Suggest correction - #1382 - 1990-09-11

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    $100 9
If you're a venireman you've been called to this duty

Show #1382 - Tuesday, September 11, 1990

Game entered from audiorecording. Missing prizes.


Scott Wolf, a pharmacy technician from Universal City, Texas

Pam Angerer Payne, a full-time student originally from Alhambra, California

Ed Allen, a writer and teacher from Memphis, Tennessee (1-day champion whose cash winnings total $12,001)

Jeopardy! Round

    $100 1
One of these is a TV network symbol; many are a muster
    $100 2
This sport probably originated when ancient Roman soldiers didn't have any quoits to throw
    $100 21
It can be found in jelly & juleps
    $100 16
He was court martialed as a lt. colonel during the Revolutionary War, long after his famous ride
    $100 9
If you're a venireman you've been called to this duty
    $100 26
She played Nola Dancy Aldrich on the soap opera "The Doctors" before she turned up her "Body Heat"
    $200 4
One of these is a TV network; many are a skulk
    $200 3
After baseball it's Japan's most popular spectator sport
    $200 22
The World Encyclopedia of Food calls it the most popular garnish in the U.S. for fish, meat & poultry dishes
    $200 17
This 1803 acquisition doubled the size of the United States
    $200 10
It's defined as testimony or other material presented to prove the existence of a fact
    DD: $600 27
Buddhist from Brownsville, Tennessee, heard here, dishing out advice:

"Oh, you better be good to me / That's how it's gotta be now..."
    $300 5
A group of elk or a group of hoodlums
    $300 6
1 of 2 Wimbledon singles champions whose last name is Smith
    $300 23
It takes about 900,000 of these grayish-blue seeds found on Kaiser rolls to make a pound
    $300 18
Passed in 1862, this act granted free farmland to settlers
    $300 11
An attorney at law is a member of the bar & an officer of this
    $400 14
A group of whales, it's also slang for a shapely legs, something a whale lacks
    $400 7
Though unable to walk from the age of 4 to 8, she went on to win 3 Olympic gold medals in track in 1960
    $400 24
The region of Szeged in this country is known for producing & exporting paprika
    $400 19
A liquor tax imposed in 1791 resulted in this uprising by Pennsylvania farmers
    $400 12
While it normally means harms, in law it means money, and could be compensatory
    $500 15
This name for a group of caterpillars makes sense; they do march on their stomachs
    $500 8
In 1457, Scotland's James II complained golf was interfering with this sport used in wartime
    $500 25
It's known as the herb of remembrance as "Hamlet"s Ophelia could tell you
    $500 20
Angered by the Boston Tea Party, Britain passed these laws to punish the colonists
    $500 13
Under Article I, Section II of the Constitution, the House has the sole power of this

Scores at the first commercial break (after clue 13):

Ed Pam Scott
$1,300 -$700 $1,000

Scores at the end of the Jeopardy! Round:

Ed Pam Scott
$2,200 $800 $1,300

Double Jeopardy! Round

(Alex: It could also include women in space, of course.)
    $200 16
On its 34,981st orbit, July 11, 1979, it fell to Earth over Western Australia
    $200 21
Late artist whose brother Paul Warhola also paints subjects like ketchup bottles & cans of beans
    $200 11
Chile's west coast & Japan's east, both border this body of water
    $200 25
This play was first written in French and its original title was "En attendant Godot"
    $200 1
Herodotus said this fabulist lived as a slave on Samos in the 6th century B.C.
    $200 6
Dogs don't have sweat glands all over their body so they usually cool themselves by doing this
    $400 17
The Soviet's Buran 1st launched in 1988, looks almost exactly like this U.S. craft
    $400 22
Van Dyck's influence on Gainsborough can be seen in this portrait of a child painted c. 1770
    $400 12
Oddly, Mount Kenya has 12 glaciers though its base straddles this line
    $400 26
The first of her books to be dramatized was "The Murder of Roger Ackroyd" which became the play "Alibi"
    $400 2
This general wrote commentaries on the Roman Civil War & on his campaigns in Gaul
    $400 7
This spotted dog which use to guard horse-drawn vehicles, is also called the coach dog
    $600 18
On July 21, 1969, NASA executed its first manned takeoff from this site
    $600 23
In Willard's original "The Spirit of '76" 2 people are playing this instrument
    DD: $1,000 13
As Windsor is opposite Detroit, this French port is opposite Dover
    $600 27
He was the leading man in the original 1930 production of his own play "Private Lives"
    $600 3
In Virgil's "Aeneid" the Trojan priest Laocoon says, "I fear them, even when they bring gifts"
    $600 8
These sheep herding dogs are known as "Shelties" for short
    $800 19
The ESA, which is currently sending up satellites on Ariane launch vehicles is this
    DD: $500 24
He also painted "Majas on a Balcony" & they had their clothes on
    $800 14
Port city on the Tyrrhenian Sea that's the capital of Sicily
    $800 28
Tennessee Williams wrote a one-act play called "27 Wagons Full of" this
    $800 4
He's called the most powerful Roman satirist & he doesn't seem childish in his attacks on government
    $800 9
The coats of these German badger hounds can be smooth, long or wiry
    $1000 20
In 1966, on his first space flight, he & David Scott performed the first docking of 2 vehicles in space
    $1000 15
Along with Bolivia the other landlocked country in South America
    $1000 5
He took part in the Peloponnesian War & later wrote his famous history of it
    $1000 10
This African dog, known as a barkless dog, does make sounds other than barks

Scores at the end of the Double Jeopardy! Round:

Ed Pam Scott
$5,800 $4,200 $1,800

Final Jeopardy! Round

More popes have taken this name than any other, but only the first one was declared a saint

Final scores:

Ed Pam Scott
$8,401 $200 $200
2-day champion: $20,402 2nd place 3rd place

Game dynamics:

Coryat scores:

Ed Pam Scott
$5,400 $3,800 $2,300
18 R
(including 1 DD),
3 W
15 R
(including 1 DD),
5 W
13 R,
6 W
(including 1 DD)

Combined Coryat: $11,500

[game responses] [game scores] [suggest correction]

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