An engineer from Long Beach, California...

Adam Villani

Hey there, L.A., I'm Adam Villani from Long Beach, and you are going to love watching me on Jeopardy!

Season 21 player (2004-10-27).

KJL game 61.

Adam won $80,000 on three episodes of ABC's 500 Questions on 2015-05-26, 2015-05-27, and 2015-05-28. He eliminated Steve Bahnaman on Steve's question 168 and survived challenges from 2000-B College Championship winner Pam Mueller and Season 23 5-time champion Mehrun Etebari. He was eliminated by Season 18 2-time champion Richard Mason on question 146.

Adam won $5,000 on Win Ben Stein's Money.

Jeopardy! Message Board user name: AdamNVillani
JBoard user name: adamnvillani

Adam appeared in the following archived game:
#4633, aired 2004-10-27 Ken Jennings vs. Adam Villani vs. Merritt Hamilton Allen Ken Jennings game 61.

[player statistics]

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