Show #5029 - Thursday, June 22, 2006


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Theresa Larson, a music director from Katy, Texas

Kathy Damstra, an assistant attorney general from Tucson, Arizona

Clark Floyd, an accountant from Savannah, Georgia (whose 2-day cash winnings total $36,400)

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Jeopardy! Round

    $200 17
In 1865 he said, "Whenever I hear someone arguing for slavery, I feel a strong impulse to see it tried on him personally"
    $200 1
Winning the 2006 NCAA championship game was Noah problem for this S.E.C. school when they beat UCLA, 73-57
    $200 6
Most popular U.S. boy's name, 1920
    $200 25
This Russian famously conditioned dogs to salivate every time a bell rang
    $200 9
His assassin Leon Czolgosz was tried & executed
    $200 12
Whether fast or slow, how the ball is pitched in softball
    $400 18
On August 18, 1988 he told the GOP National Convention, "I want a kinder, gentler nation"
    $400 2
Since 1938 the N.I.T. has played all its championship games at this New York City venue
    $400 7
Last name of 2 19th c. brother teams, 1 of writers, 1 of robbers
    $400 27
Henri Becquerel shared the 1903 Nobel Prize for Physics with these 2 other scientists
    $400 22
In 2006 this jeans-clad author & Diana Ossana won an Oscar for their screenplay of "Brokeback Mountain"
    $400 13
This character told the tales of plantation life that became the basis of the movie "Song of the South"
    $600 19
After this April 1775 battle John Adams said, "The die was cast, the Rubicon passed"
    $600 3
This LSU player nicknamed "Pistol Pete" scored more points in his 3-year career than any other player in 4 years
    $600 8
A popular English muffin brand
    $600 28
This American was a real rocket scientist, launching his first one March 16, 1926
    DD: $2,000 23
Secretary of War under President John Adams, he lent his name to a famous War of 1812 site
    $600 14
This organization is headquartered at 1st Ave. & 46th St. in NYC
    $800 20
Speaking about this resolution, Lyndon B. Johnson said, "We still seek no wider war"
    $800 4
This UCLA coach of the '60s & '70s is 1 of only 3 men inducted into the Basketball Hall of Fame as both a player & a coach
    $800 10
Shared with a 4th century B.C. king of Macedonia
    $800 29
(Kelly of the Clue Crew indicates a diagram of the solar system on the monitor.) The sun revolves around the Earth in the model of the universe by this Alexandrian; it held up about 1,500 years until Copernicus
    $800 24
She was aboard the ill-fated Challenger
    $800 15
In 1956 U.S. pilot Carmine Vito became the first & only man to fly one of these over Moscow
    $1000 21
In his 1885 inaugural address he said that "Every voter... exercises a public trust"
    $1000 5
In 1979 this Indiana State star was College Player of the Year, but Magic Johnson was the NBA's No. 1 draft pick
    $1000 11
Has an accent over the O in Spanish
    $1000 30
Discovery can happen anywhere; legend says he was in the bath c. 260 B.C. when had that famous "Eureka!" epiphany
    $1000 26
He turned his slogan "The medium is the message" into the 1967 book title "The Medium Is the Massage"
    $1000 16
This bone runs from the wrist to the elbow

Scores at the first commercial break (after clue 16):

Clark Kathy Theresa
$5,200 $2,600 $400

Scores at the end of the Jeopardy! Round:

Clark Kathy Theresa
$6,600 $2,800 $6,000

Double Jeopardy! Round

    $400 2
Spanish thinker Ortega y Gasset said that heroism is within all of us in "Meditations on" this literary character
    $400 1
In 2006 The New York Times said that this animated monkey movie "is an unexpected delight"
    $400 22
Casimir III, who passed the statute of Wislica, allowed the Jews to settle in this country that he ruled
    $400 18
GM helped develop cobots, or collaborative robots, for this production process on a line of the same name
    $400 13
Vanuatu has a "Council of" these leaders to advise the government on customs & traditions
    $400 7
The word dime goes back to the Latin decem, meaning this
    $800 4
"A man dies still if he has done nothing, as one who has done much" is attributed to this Homeric hero
    $800 3
Vincent Canby felt "fondly towards this "race of small, teddy bear-like creatures" in "Return of the Jedi"
    $800 23
Around 1365 Adrianople became the capital of this empire; Constantinople replaced it in 1453
    $800 26
In 1985 at Long Beach Memorial, robots first assisted in this type of surgery requiring pinpoint accuracy
    $800 14
The Pacific razor is a variety of this bivalve
    $800 9
Bees & beehives are kept in this, from the Latin for "beehive"
    $1200 5
This bread-stealing criminal & fugitive from justice is the hero of Victor Hugo's "Les Miserables"
    $1200 19
Steve Carell raised "the comedy bar with an excruciatingly funny" body-waxing scene in this 2005 film
    $1200 24
In this 14th century Boccaccio work, 3 men & 7 women flee to the countryside to escape the plague
    $1200 27
This type of vision allows robots to compare 2 images & thus to judge distances
    $1200 15
This Pacific island nation has been ruled by King Taufa'ahau Tupou IV since 1965
    $1200 10
(Kelly of the Clue Crew points out two words on the monitor.) Genu, Latin for "knee", also gives us this word, meaning "to bend the knee"
    $1600 6
This "haloed" hero is the perpetual thorn in Inspector Teal's side in works by Leslie Charteris
    $1600 20
Vincent Canby said it's Woody Allen's "homage to Tolstoy, Kierkegaard, Einstein, Groucho Marx..."
    DD: $3,000 25
This empire's control of China ended when Toghon-Temur fled the invasion of Ming troops in 1368
    $1600 28
In the 1970s Victor Scheinman developed the PUMA, or programmable universal manipulation this
    $1600 16
On September 1, 1951 New Zealand signed a Pacific defense pact with these 2 countries
    DD: $3,000 11
Appropriately, the name of this fruit comes from the Latin for "seedy apple"
    $2000 8
Ernest J. Gaines wrote a fictional autobiography of this heroic 110-year-old ex-slave
    $2000 21
The spacemen in this 1951 film are so peaceful "you'd hardly expect them to split an infinitive, let alone an atom"
    $2000 30
On Good Friday, 1327 this Italian poet met a girl named Laura at a church in Avignon; his love for her was not returned
    $2000 29
A robot that can act independently is this type, whose Greek meaning is basically "under one's own laws"
    $2000 17
The Pacific Coast Highway continues as Mexico 1 down to this cabo or cape at the bottom of Baja
    $2000 12
The name of this flower seen here may come from the Latin for "twisted nose", a reference to its acrid smell

Scores at the end of the Double Jeopardy! Round:

Clark Kathy Theresa
$18,600 $2,800 $11,200

[wagering suggestions for these scores]

Final Jeopardy! Round

Originally housed in a boarding house & then in the Capitol, today it occupies 3 buildings named for presidents

Final scores:

Clark Kathy Theresa
$14,600 $100 $18,600
2nd place: $2,000 3rd place: $1,000 New champion: $18,600

Game dynamics:

Game dynamics graph

Coryat scores:

Clark Kathy Theresa
$20,200 $2,800 $9,800
24 R
(including 1 DD),
6 W
(including 1 DD)
9 R,
2 W
16 R
(including 1 DD),
2 W

Combined Coryat: $32,800

[game responses] [game scores] [suggest correction]

Game tape date: Unknown
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