This capital is located on the Salt River in the central part of Arizona |
Francois Duvalier ruled this country with the help of the Tonton Macoutes, a secret police force |
The university of this capital city is the principal university of Finland |
The World Bank is an agency of this body |
the United Nations
Haggamuggie, which is made with fish liver, is a variation of this Scottish dish |
"Kangaroo", a novel by D.H. Lawrence, was based on a visit he made to this country |
After going over to the British, Benedict Arnold captured this Virginia capital in 1781 |
The cornerstone of its 154-foot-high pedestal was laid Aug. 5, 1884 |
The Statue of Liberty
Henry VII's mother, Lady Margaret Beaufort, founded St. John's College at this university in 1511 |
(Don: What is Oxford?)
The 4-H Clubs work with this cabinet department |
Moroccans like to add saffron to this semolina dish that's extremely popular in north Africa |
Edward Fitzgerald is best known for translating the quatrains or "Rubaiyat" of this poet |
Omar Khayyam
This Southwestern city has airports named for Wiley Post & Will Rogers |
Oklahoma City
At the time King John ruled England, this man was organizing the Mongols in Asia |
Genghis Khan
This cardinal had the Sorbonne rebuilt in the 1600s & is buried in its chapel |
Founded in 1960, its original members include Iran, Iraq & Venezuela |
Linzertorte is a rich dessert named for the city of Linz in this country |
In English Kafka's unfinished novel "Der Prozess" is called this |
(Mark: What is The Process?)
The Trial
This city's Daily News is Maine's largest daily newspaper |
(Pat: What's Portland?) (Mark: What is Augusta?)
This ruler created a dual monarchy in 1867 & joined a Triple Alliance in 1882 |
Franz Joseph
Colonial clergyman Increase Mather was its president 1685-1701 |
It's the mountain range for which John Muir set up a preservation organization |
(Mark: What are the Sierras?) (Alex: Be more specific.)
the Sierra Nevada
The Swedish limpa type of this is made from rye flour & flavored with orange peel |
His "Piazza Tales", published in 1856, includes the story of "Bartleby the Scrivener" |
(Pat: Who is Dickens?) (Don: Who is Hawthorne?)
Herman Melville
Since the 1880s cigar making has been a part of this 3rd-largest Florida city's economy |
We know about Hittite history from clay tablets, some written in hieroglyphics & some in this |
This country's 3 major universities are located at Kisangani, Lubumbashi & Kinshasa |
(Pat: What's Nairobi?) (Mark: What is Nigeria?)
This sport's association has its headquarters in Winter Haven, Florida |
This cheese named for a village in Huntingdonshire is ripened with penicillium roqueforti mold |
(Don: What is Roquefort?)
"A Modern Comedy" was this author's second series of novels about the Forsytes |
John Galsworthy