An actor from Burbank, California...

Wil Wheaton

"An actor from Burbank, California, he burst on to the scene starring as Gordie LaChance in the cult classic Stand By Me. He then starred as Wesley Crusher for four seasons on Star Trek: The Next Generation. Ladies and gentlemen..."

"An actor from Burbank, California, he's an accomplished author, a podcaster, and the current host of The Ready Room, the official online hub for all things Star Trek. He was overwhelmed after winning his quarterfinal, and is looking for a repeat performance tonight. Please welcome..."

"An actor from Burbank, California, he's also a podcaster, talk, and game show host. He became second player to punch their ticket to the finals, doing so in dominant fashion as he put up the highest score of the semifinal round. Ladies and gentlemen..."

2022-2023 Primetime Celebrity Jeopardy! 2nd runner-up: $100,000 for the National Women’s Law Center.

Wil signed in as "WILW" (with each letter outlined in a box) in his final game.

Actor, Stand by Me and Star Trek: The Next Generation

Wil appeared in the following 3 archived games:
Primetime Celebrity Jeopardy! #13, aired 2023-02-02 Wil Wheaton vs. Patton Oswalt vs. Ike Barinholtz 2022-2023 Primetime Celebrity Jeopardy! final game.
Primetime Celebrity Jeopardy! #8, aired 2022-11-13 John Michael Higgins vs. Wil Wheaton vs. Joel Kim Booster 2022-2023 Primetime Celebrity Jeopardy! semifinal game 2.
Primetime Celebrity Jeopardy! #6, aired 2022-10-30 Troian Bellisario vs. Wil Wheaton vs. Hasan Minhaj 2022-2023 Primetime Celebrity Jeopardy! quarterfinal game 5.

[player statistics]

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