Hindi for a teacher & spiritual guide, such as the Maharishi Mahesh Yogi |
a guru
The Caribbean sea is technically part of this ocean |
the Atlantic
This mass of hexagonal wax cells has walls only 1/80-inch thick, but can support 30 times its weight |
(Marvin: What is a beehive?) (Alex: No--be more specific.) (Marvin: What is a bee cell?)
a honeycomb
Because they were brothers, Ike's CIA director Allen & Sec. of State John Foster both had this name |
To whip atomic particles into a high frequency scientists send them speeding around this machine |
(Gary: What is a reactor?)
a cyclotron
In the '70s, Orson assured us that Paul wouldn't sell this before its time |
(Gary: Who is Gallo?) (Lisa: What is Mason [*]--Paul Mason [*]?)
From Latin, "to bend the knee", it's what Catholics do when touching a knee to the floor |
1 of the 2 U.S. dependencies in the Caribbean |
the Virgin Islands (or Puerto Rico)
A baby butterfly |
a larva (caterpillar)
Grand Ole Opry star Roy Acuff was 1948 Rep. nominee for governor of this state |
At San Onofre or 3-Mile-Island, it's produced by fission heating water to steam |
(Lisa: What is nuclear power?) (Alex: No.) ["More specific" heard offstage] (Alex: More specific?) (Lisa: Oh, okay, uh, what is nuclear energy?)
Welles' "amazing" avocation, he practiced it at the Hollywood Canteen & on The Merv Griffin Show |
TV minister who preaches from the pulpit of the Crystal Cathedral |
Reverend Robert Schuller
The Biminis, part of these islands, lie only 60 miles east of Florida |
the Bahamas
The bodies of these "white ants" make a liquid capable of dissolving glass |
Current distinction of Republican senators Kassebaum of Kansas & Hawkins of Florida |
the only women senators
Federal agency currently licensing reactors |
the NRC (Nuclear Regulatory Commission)
Welles' 2nd wife, she was "The Lady from Shanghai" in the 1948 film |
Rita Hayworth
In 20th c. Japan, "Soka Gakkai" blended Western ethics & educational theory with this religion |
"Caribbean" comes from fierce Indian tribes which natives called "caribales", meaning this |
The ears of a cricket are on this part of its body |
the legs
Office of President Pro Tempore of the Senate is held by this South Carolina senator |
J. Strom Thurmond
Moving these in & out control the chain reaction going on inside the core |
(Marvin: What are lead rods?) [Alex hesitates to rule.] (Alex: They are? Okay, right.) [The end-of-round signal sounds.] [After the break Marvin's response was changed to incorrect since lead rods are not used in nuclear reactors.]
control rods
In 1936, Welles staged a Voodoo version of this classic, set in Haiti, not Scotland |
Org. begun in 1878, "to carry the blood of Christ & fire of the Holy Ghost to every corner of the world" |
(Alex: I should have said "organization" and not "originally", but you understood it.)
the Salvation Army
This populous former British colony lies farther out to sea than any other Caribbean island |
(Marvin: What is Bermuda?)
Bedbug hunter's penchant for biting humans around mouth has given it this osculatory nickname |
(Alex: We've got a minute to go in the round.)
the kissing bug
'60s Senate Minority Leader whose record "Gallant Men" made Billboard Top 40 & won a Grammy |
(Alex: You did well in this category.) [Applause]
Everett Dirksen
When "Citizen Kane" opened, April 11, 1941, Welles was this old |