Show #2618 - Wednesday, January 10, 1996

Barbara Walker game 1.


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Marion Hughes, a fabric sales consultant from Rydal, Pennsylvania

Barbara Walker, an elementary school principal from Westminster, Maryland

Gail Bock, an appraiser from Racine, Wisconsin (whose 2-day cash winnings total $30,301)

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Jeopardy! Round

    $100 11
On the first day of Lent, Catholic priests put this on the foreheads of worshipers
    $100 20
Orbit, a sugar-free gum introduced by this Chicago company in 1977, failed
    $100 1
Albert Brooks debuted in this Martin Scorsese film but Robert De Niro was in the "Driver's" Seat
    $100 16
The name of this narcissus comes from the Middle English Affodylle
    $100 26
Title shared by Cabrini, Teresa & Nature
    $100 6
Tasmania was separated from the mainland of this continent about 12,000 years ago
    $200 12
From the Latin for "to make holy", it's an animal killed as a gift to a god, for example
    $200 21
In 1979 the Bechtel Corp. won the right to help clean up this Pennsylvania nuclear plant
    $200 2
This "Sleepless In Seattle" star played Candice Bergen's daughter in "Rich and Famous"
    $200 17
The cacao tree yields seeds called these
    $200 27
This old, robed & white-bearded man carrying a scythe is a real clock watcher
    $200 7
This U.S. state has thousands of lakes, including Minchumina, Naknek & Teshekpuk
    $300 13
From the Aramaic for "father", it's the head of a monastery
    $300 22
This business magazine gained a large readership under its founder's son Malcolm
    $300 3
Discovered at Dublin's Abbey Theatre, he was cast as Sir Gawain in "Excalibur"; "Schindler's List" came later
    $300 18
Discovered in Mexico by a Spaniard, these flowers are named for a Swede, Anders Dahl
    $300 28
For Dad it's the boy his daughter married
    $300 8
A haik is a long outer garment with a veil worn by women in this North African country
    $400 14
On March 30, 1995 Pope John Paul II released his 11th of these, the 194-page "Evangelium Vitae"
    $400 23
In 1870 he & his associates, including his brother William, founded the Standard Oil Co. of Ohio
    $400 4
While a drama student in Sydney, he made his screen debut as a shy surfer in 1977's "Summer City"
    $400 19
This "alligator pear" tree is a member of the laurel family
    $400 29
In "Macbeth" the witches are also called these "weird" relatives
    $400 9
The Buene is the only river in this Balkan country that can be used for shipping
    $500 15
Muhammad's Hegira was a migration from Mecca to Yathrib, a city called this today
    $500 24
This company's first computer, the HP 2116A, debuted in 1966
    $500 5
Carrie Fisher's first film was "Shampoo" & Ricki Lake's was named for this other hair care product
    $500 25
The Ponderosa or Western yellow species of this tree lives up to 500 years
    $500 30
He's a symbol of the U.S. government or the whole nation
    DD: $500 10
This island separated from the Netherlands Antilles in 1986 & is scheduled to become fully independent in '96

Scores at the first commercial break (after clue 15):

Gail Barbara Marion
$500 $2,100 $1,600

Scores at the end of the Jeopardy! Round:

Gail Barbara Marion
$1,900 $4,600 $2,000

Double Jeopardy! Round

    $200 5
This large South African city may be named for Field-Cornet Johannes Meyer
    $200 1
A romantic, operetta-style musical inspired by this Emily Bronte novel played off-off-Broadway in 1992
    $200 21
He began work on Monticello when he was about 25 but didn't complete it until his 60s
    $200 10
Otoplasty is the technical term for plastic surgery on this organ
    $200 16
It's the only bird larger than an emu
    $200 15
His 1899 painting of 2 Tahitian women is in the Metropolitan Museum of Art
    $400 6
The name of this notorious suburb is derived from south-western townships
    $400 2
Part of this musical based on a Victor Hugo novel takes place in the Paris sewers
    $400 27
The last of his Fourteen Points called for the creation of a League of Nations
    $400 11
The name of this liver disease is derived from a Greek word for "orange-tawny"
    $400 22
The budgerigar or budgie is the most popular of these colorful pet birds
    $400 17
The 3 central panels on the ceiling of the Sistine Chapel tell this pair's story
    $600 7
In February 1990 he announced that his government was lifting the 30-year ban on the ANC
    $600 3
This 1960 musical was adapted from the T.H. White novel "The Once and Future King"
    $600 28
Though generally "silent", he was chosen to give the humorous speech at his college graduation
    $600 12
This term literally means "after childbirth"
    $600 23
The "sacred" species of this long-billed wading bird was sacred to the ancient Egyptians
    $600 18
His "Guernica", showing the horrors of war, was once exhibited at the Prado behind bulletproof glass
    $800 8
South Africa is bordered on the west & north by this country that became independent in 1990
    $800 4
New York magazine said the 1992 musical based on this Tolstoy novel "should be tied to the tracks"
    $800 29
Until Ronald Reagan, this "Hero of Tippecanoe" was the oldest man to take the Oath of Office
    $800 13
It's the straw-colored liquid part of the blood without the cells
    $800 24
Over 5 feet long, it's the largest of the swans
    $800 19
A self-portrait hangs above the bed in his 1889 "The Bedroom at Arles"
    $1000 9
Led by Mangosuthu Buthelezi, the Inkatha Freedom Party's support is based in this Bantu group
    $1000 26
Harold Prince told the L.A. Times this play based on an Edna Ferber novel has "the best score ever written"
    DD: $2,000 30
As envoy extraordinary to France, this future president helped arrange the Louisiana Purchase
    $1000 14
Food moves through the alimentary canal by this rhythmic process of contraction & relaxation
    $1000 25
The male's grayish coloring, which resembles a coarse cloth, gave this large duck its name
    DD: $1,200 20
Canaletto's "Arrival of the French Ambassador" shows him arriving in this city

Scores at the end of the Double Jeopardy! Round:

Gail Barbara Marion
$5,700 $8,600 $6,600

[wagering suggestions for these scores]

Final Jeopardy! Round

This upholstered seat, with or without a back, was introduced to Europe from Turkey in the 18th century

Final scores:

Gail Barbara Marion
$5,700 $13,400 $8,601
3rd place: Samsung 19" TV/VCR New champion: $13,400 2nd place: Kingsdown mattress & Waverly Place bedding set

Game dynamics:

Game dynamics graph

Coryat scores:

Gail Barbara Marion
$6,900 $10,600 $6,600
15 R,
1 W
(including 1 DD)
27 R,
4 W
(including 1 DD)
15 R
(including 1 DD),
0 W

Combined Coryat: $24,100

[game responses] [game scores] [suggest correction]

Game tape date: Unknown
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