Show #289 - Thursday, October 17, 1985


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Gloria Krauss, a writer and an administrative assistant from Los Angeles, California

Carol Prescott, a media consultant from Santa Monica, California

John Gallogly, an actor originally from Snug Harbor, Rhode Island (whose 1-day cash winnings total $13,200)

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Jeopardy! Round

    $100 8
Batman & Superman would fit right in on the streets of this South African capital
    $100 19
Tropical disease named for the color its victims turn a shade of
    $100 1
A senator's term
    $100 2
According to the 1965 film title, it's what "Sweet Charlotte" should do
    $100 13
Jules Verne classic that closes, "Only 2 men now... have the right to answer: Captain Nemo & myself"
    $200 9
Cities in 25 states & a "Gunsmoke" deputy share this name
    $200 22
These connecting cushions between vertebrae can sometimes "slip"
    $200 4
The Constitution forbade Congress to stop importation of these until 1808
    $200 3
This skater Starbuck was married to a quarterback
    $200 14
Film in which Edward G. Robinson's dying words are "Mother of mercy, is this the end of Rico?"
    $300 10
You can stay at the Choo-Choo Hilton in this Tennessee town
    $300 23
It's thought that after humans gave up eating grass, this organ atrophied & became a troublemaker
    $300 5
The 1st was a 9-year-old boy appointed by Webster & Clay
    $300 16
Emphatic order to your broker, or what you say when you hang up the phone
    $300 15
His most remembered last line is, "But only God can make a tree"
    $400 11
Simon Bolivar was born & buried in this capital of Venezuela
    $400 24
Disease carried by wood ticks & named for the mountain range where it was 1st "spotted"
    $400 6
"Treason, bribery, or other high crimes, or misdemeanors"
    $400 17
Born Marie Lawrie, she appeared in & sang the title song of "To Sir With Love"
    $400 20
"This is Ensign what's all this crap about no movie tonight?"
    $500 12
After its destruction in the 3rd Punic war, the Romans sowed salt on its site
    DD: $500 25
Illness characterized by swelling parotid glands & protruding earlobes
    $500 7
Term for the move to limit debate that requires ⅔ vote of the Senate
    $500 18
Double order at the deli, or a Tom Conti film about a Celtic poet
    $500 21
Character who asks at the close, "Eliza? where the devil are my slippers?"

Scores at the first commercial break (after clue 10):

John Carol Gloria
$1,600 $100 -$100

Scores at the end of the Jeopardy! Round:

John Carol Gloria
$2,700 $1,900 $1,500

Double Jeopardy! Round

    $200 1
In 1937, Walter Brennan in "Come & Get It" was the 1st to win this Oscar
    $200 2
In poor light, this sense in cats can be 6 times sharper than man's
    $200 13
College enrollment peaked as veterans returned with help of this legislation
    $200 19
Animals king Darius furnished his "den" with
    $200 4
Due to short supply of these during WWII, leg make-up was invented to cover the gap
    $200 26
It is believed 1 in 3 Soviet citizens is an occasional informer for this police force
    $400 3
His directorial debut, "The Maltese Falcon", was one of several films in which he cast his father
    $400 5
Though classed as carnivores, these black & white "bears" primarily eat bamboo shoots
    $400 14
Comic strip writer who launched a new career with his book, "I, the Jury"
    $400 20
Desiring her, David sent her husband off to his death in battle
    $400 10
Actress Lillie Langtry kept her skin fresh by rolling naked in this early-morning substance
    $400 27
Russia's lost 15,000 men & 300 aircraft & controls less territory in this country than 5 years ago
    $600 8
The 1st use of Sensurround in this film "shook" Hollywood, but not the industry
    $600 6
Porpoises are the smallest toothed varieties of of these
    $600 15
On April 18, this ineffective world body was finally dissolved
    $600 21
The villains Delilah & Goliath both belonged to this group of Aegean people
    $600 18
Women's wigs in 18th c. England were matted with this edible animal fat to keep them from coming apart
    $600 28
In 1961, his body was removed from the Mausoleum in Red Square
    DD: $900 11
They 1st took off as a team in "Flying Down to Rio"
    $800 7
1 variety of these armored creatures can be 5 ft. long & weigh 120 lbs.
    $800 16
On 1st day of 1946, he announced that he wasn't divine
    $800 22
To save Benjamin's tribe from extinction, neighbors kindly provided 400 of these
    $800 24
This lethal metal was a popular facial whitener during the Renaissance
    $800 29
After being expelled in 1929, Leon Trotsky lived in Turkey, France, Norway, & finally this country
    $1000 12
In 1950, he debuted in film playing a paraplegic in "The Men"
    $1000 9
Female rabbits mate within 12 hours after each repetition of this life cycle event
    DD: $1,000 17
Irving Berlin show that introduced this classic to Ethel Merman & Amer.:

"There's no business like show business / If you tell me it's so"
    $1000 23
He called his son Gershom, meaning "a stranger there", because he was a stranger in a strange land
    $1000 25
This make-up maven, known for Aramis & Clinique, started out selling her Viennese uncle's face cream
    $1000 30
Executed with his family by the Bolsheviks, he was last reigning czar of Russia

Scores at the end of the Double Jeopardy! Round:

John Carol Gloria
$8,800 $8,300 $3,100

[wagering suggestions for these scores]

Final Jeopardy! Round

Former West Pt. superintendent & future general, in 1859 he led troops that captured John Brown

Final scores:

John Carol Gloria
$900 $0 $1
2-day champion: $14,100 3rd place: Ventura luggage set 2nd place: trip to Orlando, Florida

Game dynamics:

Game dynamics graph

Coryat scores:

John Carol Gloria
$8,700 $8,300 $3,100
22 R
(including 1 DD),
3 W
17 R
(including 1 DD),
1 W
13 R
(including 1 DD),
4 W

Combined Coryat: $20,100

[game responses] [game scores] [suggest correction]

Game tape date: 1985-07-30
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