Show #1973 - Wednesday, March 17, 1993

Debby Arnold game 3.


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Reggie Wilson, a warehouse manager from Los Angeles, California

Nell Casey, a retired bank officer originally from Houston, Texas

Debby Arnold, a registered nurse from Atlanta, Georgia (whose 2-day cash winnings total $24,901)

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Jeopardy! Round

    $100 11
Its state house in Annapolis, begun in 1772, is the oldest still in use in the U.S.
    $100 7
This former Laker scored 25 points in the 1992 NBA All-Star Game & was named its most valuable player
    $100 1
In 1982 William DeVries led a team in implanting the first permanent artificial one of these
    $100 2
This Louisiana governor's enemies called him "Hooey"
    $100 12
It's the part of a train whose name means "capable of moving from place to place"
    $100 15
Button-down, nehru & sailor are 3 styles of these
    $200 13
Its tourist info line is 1-800-CT BOUND
    $200 18
On February 16, 1992 she became the all-time singles title leader in tennis with her 158th victory
    $200 3
In 1962 the first eye surgery utilizing this technology was performed
    $200 4
James Fenimore Cooper's fans compared him to this man by nicknaming him "The American Scott"
    $200 21
The name of these grinding teeth comes from the Latin word for "millstone"
    $200 20
The crinolette was a later version of this petticoat that was originally made of horsehair
    $300 14
California had a gold rush beginning in 1848 & what's now this state had one beginning in 1896
    $300 19
In the 1992 Winter Olympics, this prince led Monaco to a 43rd- Place finish in the 2-man bobsled event
    $300 5
This imaging system, used especially for showing a view of the brain, was introduced in 1972
    $300 8
Johnny Appleseed planted apple trees & Johnny Simmonseed planted these fruit trees
    $300 28
In dice & card games, the word cinque refers to this number
    $300 23
This type of long dress is made specifically for a baby to wear to her baptism
    $400 16
The Johnson Space Center is in Texas & the Marshall Space Flight Center is in this state
    $400 26
"The world's fastest woman", she won the 1988 Sullivan Award as the USA's top amateur athlete
    $400 6
When developed in 1927, this respirator consisted of a box, a bed & parts from 2 vacuum cleaners
    $400 9
This Russian empress was "the Semiramis of the North", a reference to a legendary Assyrian queen
    $400 29
This adjective used to describe an attractive man originally meant "easy to handle"
    $400 24
Early 20th century women wore boned ones which threw their hips back & their chests forward
    $500 17
In 1898 the U.S. annexed what's now this state
    $500 27
This "sweet" boxer was named Sports Illustrated's "Sportsman of the Year" for 1981
    DD: $600 22
Created in 1905, the first artificial joint was used to replace this body part
    $500 10
Herodotus is revered as "The Father of" this
    $500 30
Sagittary can refer to a centaur, or to one who participates in this sport
    $500 25
This noun can refer to a monk's hood or to the entire garment to which the hood is attached

Scores at the first commercial break (after clue 15):

Debby Nell Reggie
$1,000 $400 $1,200

Scores at the end of the Jeopardy! Round:

Debby Nell Reggie
$3,100 $1,500 $3,300

Double Jeopardy! Round

    $200 16
In 1864 this Southern Democrat was nominated to run with Lincoln on the Union Party ticket
    $200 2
Michael Feinstein credits this Gershwin brother, for whom he worked until 1983, with shaping much of his life
    $200 3
The saying, "Leaves three, let them be", refers to this shiny, irritating plant
    $200 1
This first name of former Miss America Williams is said to have been invented by Jonathan Swift
    $200 5
The airship that the French called a dirigeable, or dirigible, was called this by the British
    $200 8
This creator of Sherlock Holmes wrote many books on spiritualism, including "The Coming of the Fairies"
    $400 17
In May 1861 this city was designated the capital of the Confederacy
    $400 10
In May 1992 this jazz saxophonist took over as musical director of "The Tonight Show"
    $400 4
This scientific name for a type of tree means "cone bearer"
    $400 12
It's the fourth Greek letter & probably the most popular one to be adopted as a name
    $400 6
The F-100 was the first fighter of this type, the Convair B-58 the first bomber, the Concorde the first airliner
    $400 9
This writer followed up 1982's "2010: Odyssey Two" with "2061: Odyssey Three"
    $600 18
To finance the war, the U.S. Congress passed the first tax of this kind in August 1861
    $600 21
Encouraged by Louis Armstrong, he learned to master the vibraphone & has given off good vibes ever since
    $600 11
His "Experiments with Plant Hybrids" was published by the Brunn Natural History Society in 1866
    $600 13
This name is Latin for "little bear" & perhaps its best-known bearer is Swiss actress Andress
    $600 7
To fly, the thrust has to be greater than the drag & the lift greater than this force
    $600 20
Though best known for his plays, he published "The Misfits and Other Stories" in 1987
    $800 29
The Confederates first used this Daniel Decatur Emmett song at Jefferson Davis' inauguration
    $800 25
In 1980 this Israeli-born musician was the subject of a Newsweek cover story called "Top Fiddle"
    $800 19
Oak bark contains this compound used to change animal hides into leather
    DD: $1,500 14
Fittingly, this biblical name is Hebrew for "amorous" or "delicate one"
    $800 26
British aircraft designer whose firm came up with the triplane & the camel
    $800 22
His "Hotel",
"Wheels" &
"The Moneychangers" have all become movies
    $1000 28
Born to Chinese parents in Paris in 1955, this cellist made his debut at Carnegie Hall when he was 9
    $1000 23
This plant's scientific name is Digitalis purpurea
    $1000 15
A Spanish word for "pretty", it was the top girl's name in the U.S. in 1950
    DD: $800 27
She was the first woman to fly nonstop, nonrefueled around the world
    $1000 24
A special assistant to JFK, this historian later wrote "A Thousand Days" about him

Scores at the end of the Double Jeopardy! Round:

Debby Nell Reggie
$7,100 $5,000 $4,700

[wagering suggestions for these scores]

Final Jeopardy! Round

In 1991 Neil Simon won his first Pulitzer Prize, for this play

Final scores:

Debby Nell Reggie
$10,001 $999 $9,400
3-day champion: $34,902 3rd place: Lucien Piccard his & hers watches + Wheel of Fortune & Jeopardy! for the Super Nintendo Entertainment System & Sega Genesis + Jeopardy! home game 2nd place: trip on Delta to Honolulu & stay at the Royal Hawaiian + Jeopardy! home game

Game dynamics:

Game dynamics graph

Coryat scores:

Debby Nell Reggie
$7,000 $7,300 $4,700
20 R
(including 1 DD),
2 W
14 R,
3 W
(including 2 DDs)
19 R,
5 W

Combined Coryat: $19,000

[game responses] [game scores] [suggest correction]

Game tape date: 1992-11-18
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