Boiling point of H2O on the Celsius scale |
100 degrees
Second A-bomb used in the war used on this city |
(Alex: [Prior to Veronica making the first pick] I'm willing to bet right now that you do not select SPORTS; you can surprise me if you do.) [Mild scattered laughter]
Newsweek described her as proving gymnasts don't all have to be anorexic |
Mary Lou Retton
Number of games to win a normal set in tennis |
(Alan: What is, uh,...) (Alex: Wait a minute. Richard. You hadn't rung in there, Alan--Richard.)
Number of presidents born outside North America |
Barnum's famous pachyderm he said died on railroad tracks to save a friend |
(Alan: [No response]) ... [The end-of-round signal sounds.]
Primary gas component in air |
(Veronica: What is hydrogen?) (Alan: What is oxygen?)
In '43 this country quit the Axis & declared war on Germany |
Molly Pitcher was awarded a pension for having fought in this war |
the Revolutionary War
Indoor sport dominated by Willie Mosconi from 1941-57 |
(Alex: [**] in general.)
billiards (pool)
William Henry Harrison's grandson who was also a president |
(Veronica: Who is Wilson?)
Benjamin Harrison
Chart of elements arranged by atomic number |
(Veronica: [No response])
the periodic table
It took 5 destroyers, 2 battleships, a cruiser & air assistance to sink this German battleship |
the Bismarck
Earned law degree at age 54 after having founded an Eagle Forum & stopped ERA |
Phyllis Schlafly
Number of completed innings which make a baseball game official |
When the Gregorian calendar was adopted his birth date changed from Feb. 11 to Feb. 22 |
George Washington
Sodium hydroxide used in making pretzels & unclogging drains |
(Richard: What is baking soda?) (Alan: What is sodium chloride?)
Under Hitler Joseph Goebbels was minister of this |
[Richard responds using German accent after Alex read the clue with a German accent.]
Largest American city to ever have a woman mayor |
(Veronica: What is San Francisco?) (Alex: We were afraid you might go for that. So many people--we'll have a lot of viewers in [*] watching us on WLN who will say, "Why didn't they think of Mayor Byrne?" She's no longer the mayor, but she was mayor large city, [*].)
Though goaltending in hockey is essential, in this sport it's illegal |
1st president to wear a beard |
Abraham Lincoln
Neutral number on the pH scale |
(Richard: What is 5?)
After betraying Norway to the Nazis, his name became synonymous with traitor |
(Vidkun) Quisling
Author of "The Feminine Mystique"; many consider her the founder of women's lib movement |
(Alex: [After reading the clue and before Richard responded] We've got less than a minute, Richard.)
Betty Friedan
Length of a polo field |
(Alex: Aw, none of you guys have played polo lately? ... I bet your horses would know.) [Laughter]
300 yards
"Rough & Ready" president whose son-in-law was pres. of the Confederacy |
(Alex: Was that a guess?) (Richard: No.) (Alex: You knew it?)
President Zachary Taylor