A cow's rechewed food |
a cud
Moslems believe the original of this, their holy book, is in heaven |
the Quran
Mathematical symbol which resembles a period |
multiplication symbol (or a decimal point)
Only state with Arctic and Pacific coastlines |
French, Spanish & Italian are in this branch of languages |
the Romance languages
This Ugandan dictator sent Pres. Nixon a card wishing "a speedy recovery from Watergate" |
Idi Amin
Number of wings on a bee |
From a Hebrew name for the Holy Land, it's the movement for a Jewish state there |
A statement that two expressions are equal |
(John: What is that they are equivalent?)
an equation
Center of early fur trading known as "The Beaver State" |
Languages spoken in this country include Assamese, Gujarati, Tamil, & Punjabi |
Pres. who said, "I never gave 'em hell, I just tell the truth and they think it's hell" |
Harry Truman
Fish with cartilage, not bone, for skeleton |
a shark
The "Russellites" predict god's war of Armageddon will rid earth of all evil in this generation |
[Alex spoke "These Russellites..." when reading the clue.] ... (Alex: We've got less than a minute to go in the round.)
the Jehovah Witnesses
In your watch it's a liquid crystal diode, but in math an "LCD" is this |
least common denominator (or lowest common denominator)
State with this tune as its official state song
"Way down upon the Swanee River / Far, far away..." |
(Pat: What is Mississippi?) ... (Alex: And the Swanee River, by the way is in the state of [*].)
1 of 3 Warsaw Pact countries with a non-Slavic language |
(1 of) Romania, Hungary, or East Germany
He wrote, "people will more easily fall victims to a big lie than a small one" |
(Marty: Who is Richard Nixon?)
Adolf Hitler
Lemurs are the most primitive of this order of mammals |
[The end-of-round signal sounds.]
the primates
In Hinduism, it's the immutable law that fixes the consequences of one's acts |
(Pat: What is reincarnation?)
Branch of math named from Arabic for "reunion of broken parts" |
(John: What is calculus?)
Only state ending in "K" |
(Marty: Oh, gee.)
New York
Gullah, spoken on some South Carolina & Georgia islands, has over 6,000 words from this continent |
"No one can make you feel inferior without your consent," said this celebrated first lady |
Eleanor Roosevelt
Christian movement which seeks to unite Christians worldwide |
(Pat: What is the Worldwide Church of God?)
ecumenism (the Ecumenical movement)
Common name of the radical sign |
the square root sign
The Palmetto State, smallest in the Deep South |
South Carolina
2-time pres. candidate who said, "a free society is one where it's safe to be unpopular" |
Adlai Stevenson