An attorney from Los Angeles, California...

Bob Shore

Hi, Los Angeles, I'm Bob Shore. Jeopardy!'s been renewed through 2010. Can I really keep winning that long? Watch me and see on Jeopardy!

Season 21 2-time champion: $47,602 + $2,000.

Proponent of Shore's Conjecture.

Bob appeared as a spoiler on Merv Griffin's Crosswords in 2007 early in its single-season run. (He never made it to the front-row podiums.)

Bob was called as a phone-a-friend by Brianne Sherman on Who Wants to Be a Millionaire on 2008-11-11. He next made a brief uncalled cameo as a potential phone-a-friend for Kristin Patton on Who Wants to Be a Millionaire 2009-01-20. Bob made a similar cameo of sorts (as "Bob from Los Angeles, CA") on the fourth day of the 10th anniversary return of Who Wants to Be a Millionaire to prime time on 2009-08-13 as an uncalled-upon phone-a-friend option of contestant Eddie Lawhorn, a recently out-of-work software tester from Huntsville, Alabama. Bob's Jeopardy! appearance picture appeared briefly on the screen, but Eddie opted to call a different phone-a-friend ("Joey from New York, NY"). Bob appeared again as a phone-a-friend on the Meredith Vieira syndicated version of the show for John Wickham on 2009-10-26, supplying the correct answer.

Jeopardy! Message board user name: Bob78164

Bob appeared in the following 3 archived games:
#4785, aired 2005-05-27 Bob Shore vs. Charlie Kahn vs. Tim Schwab
#4784, aired 2005-05-26 Bob Shore vs. Kate Sendegeya vs. Damon Poore
#4697, aired 2005-01-25 Ted Stratton vs. Bob Shore vs. Leila Dooley

[player statistics]

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