An 11-year-old seventh grader from Quartz Hill, California...

Nithya Kubendran

What categories do you hope to see on the board?
STUPID ANSWERS, and then something about movies and books.

How did you prepare for today?
Uh, I read a lot of books on like, presidents, and history, and then just, everything. Just, read a lot.

Do you have a mentor or someone you look up to?
My parents. And my sister.

What do you want to be when you grow up?
World domination. But not in a dictator kinda way.

"When asked about her future plans, she said, 'World domination sounds fun,' but she'd settle for something less grueling..."

2004-B Kids Week player (2004-10-19).

Favorite school subject: Math
Favorite book: Anything
Favorite movie: Spirited Away (or anything by Hayao Miyazaki)
Favorite TV Show: Jeopardy!
Favorite food: Junk Food
Favorite hobby: Anything involving music or art
Do you have a role model? If so, who?: My family

Nithya appeared in the following archived game:
#4627, aired 2004-10-19 Jake Houser vs. Nithya Kubendran vs. Emily Riippa 2004-B Kids Week game 2.

[player statistics]

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