Suggest correction - #1029 - 1989-02-09

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    $500 23
He led what is believed to be the 1st European expedition to the N. American mainland in about 1000 A.D.

Show #1029 - Thursday, February 9, 1989

1989 Teen Tournament quarterfinal game 4.


Matt Lindley, a senior from Cleveland Heights, Ohio

Marny Helfrich, a junior from Baltimore, Maryland

Eric Newhouse, a junior from Sioux City, Iowa

Jeopardy! Round

    $100 12
The name of this country came from "Rus", a band of Swedish Vikings who settled in Eastern Europe
    $100 7
Many of the finest prehistoric paintings were found in these, as a spelunker could tell you
    $100 11
"Flu" is short for this word, which sounds much more serious
    $100 21
The name of this linear measurement comes from the Latin "uncia", meaning "twelfth part"
    $100 14
If you believe the Brothers Grimm, these animals eat grandmothers & little girls who wear red
    $100 1
It's rude to do this with your mouth full of celery stalks
    $200 13
In 911 the Vikings got control of this region of France whose name means "Land of the Northmen"
    $200 8
This famous statue is so named because it was found on the Greek island of Melos
    $200 18
People who have the mumps are no longer contagious after this disappears
    $200 15
It's about 5.88 trillion miles
    $200 22
The reason Cinderella's stepsisters cut off parts of their feet
    $200 2
You can add some of this to boiling water to keep your spaghetti from sticking
    $300 16
World Book says the Vikings ate two meals daily but only with these two eating utensils
    $300 6
The man in the painting "American Gothic" is grasping this farm implement
    $300 19
Some doctors use cryosurgery, which is this, to destroy warts
    $300 17
Quite logically, 100 surveyor's links equal one of these
    $300 24
In some versions of this very Grimm opera, the witch is baked in a gigantic honey cake
    $300 3
What a man brings to the woman he wants to marry
    $400 20
Old Viking runes aren't crumbled buildings but these
    $400 9
The name of this art movement is from the French for "beyond what is realistic"
    $400 27
Doctors often also remove these lymphoid tissues when they take out your tonsils
    $400 25
A nail, an ell & a bolt are all used to measure this
    DD: $500 29
In the Grimm version, the queen who tried to poison her was forced to dance until she died
    $400 4
It's a Greek letter--in Ypsilanti, Michigan
    $500 23
He led what is believed to be the 1st European expedition to the N. American mainland in about 1000 A.D.
    $500 10
His grandmother was a pioneer for women's rights in Peru, & he painted the women of Tahiti
    $500 28
Fainting is caused by a sudden drop in this
    $500 26
Originally, this measurement of ocean depths was the length of rope between one's out-stretched arms
    $500 30
She was taken away from her parents because her mother ate rampion from the witch's garden
    $500 5
Pronoun you can use when talking about a girl named Cheryl

Scores at the first commercial break (after clue 13):

Eric Marny Matt
$1,800 $400 $100

Scores at the end of the Jeopardy! Round:

Eric Marny Matt
$4,400 $500 $600

Double Jeopardy! Round

    $200 4
These islands were named for the Latin for "dog", not for the yellow birds that are also found there
    $200 27
Back in 1917 George Hale showed off his new 100 inch reflecting one of these on Mt. Wilson
    $200 1
James Whitcomb Riley wrote a poem about this "Little Orphant"
    $200 6
On May 5 Pravda published its 1st major account of this late April accident
    $200 2
This former actor is probably the most famous graduate of Illinois' Eureka College
    $200 21
The strings inside your piano are struck by these, but they didn't come from a hardware store
    $400 3
1492 was a banner year for Spain; Columbus reached America & these invaders were finally defeated
    $400 18
The Russians consider Alexander Popov as the inventor of this, not Marconi
    $400 5
His trip to the Arctic on a seal hunting ship provided background for "The Sea Wolf"
    $400 8
A 1986 law moved the start of this from the last to the 1st Sunday in April
    $400 7
Like Brooke Shields, F. Scott Fitzgerald attended this N.J. univ., but he didn't graduate
    $400 26
Like some guitars, pianos have strings made of this metal
    $600 12
Cervantes' "Don Quixote" made this Spanish province famous
    $600 20
American physicist Robert Millikan gave this name to the radiation bombarding the earth
    $600 15
For Tom Braden "Eight is Enough", but in Frank Gilbreth's family, kids were "cheaper" this way
    $600 9
He "drew" a "line of death" across the Gulf of Sidra & dared the U.S. to cross it
    $600 19
Founded in 1538, the University of Santo Domingo in this country is the oldest in the New World
    DD: $2,000 28
Residence where you'd find the piano seen here, donated by the Steinway family in 1938
    $800 13
While bullfighting is Spain's most distinctive sport, this int'l sport is the most popular
    $800 24
Scottish chemist who invented the flask now called a Thermos bottle
    $800 16
A Sinclair Lewis novel about the medical profession, it's a homophone of a heavy metal band
    DD: $1,200 10
Viewed for the 1st time in 74 years, it was found about 500 miles south of Newfoundland
    $800 22
This Washington, D.C. univ. is the oldest Catholic institution of higher education in the U.S.
    $800 29
The piano was invented in this country in 1709
    $1000 14
This famous cellist left Spain in 1939 as a protest against the Franco government
    $1000 25
In the 1830s Charles Babbage tried to make an "analytical engine", a mechanical one of these
    $1000 17
The 1985 movie "Smooth Talk" was based on her short story "Where Are You Going, Where Have You Been?"
    $1000 11
Eugene Hasenfus was the only survivor in a supply plane shot down over this country in October
    $1000 23
Smith College, the largest privately endowed women's college in the U.S., is in this state
    $1000 30
Pianolas, which were popular in the late 1800s, are also known by this name

Scores at the end of the Double Jeopardy! Round:

Eric Marny Matt
$11,600 $1,500 $5,400
(lock game)

Final Jeopardy! Round

She was the guest of honor at the last state dinner President Reagan hosted

Final scores:

Eric Marny Matt
$12,399 $3,000 $9,400
Automatic semifinalist 3rd place: $1,000 if not wild card semifinalist 2nd place: $1,000 if not wild card semifinalist

Game dynamics:

Coryat scores:

Eric Marny Matt
$10,700 $1,500 $5,000
29 R
(including 1 DD),
3 W
(including 1 DD)
8 R,
3 W
17 R
(including 1 DD),
6 W

Combined Coryat: $17,200

[game responses] [game scores] [suggest correction]

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