Show #96 - Monday, January 21, 1985

Paul Boymel game 2.
Missing challenger introductions.


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Susan Hogue, a financial editor from

Arthur Frank, a painter originally from New York City

Paul Boymel, an attorney from Potomac, Maryland (whose 1-day cash winnings total $11,000)

[next game >>]

Jeopardy! Round

    $100 10
Cattle drivers' traveling kitchen
    $100 9
Novosibirsk, Siberia was a recent stop on this evangelist's "Crusade"
    $100 6
The 2 foods which follow "Georgie Porgy"
    $100 21
Group that was "Lost In" & "All Out Of" love in 1980
    $100 5
The larvae of moths & butterflies
    $100 19
His band is "renowned"
    $200 15
Wearing a flour-sack mask, Black Bart robbed 27 of these
    $200 22
"Day of Atonement" considered the holiest day of the Jewish year
    $200 8
Opposite of exploding, TV picture tubes can do it
    $200 4
Type of plant such as cactus & aloe, this name means "juicy"
    $200 18
No "ordinary" person, she made news as Mary Richards
    $300 14
A "wickiup" is the Apache equivalent of this
    $300 23
Their enemies called them "Quakers", but this sect adopted that nickname for themselves
    $300 7
What a plectrum does to a zither
    DD: $900 11
Original composer of tune used as "The Lover's Concerto" & this duet from "Electric Dreams":

[Instrumental music plays.]
    $300 1
Owls depend on their keen senses of sight & this to hunt
    $300 16
Actor who retired his halo to "Live and Let Die"
    $400 13
Though thought of as bird lover, this artist was both hunter & taxidermist
    $400 2
Tropical woods with at least 100 inches of precipitation annually
    $400 17
'50s boxing champ, he boasted the highest percentage of KO's in 205 bouts
    $500 12
Region of they Yukon Territory where the gold rush took place
    $500 3
Collective name of the 3 kinds of North American wild sheep
    $500 20
With partner Earl Scruggs, he sang the theme for the Clampett clan

Scores at the first commercial break (after clue 10):

Paul Art Susan
$900 $0 -$200

Scores at the end of the Jeopardy! Round:

Paul Art Susan
$2,200 -$100 $100

Double Jeopardy! Round

    $200 20
Czar Ivan IV's nasty nickname
    $200 13
Most frequently used letter in written English
    $200 5
Only U.S. president to win the Pulitzer Prize
    $200 7
What a comedian keeps them rolling in
    $400 15
Pop Singer Pat Boone wrote lyrics to this song about Israel
    $400 19
Profession shared by Anne Bonny, Mary Read & Edward Teach
    $400 21
This fabric, which sounds like a woman's name, resists wrinkling, fading & finer boutiques
    $400 12
Letter that starts the fewest English words
    $400 4
This president ordered what the press called "The Saturday Night Massacre"
    $400 8
One way emus can go in a crossword puzzle
    $600 1
Members of Muslim religious order given to frenzied dancing
    $600 18
He was tried & executed after Israeli agents captured him in Argentina in 1960
    DD: $2,000 11
Letter named for another letter which it resembles in handwriting, but not in print
    $600 3
He took on the thankless job as Reconstruction president after Lincoln's death
    $600 9
Meaning "hold back" it can be done instead of voting
    $800 14
Country known as "The United Arab Republic" from 1958-71
    DD: $2,000 22
1 of the 2 women who attempted to assassinate Gerald Ford
    $800 23
This letter with a line over it is 5,000 in Roman numerals
    $800 2
President who was original member of Cowboy Hall of Fame
    $800 10
Top peak of a triangle
    $1000 16
Country that was formerly the British colony of Aden
    $1000 24
According to Shakespeare, this crippled king murdered his nephews to secure his throne
    $1000 25
Invented as substitute for ivory, it's now associated with film
    $1000 17
Though it looks like our letter "Z", it's the 6th letter of the Greek alphabet
    $1000 6
The press applauded "Rollicking Reagan" at his nightclub debut in this city

Scores at the end of the Double Jeopardy! Round:

Paul Art Susan
$9,800 $500 $1,900
(lock game)

[wagering suggestions for these scores]

Final Jeopardy! Round

In 1952, it became the 3rd country to test an atomic bomb

Final scores:

Paul Art Susan
$14,000 $1,000 $1
2-day champion: $25,000 2nd place: Action Lane recliner & Yamaha PS-300 PortaSound keyboard 3rd place: Botany 500 suit & sportscoat

Game dynamics:

Game dynamics graph

Coryat scores:

Paul Art Susan
$8,100 $500 $1,900
27 R
(including 2 DDs),
11 W
(including 1 DD)
4 R,
2 W
8 R,
5 W

Combined Coryat: $10,500

[game responses] [game scores] [suggest correction]

Game tape date: 1984-10-17
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