Paul Nelson game 2.
Jeopardy! Round responses
(Alex: "What is [*]?" RHYME SCHEME--everything will rhyme with "scheme", Paul. I helped you out by telling you that.)
to beam
(Shari: What are rodents?)
(Alex: Great comic--[*]. Minute to go now, Paul.)
George Carlin
(Paul: What is Guam?)
[The end-of-round signal sounds.]
Eddie Murphy
(Paul: What is... the equator?)
the Tropic of Cancer
(Shari: What is the International Date Line?) ... (Alex: Correct, you gave that a lot of thought.)
Hudson Bay
(Bobbi: What is a celeste?)
a glockenspiel
Scores at the first commercial break (after clue 12):
Paul |
Shari |
Bobbi |
$1,400 |
$2,000 |
$200 |
Scores at the end of the Jeopardy! Round:
Paul |
Shari |
Bobbi |
$3,800 |
$7,000 |
$1,200 |
Double Jeopardy! Round responses
(Alex: That should be in the AFRICA category.)
[Paul gives the correct response as Alex says "Hurry".] (Alex: You are correct, and you were counting it out on your fingers. I love it. How many letters in [*]? Is it 9, is it 10?)
(Shari: What are wolves?) (Paul: What is a werewolf?) ... (Alex: A minute to go. Less than a minute now, Paul.)
big rabbits
(Shari: Who was Anne of Cleves?)
Catherine Howard
(Paul: Describing you, Alex.)
Scores at the end of the Double Jeopardy! Round:
Paul |
Shari |
Bobbi |
$18,600 |
$11,000 |
$7,200 |
[wagering suggestions for these scores]
Final Jeopardy! Round responses
(Alex: And about a year ago, it surpassed A Chorus Line as the longest-running American Broadway musical.)Bobbi | What is Chicago? | $4,000 | Shari | What is Ren Rent | $3,500 | Paul | What is Les Miserables? | $3,400 | Chicago |
Final scores:
Paul |
Shari |
Bobbi |
$15,200 |
$7,500 |
$11,200 |
Game dynamics:
Paul |
Shari |
Bobbi |
$15,000 |
$11,000 |
$6,600 |
Game tape date: 2012-08-22
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