Battle of the Decades quarterfinal game 4.
Jeopardy! Round responses
(Rachael: What is... Dow?)
(Ken: What is... Alexander II?) (Alex: No, what is [*]?) (Ken: Ah.) (Alex: Pope [*]; makes sense.)
(Tom: What is... Spanish?)
(Ken: Who... is... William?) (Tom: Who is Henry II?) ... (Alex: Who is [*], Henry II's son.)
King John
(Rachael: Who is Nostradamus?)
Pope Celestine
[Alex does a Wallace Shawn impression as he says the word.]
The Princess Bride
(Alex: And by the way, the 60th list will be out on June 1st.)
(Alex: [*] is right; you're the only one on the plus side now.) [Laughter]
[Alex said, "Proctor & Silex", but later corrected himself after the commercial break.]
Proctor Silex
[Ken did not include the leading article in his response.]
The Treasure of the Sierra Madre
Scores at the first commercial break (after clue 15):
Tom |
Rachael |
Ken |
$200 |
$200 |
$2,600 |
Scores at the end of the Jeopardy! Round:
Tom |
Rachael |
Ken |
$3,400 |
$400 |
$6,400 |
Double Jeopardy! Round responses
(Ken: Who is, uh, Sparky [*]? Charles [*]?) (Alex: Sparky, okay. You were on... you were on really close terms?) (Ken: Oh, we go way back.) (Alex: Okay.) [Laughter]
(Alex: That's it. David Letterman.)
550 (= DL)
(Alex: CD, Charles Darwin, yeah.)
400 (= CD)
(Ken: What is... Singapore?)
(Alex: Boy, you worked on that one.) (Ken: That took a second.)
(Rachael: What is... "From [*] to [**]"?)
the steam engine & the search engine
(Alex: Yes, for Charles Lindbergh.)
150 (= CL)
(Alex: [*]. Chris Carter. CC. Yes.) [Applause for Ken's run of the category] (Alex: Well done.)
200 (= CC)
Scores at the end of the Double Jeopardy! Round:
Tom |
Rachael |
Ken |
$9,800 |
$3,800 |
$30,200 |
Final Jeopardy! Round responses
Rachael | Who is J. M. Keynes? | $3,800 | Tom | Who is Keynes? | $9,700 | Ken | Who is Keynes? | $9,800 | John Maynard Keynes |
Final scores:
Tom |
Rachael |
Ken |
$19,500 |
$7,600 |
$40,000 |
Game dynamics:
Tom |
Rachael |
Ken |
$9,800 |
$4,400 |
$27,000 |
Game tape date: 2014-04-16
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