Show #109 - Thursday, February 7, 1985

Missing part of one incorrect response in Double Jeopardy! Round.


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Alison Willett, a customer service representative originally from Silver Creek, New York

Tony Hess, a data processor from Cleveland, Ohio

Alan Cook, a senior chief petty officer from San Diego, California (whose 1-day cash winnings total $3,599)

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Jeopardy! Round

    $100 16
In college & high school, a second year student
    $100 2
In Roman myth he was originally god of just water, not the sea
    $100 9
Tubular ski equipment used for balance, or residents of Warsaw
    $100 1
The Band's 1st film & final concert
    $100 7
Moo juice
    $100 21
Nat King Cole said it had "lazy, hazy, crazy days"
    $200 17
Traditional term for officials who investigate AWOL students
    $200 3
Gorgon who might have kept up her permanent wave by feeding it mice
    $200 10
This type of skiing is divided into cross country & jumping
    $200 5
Smooth-talking Robt. Preston recruited this teenage galaxy saver
    $200 8
With this thing, I thee wed
    $200 22
They can be split, lieutenants, or sold in discount stores
    $300 18
Grammar school activity that might be called "exhibit & elucidate"
    $300 4
As Mt. Olympus was to the Greeks, Asgard was to them
    $300 23
Frenchman who won all 3 Alpine gold medals in 1968 Olympics
    $300 6
See decadence! see persecution! see Vesuvius erupt!!!
    $300 13
The weakest part of the strongest chain
    $300 28
Said one way, it's a small part of an hour, the other way, just a small part
    $400 19
This educator's "Eclectic Reader" sold millions of copies in the 19th century
    $400 11
The muse of epic poetry, or merry-go-round organs
    $400 24
Gerald Ford's favorite Colorado ski spot
    $400 26
Peter Bogdanovich's somber '71 tale of Texas
    $400 14
To prepare for action, one can do this to one's loins
    DD: $1,000 29
Time mentioned in the rhyme "Hickory Dickory Dock"
    $500 20
Learning disability in which sufferers reverse words like "was" & "saw", for example
    $500 12
Loved by Leander or wanted by Bonnie Tyler
    $500 25
A way for a politician to avoid an issue, or to climb a hill on skis
    $500 27
Neil Simon's middle class, middle-aged Don Juan
    $500 15
A 4-letter way to glide through the air

Scores at the first commercial break (after clue 12):

Alan Tony Alison
$600 $900 $300

Scores at the end of the Jeopardy! Round:

Alan Tony Alison
$400 $2,700 $1,600

Double Jeopardy! Round

    $200 19
Acorns are the fruit of this tree
    $200 2
To kidnap someone especially for naval service, from name of large Chinese city
    $200 8
What a Moscow resident is properly called
    $200 1
Miners headed for the Rockies vowed to make it this far "or bust"
    $200 20
Host of TV's "Firing Line", his syndicated column is called "On the Right"
    $200 16
Eugene Ormandy conducts this famous Pennsylvania symphony
    $400 21
Most American grown ginseng is exported to this country
    $400 3
Mental derangement associated with certain phases of the moon
    $400 9
It is said that for every living one of these, there are about 30 dead & buried
    $400 5
America's 1st national flag had this country's flag in its upper corner
    $400 17
Aaron Copland's ballet music keeps this outlaw on his toes
    $600 22
From the Spanish word for "raft", this wood is twice as buoyant as cork
    $600 4
From German town, Nieder Selters, which had an effervescent spring
    $600 10
What phobophobes fear
    $600 13
The camel was appropriate 1920 symbol for the party pushing for this
    DD: $600 18
Geographical subtitle for this Dvorak symphony

[Instrumental music plays]
    $800 24
Ferns reproduce by means of these
    $800 6
From Persian "Shir-o-shakar" meaning milk & sugar, it's a puckered, striped cloth
    $800 11
The 2 U.S. states that have no snakes naturally
    $800 14
When the Antebellum period occurred in American history
    DD: $1,000 7
Murderer of a prominent person, from Arabic term for hashish addict
    $1000 12
In 1899, Henry H. Bliss had dubious honor of being 1st to die on NYC street as result of this
    $1000 15
Henry David Thoreau refused to pay taxes to support this war
    $1000 23
In "Continental Divide", John Belushi played character modeled on this Chicago columnist

Scores at the end of the Double Jeopardy! Round:

Alan Tony Alison
$2,800 $7,500 $1,000
(lock game)

[wagering suggestions for these scores]

Final Jeopardy! Round

Last President to appoint a Chief Justice of the Supreme Court

Final scores:

Alan Tony Alison
$1 $8,500 $1
2nd place: set of Pinseeker golf clubs + Bushnell binoculars New champion: $8,500 3rd place: Excel exercise bench

Game dynamics:

Game dynamics graph

Coryat scores:

Alan Tony Alison
$4,400 $7,500 $1,000
11 R
(including 1 DD),
4 W
(including 2 DDs)
23 R,
6 W
12 R,
5 W

Combined Coryat: $12,900

[game responses] [game scores] [suggest correction]

Game tape date: 1984-10-24
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