Show #602 - Tuesday, March 31, 1987


Wendy Scott-Williams, a computer operator originally from Williamsville, New York

Jorge Miyares, a college recruiter originally from Havana, Cuba

Ira Fishman, a high school teacher from Daly City, California (whose 1-day cash winnings total $7,400)

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Jeopardy! Round

    $100 1
Before the 11th c., this eating utensil wasn't placed on the left, because it hadn't been invented
    $100 2
In 1965, Mike Nichols directed Art Carney & Walter Matthau as this Neil Simon duo
    $100 4
2000 ml equals this many liters
    $100 12
Worldwide, this company adds over 500 restaurants yearly & does it all for you
    $100 18
In a 6th grade production of "Alice in Wonderland", he made his 1st appearance with Paul Simon
    $100 7
Most common breed used in bull riding
    $200 5
In 1478, the 1st recorded reference to this camping aid called it a "wind bed"
    $200 3
There were only 2 acts, but 23 scenes, in this 1964 Barbra Streisand musical
    $200 22
Basic operation in which you would use a minuend
    $200 13
According to a Gallup poll, a slice of this is the most popular addition to a restaurant sandwich
    $200 19
She taught in a segregated high school before hitting #1 with "The 1st Time Ever I Saw Your Face"
    $200 8
Rodeos are popular not only in the U.S. & Canada but also on this English-speaking continent
    $300 6
According to AT&T archives, "dialing" by use of this system was 1st tried in 1892
    $300 14
Sport featured in the musicals "Hold Everything" & "Golden Boy"
    $300 23
Until 1985, Ralston Purina, the Dog Chow co., owned this drive-thru chain which serves people chow
    $300 20
According to their hit, these & Mondays always got The Carpenters down
    $300 9
Of 8, 12, or 20 sec., the minimum length of time a buckeroo has to stay on a bucking bronco
    $400 16
Of rayon, radar or the radio, the one invented first
    $400 15
Broadway musical famous for the line "et cetera, et cetera, et cetera"
    $400 24
In 1966, this company wasn't chicken to hire an aerospace engineer as its food engineer
    $400 26
In 1970, Diana Ross' solo career reached an early "peak" with this, her 1st #1 hit
    $400 10
In calf roping, at least this many legs must be tied together
    $500 17
Shoppers 1st used these at Oklahoma City's "Humpty Dumpty Store" on June 4, 1937
    $500 21
In "The Mikado", when Koko became Lord High Executioner, he became Lord-High-Everything-Else
    $500 25
Some fast-food cha1ns spray this on French fries so they cook up brown, not pasty white
    $500 27
"Could It Be Magic" that only Sinatra, Mathis, & he have each had 5 albums simultaneously on the charts
    $500 11
The youngest world champ in rodeo was 11-year-old Metha Brorsen in this event

Scores at the first commercial break (after clue 11):

Ira Jorge Wendy
$1,000 -$800 $0

Scores at the end of the Jeopardy! Round:

Ira Jorge Wendy
$1,800 $100 $1,300

Double Jeopardy! Round

    $200 2
This TV lawyer lost a case only once -- when his client was covering for someone else
    $200 16
This falls on only about ⅓ of the Earth's surface
    $200 13
In 1978, she became Chicago's 1st woman mayor
    $200 1
The Louvre, built for his patron, aptly houses this artist's most famous painting
    $200 19
In the 1840s, a German pathologist coined this term for cancer of blood cells
    $200 3
A tree's bole, a human's torso, or elephant's proboscis
    $400 6
In emergencies. these siblings often consult the "Junior Woodchuck Manual"
    $400 21
In most countries thermometers use this scale to measure temperatures
    $400 14
Of ¼, ½, or ⅔, fraction of Illinois' population represented by Greater Chicago
    $400 4
In 1826, this painter helped found the Nat'l Academy of Design, years before perfecting the telegraph
    $400 20
Streptomycin is an example of this type of drug
    $400 7
From French for "turnstile", you turn this to keep blood from passing thru
    $600 11
Infamous D.H. Lawrence character whose maiden name was Constance Reid
    $600 23
Term for modern weather eco-hazard caused by sulfur dioxide's reaction to moisture in air
    $600 15
1 of 2 '70s sitcoms that customarily opened with shots of contemporary Chicago
    $600 5
This NYC art museum, largest in the Western Hemisphere, has over 34 acres of floor space
    $600 22
Country which has more registered dentists than any other
    $600 9
To rumple, as with hair
    $800 29
For flunking 4 of his subjects at Pencey Prep, he was kicked out of school
    $800 27
Meteorologically, if there is 10% cloud cover or less, a day is defined as this
    DD: $1,000 17
Scandalous highlight of the 1893 Columbian Exposition & title of the following:

"She had a ruby on her tummy and / A diamond big as Texas on her toe, whoa whoa / She let her hair down and / She did the hoochie coochie real slow, whoa whoa"
    $800 8
Viewed in China as the highest & purest art, you can write about it while doing it
    $800 24
From Greek for "working with the hand", branch of medicine practiced by Dr. M. DeBakey
    $800 12
Lukewarm, like your coffee gets during a phone call
    $1000 30
Though not named in this Shakespearean title, they were Valentine & Proteus
    DD: $1,000 28
Admiral Beaufort designated this wind, "that which no canvas could withstand", #12 on his scale
    $1000 18
According to the song, Chicago was the town this evangelist "could not shut down"
    $1000 10
Though English, John Constable & J.M.W. Turner were forerunners of this French movement
    $1000 26
Egyptian mummies have revealed evidence of this, also known as hardening of the arteries
    $1000 25
A black rock related to flint once used to test purity of gold & silver

Scores at the end of the Double Jeopardy! Round:

Ira Jorge Wendy
$6,800 $5,300 $4,100

[wagering suggestions for these scores]

Final Jeopardy! Round

1st vice president who did not become president, he's famous for other reasons

Final scores:

Ira Jorge Wendy
$1,800 $10,500 $1,200
2nd place: trip to Ocho Rios, Jamaica New champion: $10,500 3rd place: Lloyd/Flanders love seat, lounge chair & end table

Game dynamics:

Game dynamics graph

Coryat scores:

Ira Jorge Wendy
$6,800 $6,300 $4,100
17 R,
2 W
21 R
(including 1 DD),
10 W
(including 1 DD)
11 R,
2 W

Combined Coryat: $17,200

[game responses] [game scores] [suggest correction]

Game tape date: 1986-12-03
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