It's the color of the hibiscus casa blanca, sweetheart |
The theme to this PBS series is titled "Won't You Be My Neighbor?" |
Mister Rogers' Neighborhood
It may be branch, spring or mineral |
Lady Capulet complains that this 13-year-old should have children like other girls her age |
It's the bedroom equivalent of the army's Reveille bugler |
an alarm clock
In 1965 Emilio Pucci designed clear plastic bubble helmets for these employees of Braniff Airlines |
The Pilgrims could have told you that the trailing arbutus is also known as this |
a mayflower
"This bold renegade carves a Z with his blade, a Z that stands for" this |
It used to be an ale; now it follows "egg" in a holiday drink |
Like "Julius Caesar", "Coriolanus" opens on a street in this city |
Time on the clock in "Hickory, Dickory, Dock" |
(Michelle: What is midnight?)
In 1992 Johnson & Johnson introduced a new one of these called Reach Between |
a toothbrush
This tree is so named because its nuts were used to treat equine respiratory ailments |
a horse chestnut
This series was "the story of a lovely lady who was bringing up three very lovely girls" |
The Brady Bunch
Name shared by a drink from Campbell's & a type of car engine |
(Alex: We caught you on an easy one, I think.)
The great 19th c. actor Sir Henry Irving was noted for his portrayal of Shylock in this play |
[Larry omitted the leading article in his response.]
The Merchant of Venice
It's often punched by office workers |
a time clock
Australians call these annoying creatures "mozzies" for short |
The Indian turnip looks like a preacher under a canopy, so it's also called "jack-in-" this |
Sonny Curtis, who once toured with Buddy Holly wrote "Love Is All Around", this series' theme |
The Mary Tyler Moore Show
The sloe is a small, bitter one of these fruits used to make sloe gin |
(Michelle: What is lime?) (John: What is a juniper berry?) ... (Alex: A slow--and I was--I thought, like you, John, that it was a berry, but it was a small [*]. I discovered that today.)
In "As You Like It", Jaques says, "All the world's a stage, and all the men and women merely" these |
Farmers carving clocks for tourists in the Black Forest created this clock around 1775 |
a cuckoo clock
In the '30s part of the Great Plains became known as this because of all the soil that blew around |
the Dust Bowl
This tree found in India can have thousands of trunks, making it resemble a small forest |
(John: What is mahogany?)
a banyan tree
He not only narrated "The Dukes of Hazzard", he wrote & sang the theme song as well |
(Alex: Big country star, [*].)
Waylon Jennings
A New England term for a milk shake, it also refers to liqueur poured over shaved ice |
a frappe (or frappé)
In "A Midsummer Night's Dream", Titania is the queen of these beings |
the fairies
Within women it ticks off the years when they can conceive children |
the biological clock
In this Japanese form of fencing, the swords are made of bamboo |