Have you been treated differently as a result of your appearances?
Well, I've become something of a local celebrity. I'm from a really small town and everyone knows everyone else, and so once I was on, it was the biggest thing to hit town in God knows how long, and I work at the local pharmacy, so I'm sort of on display, and I became sort of the standing town exhibit--everybody would pop in and walk by and point and want to chat, and... It's been, it's been fun--I got a lot of people I wouldn't have met otherwise, but... it gets a little tiring at times, too!
How have you spent your past Jeopardy! winnings?
Well, my winnings I haven't spent too much of, yet. I wanted to see if I could invest some of it, so I wanted to be careful. The only big expenditure I made is I bought a brand new computer 'cause mine was four years old and about at the end of its useful life. So, I splurged a little bit with that, but otherwise I've been tryin' to keep it in the bank.
What do you think makes a great Jeopardy! player?
I think a great Jeopardy! player needs to be really well rounded. Um, you never know what categories are going to come up, and you need to be able to deal with a wide range of knowledge, and you certainly have to be quick on the buzzer. I think that pretty much does it.
Did you prepare differently for this Tournament versus for other Jeopardy! games?
Well, for preparing for the Tournament, I decided I would--I did--didn't want to break anything that was--went well the last time. And last time I didn't prepare at all, so this time I did the same thing!
What was your favorite aspect of playing Jeopardy!?
Um... I think... My favorite aspect of the game is that... Well... I guess more that there's a variety; that it's not just one type of knowledge, that it's--'cause I've always been more of a--I have a wide range of interests, and y'know, knowledge bases, and I like that Jeopardy! sort of touches them all, and I'm not locked into just science-y stuff or just this or just that. You can sort of demonstrate a wide range of knowledge, and that's my favorite part. |