Show #41 - Monday, November 5, 1984


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George Zadorozny, a copyright lawyer from Tampa, Florida

Carol Gwynn, a property manager from South Pasadena, California

Kirk Donnell, a bartender from West Los Angeles, California (whose 2-day cash winnings total $15,600)

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Jeopardy! Round

    $100 15
This word originally referred not to many wives but to the part of the house they lived in
    $100 1
Stepping on this can "break your mother's back"
    $100 3
Fonzie's "thumbs up" sound
    $100 11
Yogi Bear's little buddy
    $100 2
Autograph collectors say this current Iranian leader's signature is worth $1,000
    $200 19
Anti-Iranian Arabs call this body of water "the Arabian gulf"
    $200 8
Because immigrants found no badgers in America, we watch this animal search for its shadow
    $200 9
Mork's Orkan goodbye
    $200 12
Indian drum
    $200 4
The only President whose wife has sat in Mr. T's lap
    $300 22
Though most of its farmers don't live on them, Israel is famous for these collective farms
    $300 10
Finding a penny is good luck, but carrying this coin is 100 times better
    $300 16
Bossy women's libber who promised "God'll get you for that"
    $300 20
Croce's description of Leroy Brown
    $300 5
Rupert, Paddington, Winnie & Yogi
    $400 23
Hookah, nargileh & hubble bubble
    $400 13
After doing this, superstitious people throw some over their shoulder
    $400 17
"What a revoltin' development" muttered William Bendix in this early sitcom classic
    $400 21
From Blake poem, it was "burning bright in the forests of the night"
    $400 6
Scientists have synthesized this herb so you're now protected against synthetic vampires
    $400 25
Though Shakespeare said "misery makes" these, a popular saying says politics does
    $500 14
"Unlucky" number of cigarettes to light from a single match
    $500 18
Where an angry Ralph Kramden promised he was sending Alice "one of these days"
    $500 24
Disease caused by lack of vitamin B in diet
    $500 7
On their product's box you'd find Rembrandt's "Syndics of the Cloth Hall"

Scores at the first commercial break (after clue 10):

Kirk Carol George
$600 $300 $1,500

Scores at the end of the Jeopardy! Round:

Kirk Carol George
$2,100 $1,200 $3,300

Double Jeopardy! Round

    $200 25
The upper house of Congress
    $200 6
Though not Communist, it's known as the red planet
    $200 5
The number 1 syndicated game show, or Susan Howatch best-seller
    $200 9
Phone connection installed between the White House & Kremlin
    $200 20
Chinese food ingredient monosodium glutamate
    $200 16
His Physics prize was for work on photoelectric effect, not theory of relativity
    $400 7
1 of 2 seasons of the year we're in when the sun is "north of the Equator"
    $400 1
William Styron chose to write about her "choice"
    $400 10
Filmed in Jamaica, this first James Bond film came out in '63
    $400 21
Slang for $100 bill, or played by "middle" key on a piano
    $400 17
This literature winner wrote "The Good Earth" in 3 months
    DD: $1,000 8
Star followed in this song of escape from slavery:

"Follow the drinkin' gourd / Follow the drinkin' gourd / For the old man is a-waiting..."
    $600 2
In this biographical novel, Gore Vidal tells us what Carl Sandburg didn't
    $600 13
On June 16, '63, Valentina Tereshkova became the first woman to do this
    $600 22
Only consonant almost always followed by the same vowel
    $600 18
Father & son physics winners Niels & Aage Bohr were from this Scandinavian country
    $800 11
Galileo discovered 4 of this planet's 16 moons
    $800 3
The 1st president Theodore White wrote about "the making of"
    $800 14
His comedy LP, "The First Family", was a big novelty hit in '63
    $800 23
Don Rickles had a short stint in the Navy on this NBC-TV sitcom
    $800 19
"Twisted ladder" model of this substance brought medicine award to Watson & Crick
    $1000 12
This well-known So. Hemisphere constellation appears on flags of Australia & New Zealand
    $1000 4
Author of "Tough Guys Don't Dance", he fears his notoriety has diminished his book sales
    $1000 15
His 4½ year reign, which ended in '63, was turning point in Catholic church history
    DD: $2,500 24
2 of the 4 "H's" in the "4-H Club"

Scores at the end of the Double Jeopardy! Round:

Kirk Carol George
$3,700 $5,100 $9,900

[wagering suggestions for these scores]

Final Jeopardy! Round

The only sign of the zodiac not symbolized by a living thing

Final scores:

Kirk Carol George
$7,400 $0 $11,000
2nd place: Armstrong bedroom suite + Dakotah bedsheet set 3rd place: Alsy-Cycle II lamp set New champion: $11,000

Game dynamics:

Game dynamics graph

Coryat scores:

Kirk Carol George
$3,300 $3,600 $9,900
13 R
(including 1 DD),
3 W
10 R
(including 1 DD),
1 W
26 R,
3 W

Combined Coryat: $16,800

[game responses] [game scores] [suggest correction]

Game tape date: 1984-09-04
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