Wagering calculator
Enter three post-DJ! Round scores below to see wagering suggestions for each player.
Four-fifths (exactly) for first place
Colette: Too bad for you, Colette, your score is less than Robert's score minus Tom's score. Unless they both commit an egregious wagering error, you've no hope of moving into first place. Wager as much as you desire, but remember, you'll have better chances of advancing to second place if you have a larger sum left over on a Triple Stumper.
Tom: Your score is exactly 4/5ths of Robert's score, so wager $6,400. If Robert wagers properly, you'll tie each other should you both get Final wrong, and if Robert makes the mistake of overwagering, you'll win the stumper.
Robert: Wager $9,600, but no more than that: you cannot afford to lose by $1 to a likely wager of $6,400 on the part of Tom. If you're a fan of shoretegic wagering, you might risk $8,801.
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