A consultant from Penn Wynne, Pennsylvania...

Michael Galvin

Date of first appearance:
February 1987

Total winnings:

Records held/Stats:
First Teen Tournament Champion

Favorite anecdote associated with being on the show?
Well. I did give Alex Trebek underwear with my high school's logo on national television...

Did being on Jeopardy! have any affect your life?
I was locally famous for a while after I was on television, and more people than the average recognized me the first few weeks of college, I suppose. I did use my winnings eventually as a down payment on our house, so that's certainly a big effect.

Did you do anything crazy with your winnings?
Not really, they were invested, and I used some of them to supplement my income when I was a college professor and the remainder as a down payment on my house.

"He was the first winner of the Teen Tournament back in 1987. Now he's a consultant living in Penn Wynne, Pennsylvania."

The official UToC web site listed Michael's residence as Wynnewood, Pennsylvania.

2005 Ultimate Tournament of Champions Round 1 player: $5,000.
1987 Tournament of Champions wildcard semifinalist: $5,000.
1987 (inaugural) Teen Tournament winner: $25,000.

Jeopardy! Message Board user name: MG87

Michael appeared in the following archived game:
#4708, aired 2005-02-09 Leslie Frates vs. Michael Galvin vs. Eric Terzuolo 2005 Ultimate Tournament of Champions Round 1, game 1.
Michael previously appeared on Jeopardy! as Michael Galvin in the following 2 archived games:
#737, aired 1987-11-17 Doug Molitor vs. Michael Galvin vs. Eugene Finerman 1987 Tournament of Champions semifinal game 2.
#732, aired 1987-11-10 Richard Cordray vs. Frank Hughes vs. Michael Galvin 1987 Tournament of Champions quarterfinal game 2.

[player statistics]

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