Show #4673 - Wednesday, December 22, 2004


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David Camp, a student from Charlottesville, Virginia

Hugh Price, an engineer from Chevy Chase, Maryland

Dale Masel, a professor from Lancaster, Ohio (whose 1-day cash winnings total $10,350)

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Jeopardy! Round

    $200 22
Established in 1897, Black Hills National Forest is home to Wind Cave National Park & this national memorial
    $200 19
This 1971 Temptations hit was subtitled "Running Away With Me"
    $200 11
Capuchin, one of these tropical forest dwellers
    $200 6
By imposing a military dictatorship on France in 1799, he became one of the most powerful men in the world
    $200 16
It's the color in the name of a bear, a berry & a bird
    $200 1
Opened in 1829, the Welland Canal was built to circumvent these falls on the Canada-U.S. border
    $400 23
In 1950 this animal that became the symbol of forest fire prevention was found in New Mexico's Lincoln National Forest
    $400 24
In February 1975 this Scottish sextet's album "AWB" topped the charts
    $400 12
Candlemas, celebrating the infant Jesus being taken to this place in Jerusalem
    $400 7
As leader of the Baath party, he became dictator of a Middle Eastern country in 1979; in 2003 he was deposed
    $400 17
It's the color as well as the translucent material in the picture seen here
    $400 2
The name of this 12th century landmark seen here might ring a bell
    $600 25
A replica of the 1st Spanish mission in Eastern Texas stands in the natl. forest named for this "King of the Wild Frontier"
    $600 28
In 1976 this "wild" group topped both the Hot 100 & R&B charts with "Play That Funky Music"
    $600 13
Connolly, Maureen, one of the great players in this sport
    $600 8
In 1279 Kublai Khan founded the Yuan Dynasty, putting all of this Asian country under foreign rule for the first time
    $600 18
Color of the mutant form of the brown rat that's used for medical experiments
    $600 3
When you land at Indira Gandhi International Airport, you're in this city
    $800 26
Trees in this state's Tongass National Forest include western hemlock, cedar, & sitka spruce
    $800 29
Michael McDonald co-wrote this band's hit "What A Fool Believes" with Kenny Loggins
    $800 14
The Colossus of Rhodes, a gigantic statue of this god whose name is Greek for sun
    $800 9
The name of this man, seen here, is now synonymous with ruthless power
    $800 20
Azurite, an ore of copper, is this color
    $800 4
An instrumental figure in ending school segregation, Roy Wilkins headed this organization for over 20 years
    $1000 27
Sequoia & Tahoe National Forests lie in this mountain range
    $1000 30
This 1973 Carpenters hit begins, "When I was young I'd listen to the radio..."
    $1000 15
Cellulose, a carbohydrate that makes up this part of a plant's cell
    $1000 10
In 1922, after his Fascisti marched on the capital, he became Italy's P.M. & most powerful politician
    $1000 21
It's the vivid color named for the showy flowers seen here
    DD: $1,200 5
As many as 300,000 may have died in the Japanese takeover of this city in December 1937

Scores at the first commercial break (after clue 15):

Dale Hugh David
$1,000 $4,600 $1,200

Scores at the end of the Jeopardy! Round:

Dale Hugh David
$1,800 $9,200 $2,200

Double Jeopardy! Round

THE 12
    $400 6
Fasten your seatbelts! CERN's LHC in Geneva stands for "large hadron" one of these
    $400 1
First name of the cousin of Goober who was regularly on the receiving end of Sgt. Carter's tirades
    $400 26
This is the 3-letter word when you're told not to reveal something
    $400 21
Robert Frost described one of these as "twelve persons chosen to decide who has the better lawyer"
    $400 16
U.S. Presidential elections are held on this day of the week
    $400 11
On Christmas Day, 1541 his Sistine Chapel painting of "The Last Judgment" was unveiled to the public
    $800 7
Without this German's constant introduced in 1900, we probably wouldn't have quantum physics
    $800 2
One of Texas A&M's athletes, or a playing marble
    $800 27
Add these 2 letters to "steal" to get a secretive quality thieves need
    $800 22
Suetonius' book "The Twelve" of these, including Julius & Augustus, remains a key source after 1900 years
    $800 17
In Esperanto this day is lundo
    $800 12
In the song "The Twelve Days of Christmas", it's the second day's gift
    $1200 8
The Michelson interferometer was invented to show light moves thru this medium & found it didn't exist
    $1200 3
It's either a credit card company or an endorsement on a passport allowing entry
    $1200 28
A strategy for concealing an unethical act; the Watergate one was famous
    $1200 23
Twelve Oaks is the name of this family's plantation in "Gone with the Wind"
    $1200 18
Lisa Loring played this creepy girl on TV in the '60s
    $1200 13
This conflict officially ended in 1814 on Christmas Eve with the signing of the Treaty of Ghent in Belgium
    $1600 9
The equation for its speed is velocity equals frequency times length
    DD: $2,000 4
Part of a Shakespearean comedy title, its synonyms are fuss, bustle & bother
    $1600 29
That folder of top-secret info must be stamped FYEO, short for this
    $1600 24
Gaea & Uranus created this group of 12 gods later overthrown by Zeus
    $1600 19
It's the Sabbath to a Seventh-day Adventist
    $1600 14
It's the city where Charlemagne spent Christmas Day, 800
    $2000 10
In 1822 Joseph Fourier published his theory on how this form of energy flows in solid bodies
    $2000 5
No clowning on this job where you're responsible for administering the funds of, say, a philanthropy
    $2000 30
To move about in a furtive manner; it's also a term for a group of foxes
    $2000 25
The 12-tone system of musical composition was created by this Austrian composer
    $2000 20
According to tradition, Jesus had his Last Supper on this day of the week
    DD: $4,000 15
Vasco da Gama gave this future South African province its name when he discovered it on Christmas Day, 1497

Scores at the end of the Double Jeopardy! Round:

Dale Hugh David
$2,600 $20,000 $14,200

[wagering suggestions for these scores]

Final Jeopardy! Round

At Harvard, this writer proposed that we work 1 day & leave 6 free for the "sublime revelations of nature"

Final scores:

Dale Hugh David
$5,200 $10,000 $5,700
3rd place: $1,000 New champion: $10,000 2nd place: $2,000

Game dynamics:

Game dynamics graph

Coryat scores:

Dale Hugh David
$2,600 $19,800 $17,800
9 R,
2 W
28 R
(including 1 DD),
3 W
17 R
(including 1 DD),
3 W
(including 1 DD)

Combined Coryat: $40,200

[game responses] [game scores] [suggest correction]

Game tape date: 2004-09-14
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