da la da da, la da dai /
La da la da di dai..."
    DD: $300 7
It's a county bordered by the river Shannon as well as a comical 5-line poem
    $200 17
This "colorful" place is the largest island in the world
    $200 22
Uh-oh, someone left the door this way, partly open
    $200 2
Shake it like a this picture? Great! But its Instant Video Camera System? That "could only record 2 1/2 minutes of murky, dark video"
    $300 28
You may have run into people with this personality disorder named for a self-involved youth who loved his own reflection
    $300 13
In the '80s we were "Head Over Heels" for this all-female group; they did, in fact, have the beat
    $300 8
Born in Drogheda, this actor has played James Bond in film & Remington Steele on TV
    $300 18
Officially, it's known as the Hellenic Republic, but this is the name we usually use for it
    $300 23
Meaning super luxurious or stylish, it was also Victoria Beckham's Spice Girl name
    $300 3
"The technology didn't quite work" in the "Glass" by this company & the built-in camera raised concerns about privacy issues
    $400 29
The American Psychological Assoc. defines these 2 personality types as "inward & self-directed" & "outward & social-directed"
    $400 14
The 2022 song "Bam Bam" features vocals by Ed Sheeran & this Cuban-American superstar
    $400 9
The name of these mischievous little people of folklore may have come from Old Irish words for "small" & "body"
    $400 19
In separating Spain from Morocco, the strait of this also separates Europe from Africa
    $400 24
This adjective invoking morning moisture is applied to skin that looks hydrated, glowing & smooth
    $400 4
"Singles" from this baby food co. was adult food, but "it might as well have been called 'I Live Alone & Eat My Meals From a Jar"'
    $500 30
These 2 psychology superstars & one-time collaborators are seen here at Clark University in 1909 before they quarreled
    $500 15
Here's this "Unstoppable" singer wearing one of her trademark oversized wigs
    $500 10
Kissing this stone at the Irish castle of the same name is said to give the kisser the gift of persuasive speaking
    $500 20
Nearly half the people of this country, the most populous in Central America, descend from the Maya
    $500 25
File under "Z"--this word means comical or just plain ludicrous
    $500 5
"A severely underpowered engine" made this '80s car "painfully slow", but it was a massive success as a time machine

Scores at the first commercial break (after clue 15):

Patton Brendan Michael
$1,400 $1,800 $400

Scores at the end of the Jeopardy! Round:

Patton Brendan Michael
$2,900 $3,400 $1,400

Double Jeopardy! Round

____ & ____
    $200 11
"There's a sucker born every minute" is attributed to this circus showman, but there's no proof he ever really said or wrote it
    $200 1
He's the roguish, rum-obsessed captain played by Johnny Depp in the "Pirates of the Caribbean" franchise
    $200 16
Bestsellers by John Irving include "The Cider House Rules" & "The World According to" him
    $200 21
As the saying goes, this animal can't change its spots
    $200 6
Former lovers beware! This sort of interview may betray your past intimacies
    $200 26
According to Zillow, this residence at 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue NW in Washington, D.C. is worth about $500 million
    $400 12
A line from the screenplay for the Oliver Stone film "Wall Street" says that this "is good!"
    $400 2
This actress was iconic as Holly Golightly in the film "Breakfast at Tiffany's"
    $400 17
In a No. 1 bestseller, Terry McMillan told "How Stella", on vacation in Jamaica, fell in love & "Got" this back
    $400 22
The heart of this long-necked mammal can weigh about 20 pounds
    $400 7
Biblical scholars are known to quote the Bible this specific way
    DD: $3,800 27
A private jet named the Lisa Marie & the jungle room with its green shag carpet are highlights of this Memphis estate
    $600 13
This movie star purred lines like "Goodness had nothing to do with it" & "I used to be Snow White, but I drifted"
    $600 3
Her roles have included Ma Rainey in film & Annalise Keating on "How to Get Away with Murder"
    $600 18
NPR legal affairs correspondent Nina Totenberg details her friendship with this late Supreme Court justice in "Dinners with Ruth"
    $600 23
The bottlenose species of this critter looks like it's smiling, but that's just the way its mouth is shaped
    $600 8
Hopefully, that check you're trying to cash isn't deemed this redundant way, meaning invalid
    $600 28
Highclere Castle played the title place of this TV series that featured Maggie Smith as the Dowager Countess of Grantham
    $800 14
Just one of the many witticisms from Dorothy Parker: "Brevity is the soul of" this, a fancy word for ladies' undergarments
    $800 4
In this 1982 movie comedy, Dustin Hoffman played Michael Dorsey & Dorothy Michaels
    $800 19
The title of this heartbreaking young adult novel by John Green about Augustus & Hazel is based on a line from Shakespeare
    $800 24
Dian Fossey was an expert on mountain gorillas; Jane Goodall studied these apes in Tanzania
    $800 9
Lunar enthusiasts are partial to this alliterative idiom of 2 verbs that refers to any periodic change in size or strength
    $800 29
This London palace has 775 rooms, but it didn't have a ballroom until the 1850s (how did the royals ever manage without one?)
    DD: $2,400 15
In a 2016 speech at the Democratic National Convention, she instructed, "When they go low, we go high"
    $1000 5
As Anton Chigurh in this 2007 film, Javier Bardem & his haircut were both downright frightening
    $1000 20
Everyone's favorite astrophysicist, he shares some cosmic perspectives in 2022's "Starry Messenger"
    $1000 25
This flightless bird ranges in size from blue (smallest) to emperor (largest)
    $1000 10
This watery idiom refers to never-ending fluctuations
    $1000 30
Stairs to nowhere & doors that open into walls are part of this "Mystery House" built by a member of a gun-making family

