An underwriter from Wheaton, Illinois...

Ashok Poozhikunnel

2013 Tournament of Champions quarterfinalist: $5,000.
Season 29 4-time champion: $69,002 + $1,000.

The "Z-H" in last name pronounced like "R". "Poozhikunnel" is a Malayalam surname also written in English as "Pulikunnel"; the "zh" represents a retroflex consonant not found in English but approximated with "L" or "R".

Ashok won $5,000 on Who Wants to Be a Millionaire on 2019-04-26.

Ashok appeared in the following archived game:
#6547, aired 2013-02-19 Patrick Quinn vs. Dave Leach vs. Ashok Poozhikunnel 2013 Tournament of Champions quarterfinal game 5.
Ashok previously appeared on Jeopardy! as Ashok Poozhikunnel in the following 5 archived games:
#6518, aired 2013-01-09 Ashok Poozhikunnel vs. Kristin Morgan vs. Brett Swartz Ashok Poozhikunnel game 5. Kristin Morgan game 1.
#6517, aired 2013-01-08 Ashok Poozhikunnel vs. Matt Ruprecht vs. Lee Ann Roberts Ashok Poozhikunnel game 4.
#6516, aired 2013-01-07 Ashok Poozhikunnel vs. Wendy Hayes vs. Steve Money Ashok Poozhikunnel game 3.
#6515, aired 2013-01-04 Ashok Poozhikunnel vs. Michele Myers Beuerlein vs. Alison Shapiro Ashok Poozhikunnel game 2.
#6514, aired 2013-01-03 Julie Reynolds vs. Ashok Poozhikunnel vs. Emily Gilmore Ashok Poozhikunnel game 1.

[player statistics]

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