Show #133 - Wednesday, March 13, 1985

Paula Tupper game 2.
Game entered from audiorecording.


Alan Baumgardner, a recording engineer from Buffalo, New York

Dave Lawrence, a sales consultant from West Covina, California

Paula Tupper, a law student from Santee, California (whose 1-day cash winnings total $6,900)

[next game >>]

Jeopardy! Round

    $100 14
Number of horns on the common African black rhino
    $100 1
Though filmed in Hollywood, "Taxi" was set here
    $100 6
When you swing your partner & do-si-do
    $100 8
European country that ruled the Philippines before the U.S.
    $100 21
Appropriately, Karl Marx's favorite color
    $100 13
Like, it's the opposite of a downer, man
    $200 19
While Ben was a rat, Gentle Ben was this
    $200 2
Its star Fred Gwynne said "It was the Donna Reed show with monsters"
    $200 7
'60s spud crusher
    $200 9
Name by which Julius Caesar knew France
    $200 22
Colors on Swedish flag used to name "I Am Curious" films
    $200 18
Where you are if you missed the boat
    $300 20
During a show, they compete for performance, breeding & equitation prizes
    DD: $500 3
It featured a dead parrot, the Spanish Inquisition & this Sousa march
    $300 15
Travolta & Debra Wing-ed their way around Gilley's, popularizing this
    $300 10
Official language of the Byzantine Empire
    $300 23
Secret Sicilian organization active in the U.S. in the early 20th century
    $300 25
What you are when you start puttin' on airs & getting persnickety
    $400 24
About 12,000 years ago, these probably became the first animals to be tamed
    $400 4
Ceremonial acts, or a syndicated prime time soap opera
    $400 16
B-boys do it, rappers rhyme to it, DJs control it
    $400 11
Century called "Age of Enlightenment"
    $500 5
This '50s anthology series featured such original dramas as "Requiem for a Heavyweight" & "The Miracle Worker"
    $500 17
Original version of this dance was only record to hit #1 two different times, in 1960 & 1962
    $500 12
Formerly a chicken farmer, he headed the Nazi SS

Scores at the first commercial break (after clue 7):

Paula David Alan
-$100 $100 $500

Scores at the end of the Jeopardy! Round:

Paula David Alan
$1,700 $200 $700

Double Jeopardy! Round

    $200 11
Number of watts in a kilowatt
    $200 6
Hannibal Hamlin, first Republican Vice-President, served under him
    $200 1
There were no witch trials at this Oregon capital
    $200 14
American poet who spent his life adding to, not cutting his "Leaves of Grass"
    $200 21
This early Greek physician is said to have used nearly 500 herbs to treat patients
    $200 17
Informal geographic term for Australia's location
    $400 12
A mixture of ethyl alcohol & gasoline
    $400 7
Highest office ever held by 2-time Presidential contender Thomas Dewey
    $400 2
West Virginia's capital, not South Carolina's
    $400 15
His own short story "A Calculus at Heaven" was the basis for his novel "The Naked & The Dead"
    $400 22
Technical term for vitamin C, it means "no scurvy"
    $400 18
Sheila is slang for this
    $600 13
The Netherlands is the world's 3rd-largest producer of this energy source
    $600 8
After leaving baseball in 1956, this Black Dodgers star was active in New York politics
    $600 3
The capital of this state is named for our 3rd President
    $600 16
In his native German, this Erich Maria Remarque novel title is "Im Westen nichts Neues"
    $600 25
Ringworm isn't caused by worms or rings, but a type of this
    $800 23
Energy derived from the natural heat of the Earth
    DD: $1,000 9
Last President to submit a balanced budget
    DD: $1,000 4
The 2 state capitals whose names come from the same explorer
    $800 19
Storm-beaten house on the Moors owned by the kindly old Mr. Earnshaw
    $1000 24
The world's largest hydroelectric plant is located on the border of Paraguay & this country
    $1000 10
Since 1948, this former governor has sought presidential nomination seven times
    $1000 5
America's easternmost state capital
    $1000 20
Last name of British family of writers Sir Osbert, Sacheverell, & Dame Edith

Scores at the end of the Double Jeopardy! Round:

Paula David Alan
$2,700 $3,400 $2,300

[wagering suggestions for these scores]

Final Jeopardy! Round

Branch of mathematics that means "to measure the earth"

Final scores:

Paula David Alan
$5,200 $4,400 $4,595
2-day champion: $12,100 3rd place: Smith-Corona electronic typewriter 2nd place: Vacation to Palm Springs + set of Jetson radial tires

Game dynamics:

Game dynamics graph

Coryat scores:

Paula David Alan
$3,200 $4,400 $2,100
13 R,
4 W
(including 1 DD)
19 R,
8 W
(including 1 DD)
14 R
(including 1 DD),
6 W

Combined Coryat: $9,700

[game responses] [game scores] [suggest correction]

Game tape date: 1984-12-04
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