Show #1462 - Tuesday, January 1, 1991

Jonathan Jacobs game 3.
Game entered from audiorecording. Missing prizes.


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Jack Groshen, a computer consultant from Ann Arbor, Michigan

Mike Willis, an import specialist from Colonial Heights, Virginia

Jonathan Jacobs, an operations research analyst originally from Philadelphia, Pennsylvania (whose 2-day cash winnings total $26,301)

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Jeopardy! Round

    $100 1
Change one letter in Volga & you'll get this major river in West Africa
    $100 12
A treeless opening in the forest or an air freshener that smells like one
    $100 7
Lincoln was "The Great Emancipator" & this president "The Great Communicator"
    $100 6
A flock of these pink birds lives at the infield lake in Hialeah Park
    $100 17
A vacant piece of land, a motion picture studio or a great number
    $100 26
Ava's funeral in this Tar Heel state reminded some of her rainy funeral in "The Barefoot Contessa" in 1954
    $200 2
It's the name the British use for the islands the Argentines call Islas Malvinas
    $200 22
We hope the National Forest named for him will last standing in South Dakota & Montana
    $200 8
Term for a proposed space-based defensive weapon system from a 1977 film
    $200 13
Thomas Nast gave us the Democratic donkey, the Republican elephant & this Tammany symbol
    $200 18
A flat part of a whale's tail, a flat worm or a flat-out stroke of good luck
    $200 27
Ava played this goddess of love 40 years before Vanna White
    $300 3
At about 12,000' above sea level, this national capital of Bolivia is the highest capital in the world
    $300 23
This man whose real name is uncertain ruled North Vietnam for 15 years
    $300 9
Baseball player & manager known as "the Lip" or "Lippy"
    $300 14
Though they are powerful swimmers, that doesn't stop them from winding up as calamari
    $300 19
An amulet, an incantation or a group of finches
    $300 28
One of Ava's last roles was as William Devane's mother on this TV series in 1985
    $400 4
The northernmost spot in the United States is this point in Alaska
    $400 24
In wood furniture manufacturing, types of these include butt, dovetail & dado
    $400 10
In the mid-1970s, her CB handle was First Mama
    $400 15
Term given to the horn-like growths on deer
    DD: $1,300 20
Lawful to hunt, of light color or within bounds
    $400 29
Set in Mexico, this film based on a Tennessee Williams play was called the artistic apex of Ava's career
    $500 5
Up until 1970 the name of this country included its capital, Muscat
    $500 25
Collier's Encyclopedia says wood lore forms a backdrop in her story of a boy & "The Yearling"
    $500 11
The "Father of Pennsylvania" & the "Father of the H-Bomb", or a pair of comic magicians
    $500 16
In 1956, the Army sold off the last of their stock of these birds; they replaced them with electronic devices
    $500 21
A muscle strain or special influence exerted on behalf of a person
    $500 30
Ava earned an Oscar nomination for this 1953 film in which she romanced Clark Gable in Africa

Scores at the first commercial break (after clue 16):

Jonathan Mike Jack
$2,500 $400 $1,000

Scores at the end of the Jeopardy! Round:

Jonathan Mike Jack
$2,200 $1,600 $1,800

Double Jeopardy! Round

    $200 17
The last man to invade England successfully, he defeated Harold II in 1066
    $200 1
In "Of Mice & Men", George & Lenny are migrant workers in this state
    $200 2
It was created July 27, 1789 as the Department of Foreign Affairs; 1½ months later it was renamed this
    $200 10
An apple used for a target rested on the head of Jemmy, the son of this Rossini title character
    $200 11
The name of this container came from the butt, a 126-gallon cask used to ship wine
    $200 22
The famous street Via del Corso was once used as a course for racing these animals
    $400 18
A Scottish rebellion in 1745 tried to bring this handsome Stuart to the throne, but it failed
    $400 3
Temple Drake is the strange heroine of his novel "Sanctuary" & its sequel "Requiem for a Nun"
    $400 5
Assistant secretaries in this department are in charge of fossil & renewable forms
    $400 12
1972's "The Trial of Mary Lincoln" was the first opera commissioned by this TV network
    $400 13
In 1324, England's King Edward II decreed that this was the length of three barleycorn kernels
    $400 23
During the Renaissance, stones from this largest Roman arena were used to construct other buildings
    $600 19
In 43 AD, Emperor Claudius conquered what is now England & made it this Roman province
    $600 4
According to the title of Alan Gurganus' novel, the "Oldest Living Confederate Widow" does this
    $600 7
3 of the 14 people in George Bush's cabinet are from this state from which he was elected
    $600 16
"The Magic Flute" is set in this African country
    $600 14
It's not only a flat boat used to carry goods, it's the term used for 21.2 long tons of freight
    $600 24
The water for this 200-year-old fountain comes from an aqueduct built by Agrippa in 19 BC
    $800 20
Casualties from disease far exceeded casualties from fighting during this war fought from 1854-56
    $800 6
Babbitt & Dodsworth both live in this fictitious town known as the Zip City
    DD: $2,000 8
The Forest Service isn't part of Interior, but this Cabinet department
    $800 28
Vladimir falls in love with one of the Polovtsian maidens in this Borodin opera
    $800 15
When walking, place this instrument on your belt to measure how far you've gone
    $800 25
Built in 312 BC & still used today, it's about 20 feet wide & paved with stone & basalt
    $1000 21
George Fox had a religious experience in 1647 & several years later started this group
    $1000 27
"The Making of Americans", a novel by this female expatriate, has no dialogue & no action
    $1000 9
The Census Bureau, part of this department, guarantees confidentiality of 1990 census forms until 2062
    $1000 30
From 1866-74, this composer & Czech nationalist was conductor of the Prague Opera
    $1000 29
1 of 2 systems of weight in which 12 ounces equal one pound
    DD: $4,000 26
Roman emperor who built the huge tomb seen here for himself & his successors

Scores at the end of the Double Jeopardy! Round:

Jonathan Mike Jack
$12,800 $8,600 $3,000

[wagering suggestions for these scores]

Final Jeopardy! Round

This 1952 winner earned theology & philosophy doctorates at Strasbourg before becoming an M.D.

Final scores:

Jonathan Mike Jack
$17,300 $13,100 $6,000
3-day champion: $43,601 2nd place 3rd place

Game dynamics:

Game dynamics graph

Coryat scores:

Jonathan Mike Jack
$12,900 $5,600 $3,000
30 R
(including 1 DD),
2 W
(including 1 DD)
12 R
(including 1 DD),
1 W
11 R,
2 W

Combined Coryat: $21,500

[game responses] [game scores] [suggest correction]

Game tape date: 1990-10-08
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