A trucking company manager from Gardena, California...

Steve Rogitz

1993 10th Anniversary Tournament semifinalist: $5,000.
1990 Super Jeopardy! quarterfinalist: $5,000.
1985 Tournament of Champions 2nd runner-up (semifinalist by wildcard): $5,100.
Season 1 5-time champion: $31,399.

Along with Jeff Richmond, Steve is one of only two players to have played in 1-, 2-, 3-, and 4-player Final Jeopardy! Rounds.

Steve appeared in the Contestants' Row on Who Wants to Be a MIllionaire in August 1999, but never made it to the Hot Seat.

Steve appeared in the following archived game:
#2126, aired 1993-11-29 Leslie Frates vs. Roy Holliday vs. Steve Rogitz 1993 10th Anniversary Tournament semifinal game 1.
Steve previously appeared on Jeopardy! as Steve Rogitz in the following archived game:
Super Jeopardy! #1, aired 1990-06-16 Bob Verini vs. Bruce Naegeli vs. Steve Rogitz vs. Ouida Rellstab Super Jeopardy! quarterfinal game 1.

[player statistics]

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