Suggest correction - #4293 - 2003-04-09

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    $2000 5
Newsweek called this film directed by Guy Ritchie "Madonna's Shipwreck"

Show #4293 - Wednesday, April 9, 2003


Doris Click, a high school Spanish teacher from Durham, North Carolina

Carla Bradford, a mom and part-time graduate student from Bedford, Massachusetts

Bruce Janger, a retired attorney from Santa Monica, California (1-day champion whose cash winnings total $22,401)

Jeopardy! Round

    $200 7
In May 2001 Gerald Ford stopped into this president's library to pick up its Profiles in Courage Award
    $200 6
The eggs in Eggs Benedict aren't fried or scrambled, but cooked this way
    $200 18
To start with, S. is for this
    $200 1
In 2001 he was "Bringing It All Back Home": a Golden Globe & an Oscar for "Things Have Changed"
    $200 12
Besides East Timor, 2 of the 3 independent countries with compass directions in their English names
    $200 13
Your wife or husband
    $400 8
Pres. Bush chose Bob Mueller to replace Louis Freeh, who had resigned as head of this agency
    $400 20
In the Persian dish Dolmeh Sib, this fruit is stuffed with a mix of peas, onions & meat -- a little too much to give to a teacher
    $400 19
She's an S.A.F., the A. for this ethnic origin
    $400 2
Melanie Griffith had "A Bod in Sin" in this film, but it was Carly Simon's "Let the River Run" that won an Oscar
    $400 26
They're the 2 western European island countries whose names differ by only one letter
    $400 14
(Sarah of the Clue Crew) When your campfire is over, you should do this to it, preferably with water
    $600 9
The Galerie Nationale du Jeu de Paume exhibited erotic works this artist did between ages 13 & 92
    $600 21
This salad green, a variety of Italian chicory, is usually reddish
    $600 24
Physically, this S.A.F. is H.W.P., height & weight this
    $600 3
"Georgy Girl" & "Alfie" lost to this 1966 song that lionized a lioness named Elsa
    DD: $1,600 27
It's the only country in the world with the name of its ruling family in the name of the country
    $600 15
Peasant is a popular type of this, & so is tunic
    $800 10
This 125-year-old women's magazine was briefly recast as "Rosie"
    $800 22
An Austrian fingerling is a light-skinned, yellow-fleshed one of these
    $800 25
Nothing casual for this S.A.F., H.W.P. -- she wants this, an L.T.R.
    $800 4
(Jimmy of the Clue Crew in Rome) It's the title of a 1954 hit that won an Oscar for Best Song, & here's your big clue
    $800 28
Of the countries named for saints, the one that's completely surrounded by Italy
    $800 16
Kevin Kline played a down-on-his-luck architect in the movie "Life as a" this
    $1000 11
In July 2001 a cargo plane brought the salvaged parts of a U.S. spy plane back to the U.S. from this country
    $1000 23
(Cheryl of the Clue Crew) This term for crimped decorative edge of a pie crust includes the name of a musical instrument
    $1000 30
The S.A.M. whom this S.A.F. wants an L.T.R. with has to be N.S.N.D., for this
    $1000 5
This legendary Broadway duo won only one Best Song Oscar, for the theme to "Gigi"
    $1000 29
It's the only nation in the world with "name" in its English name
    $1000 17
Species of this bird include the blue, spruce & ruffed

Scores at the first commercial break (after clue 15):

Bruce Carla Doris
$5,000 $800 $400

Scores at the end of the Jeopardy! Round:

Bruce Carla Doris
$7,200 $2,800 $1,000

Double Jeopardy! Round

    $400 6
    $400 1
Rolling Stone said of this Ashley Judd-Sandra Bullock chick flick, "Ya-Ya is a definite no-no"
    $400 26
Immanuel Kant was born in Konigsberg, Prussia, which is now known as Kaliningrad in this country
    $400 21
Forms of this religion include Mahayana, Theravada & Zen
    $400 16
Eye exactly 8 tentacles on a marine mollusk & you're looking at one of these animals
    $400 11
Proverbially, it's a difficult place to put "a square peg"
    $800 7
"The Great Communicator"
    $800 2
A review of this 2002 "love" story by P.T. Anderson marveled, "Adam Sandler! In an art film!"
    $800 30
Kant wrote a title one of these "of Pure Reason" & one "of Practical Reason"
    $800 22
In 300 A.D. Armenia became the first country in the world to make this faith its official religion
    $800 17
Eye 8 points on one of these religious symbols & it's probably a Maltese one
    $800 12
2-word term for a gathering place where drinks are sold
    $1200 8
"The Sage of The Hermitage"
    $1200 3
The L.A. Times said, "The South takes another beating" in this film where Reese Witherspoon is a "Dixie Holly Golightly"
    $1200 27
2 ways of gaining knowledge described by Kant were "a posteriori" & this Latin opposite
    $1200 23
Conquering soldiers brought this young religion to north Africa around 642 A.D.
    $1200 18
Behold 8 historic bathhouses preserved along Bathhouse Row & you're in this nat'l park in Arkansas
    DD: $600 13
Named for a trapper who once lived there, it's a fertile valley in Wyoming's Grand Teton National Park
    $1600 9
"The Hangman of Buffalo"
    $1600 4
One review said that "The inspirational hooks" in this 2002 Eminem movie "reek of an After-School Special"
    $1600 28
Immanuel Kant said the work of this 18th century Scottish philosopher awoke him from a dogmatic slumber
    $1600 24
On October 20 followers of this religion celebrate the birth of the Bab
    $1600 19
Spot John Cusack as one of 8 disgraced Chicago White Sox & you're watching this 1988 film
    $1600 14
A research vessel from this oceanographic institute on Cape Cod located the Titanic in 1985
    $2000 10
"The Idol of Ohio"
    $2000 5
Newsweek called this film directed by Guy Ritchie "Madonna's Shipwreck"
    $2000 29
According to Kant, any unavoidable requirement of moral law was this kind of "imperative"
    DD: $4,000 25
When members of this offshoot of Hinduism perform important rituals, they use water stirred with a ceremonial sword
    $2000 20
Gaze upon paintings by the American school known as "The 8" & remember this, their other "trashy" name
    $2000 15
These heavenly phenomena are defined in part by their Schwarzschild radii

Scores at the end of the Double Jeopardy! Round:

Bruce Carla Doris
$21,400 $3,600 $2,600
(lock game)

Final Jeopardy! Round

Walter Cronkite said it was first used in 1952 for "Not exactly a reporter, not exactly a commentator"

Final scores:

Bruce Carla Doris
$25,000 $7,200 $3,100
2-day champion: $47,401 2nd place: $2,000 3rd place: $1,000

Game dynamics:

Coryat scores:

Bruce Carla Doris
$22,000 $3,600 $8,200
27 R
(including 1 DD),
1 W
10 R,
3 W
11 R,
3 W
(including 2 DDs)

Combined Coryat: $33,800

[game responses] [game scores] [suggest correction]

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