Scores at the Double Jeopardy! Round commercial break (after clue 15):

Patton Brendan Michael
$7,300 $8,200 $1,800

Scores at the end of the Double Jeopardy! Round:

Patton Brendan Michael
$8,700 $12,400 $8,600

Triple Jeopardy! Round

(Amy Schneider: I'm Jeopardy! superchamp and reigning Tournament of Champions winner Amy Schneider with clues about my team, the NBA champion Golden State Warriors.)
    $300 1
Popularly ground & used in baking, this spice comes from the inner bark of a certain tree
    $300 6
This group that would-be presidents need 270 votes from isn't an educational institution; the second word can also mean a society
    $300 21
It's where a hockey player goes to serve the sentence for slashing, kneeing or butt-ending
    $300 26
Entomology is the study of these, of which there are close to a million identified species
    $300 16
In 1935 Persia officially became this country
    $300 11
(Amy Schneider presents the clue.) The Warriors helped usher in the NBA's 3-point era behind the accuracy of the Splash Brothers, Klay Thompson & this record-setting sharpshooter
    $600 2
Dates & coconuts grow on varieties of this tree
    $600 7
Stephen Colbert called President Biden's 2022 pardon for people convicted of possession of this "a green New Deal"
    $600 22
We can bleep out what you said when you forgot that state capital, but you still owe a buck in this container
    $600 27
Zodiac signs & how the stars & planets align are of interest to those who study this field
    $600 17
In 1922 Howard Carter made a huge discovery in Egypt, the tomb of this royal
    $600 12
(Amy Schneider presents the clue.) Beginning in 2015, the Warriors squared off in 4 straight NBA Finals, with LeBron & these Eastern Conference champs, winning 3 out of 4
    $900 3
Looks like this fruit is about ready for picking
    $900 8
The person elected to this position casts the deciding vote if the Senate is tied, so he or she always votes on the winning side
    $900 23
The pointy hat worn by 19th century schoolkids to show supposed mental failings often bore a helpful "D", for this
    $900 28
Its name means "earth study" & it studies all that makes up the Earth, including its rocks & minerals
    $900 18
This French peasant girl is seen here as 3 saints appear to tell her to fight the English; now, she's a saint herself
    $900 13
(Amy Schneider presents the clue.) In 2022, the Warriors captured their 4th NBA championship in 8 years, besting this team that had Jason Tatum & the ghosts of past champions
    $1200 4
Like a major comb-over, Spanish moss is frequently found hanging from the "bald" type of this tree
    $1200 9
A 2018 USA Today headline: "Rex Tillerson was on the toilet when he was told he'd be fired" from this diplomatic Cabinet job
    $1200 24
A DD-214 is a discharge paper from the military; the worst kind is this "DD", when you did something really bad
    DD: $5,000 29
It sounds like it might be the study of shooting stars, but it's the science of the atmosphere, weather & weather forecasting
    $1200 19
Not too appealing, this king of the Huns was described as short & squat with a large head & a flat nose
    $1200 14
(Amy Schneider presents the clue.) After winning an NBA-record 73 games in 2015-2016, the Warriors got even more formidable with the addition of this former MVP as a free agent
    $1500 5
As seen here, this invasive, fast-growing vine brought from Asia to the U.S. has overtaken trees in the South
    $1500 10
It's the process of changing voting areas in states after each census; the job Alabama did went to the Supreme Court in 2022
    DD: $3,000 25
In this Nathaniel Hawthorne novel, single mom Hester Prynne must wear a red "A" on her dress
    $1500 30
Nephrology is the branch of medicine that deals with these paired organs
    DD: $9,800 20
This dynasty that ruled China from 1368 to 1644 was noted for its arts & culture including, of course, ceramics & porcelain vases
    $1500 15
(Amy Schneider presents the clue.) The Warriors came to San Francisco from Philadelphia in 1962, bringing this superstar 7-footer who averaged an incredible 44.8 points per game in his 1st season by the Bay

Scores at the end of the Triple Jeopardy! Round:

Patton Brendan Michael
$12,300 $31,200 $20,800

Final Jeopardy! Round

"Breeders, Wives and Unwomen" was the headline of the New York Times' 1986 review of this novel

Final scores:

Patton Brendan Michael
$24,600 $20,700 $0
Winner: finalist 2nd place: $50,000 to Soccer Without Borders 3rd place: $50,000 to Saving Mothers

Game dynamics:

Coryat scores:

Patton Brendan Michael
$10,800 $25,900 $9,100
24 R
(including 2 DDs),
1 W
42 R
(including 2 DDs),
1 W
19 R
(including 2 DDs),
6 W

Combined Coryat: $45,800

[game responses] [game scores] [suggest correction]

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