Show #2038 - Wednesday, June 16, 1993

Al Lin game 5.


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Patrick Brannon, a student from Marietta, Georgia

Deborah Yaffe, a reporter originally from Colorado Springs, Colorado (whose 1-day cash winnings total $14,000)

Al Lin, a law student originally from Chesapeake, Virginia (whose 4-day cash winnings total $48,502)

[next game >>]

Jeopardy! Round

    $100 6
This baptizer was said to be “clothed with camel’s hair, and with a girdle of a skin about his loins”
    $100 26
This writer & performer of “Big Bad John” is now a sausage entrepreneur
    $100 1
It’s the “grainy” name for a hard, painful growth of skin on or between the toes
    $100 10
This animated film producer was born on December 5, 1901 in Chicago, not in Anaheim
    $100 16
The name of this continent may come from the word Ereb, meaning “land of the setting sun”
    $100 21
Watermelon, pumpkin & sunflower ones can be toasted like nuts & served as hors d'oeuvres
    $200 7
The 2 women who first saw the resurrected Jesus shared this name
    $200 27
Her autobiography, “Stand By Your Man”, was made into a 1981 TV movie starring Annette O’Toole
    $200 2
It’s the part of the body a doctor would examine with a rhinoscope
    $200 12
This legendary lawman’s birthplace wasn’t Dodge City or Tombstone, but Monmouth, Illinois
    $200 17
This 3-letter term for a clumsy person may be derived from an old form of “elf”
    $200 22
The Chatfield Memorial Garden is one of many lovely gardens in this Garden State
    $300 8
At the time of Jesus’ birth, he was the king of Judea
    $300 28
The Krystal hamburger chain inspired this sister of Loretta Lynn to change her name
    $300 3
A partial tear of the rotator cuff around this joint can cause painful arc movements
    $300 13
She was born in Tokyo on July 1, 1916; her sister Joan Fontaine was born there the following year
    $300 18
As a verb it means to coat with metal; as a noun it can refer to a piece of dinnerware
    $300 23
It’s a cookhouse on wheels, or a pet food that probably isn’t made in one
    $400 9
“Blessed are the poor in spirit; for theirs is the kingdom of heaven” is the 1st of these declarations
    $400 29
Because his hair turned prematurely white at age 21, he's known as the "Silver Fox"
    $400 4
The term palsy applies to certain forms of this condition, which can be partial or complete
    $400 14
This flamboyant female evangelist wasn’t American but Canadian; she was born in Ontario in 1890
    $400 19
From the Greek for “universe” or “order”, it’s any of various beauty preparations
    $400 24
These shoes must be roomy, because ads say, “There’s a little kid and his dog inside every pair”
    $500 11
The 2 Apostles to whom Jesus said, “Follow me, and I will make you fishers of men”
    $500 30
Top hits after her 1963 death included “Sweet Dreams” & “He Called Me Baby"
    $500 5
In a 1794 paper John Dalton gave the first description of this optical condition
    DD: $900 15
The only U.S. President born in Milton, Massachusetts
    $500 20
When it refers to machines like the cotton gin, “gin” is short for this word
    $500 25
A pleasure carriage with a raised driver’s seat, or the 19th century British queen for whom it was named

Scores at the first commercial break (after clue 15):

Al Deborah Patrick
$2,300 $0 $700

Scores at the end of the Jeopardy! Round:

Al Deborah Patrick
$2,100 $2,400 $700

Double Jeopardy! Round

    $200 30
Gstaad, which lies on the northwest side of the Bernese Alps, is a ski resort in this country
    $200 2
After 182 years, the Post Office Department ceased to exist in 1971 & was replaced by this agency
    $200 21
A young kangaroo rides around in this until it's big enough to take care of itself
    $200 16
On March 7, 1876 he received Patent No. 174,465 for his invention of a telephone
    $200 4
On August 4, 1939 he declared himself Chief Of State in Spain
    $200 12
Marsha Mason met him after she auditioned for his play "The Good Doctor" & later married him
    $400 29
To see the ruins of the ancient oasis city of Palmyra, you have to go to this country
    $400 10
The Constitution provides for the selection of this Senate officer when the Vice President is absent
    $400 22
The Silky & Yorkshire breeds of this dog are classified as toys
    $400 17
He invented a steam plow & an oven, but he's best known for his elevator
    $400 8
In 1867 the last of these Japanese military directors was forced to resign
    $400 13
He's the father of Jessica Lange's children Hannah & Samuel
    $600 28
Durban & East London are 2 of this country's chief ports
    DD: $3,000 11
This program teaches employment skills to young people usually between the ages of 16 & 21
    $600 23
These small ponies named for Scottish islands formerly pulled carts in coal mines
    $600 18
Richard Arkwright helped usher in this revolution with his invention of a spinning frame
    $600 7
In 1745 Bonnie Prince Charlie tried to regain the British throne for this ruling family
    $600 14
In 1949 she starred in "The Smile of the World", a play written by her husband Garson Kanin
    $800 27
Officially, this European country is a most serene Republic, La Serenissima Repubblica
    $800 9
This agency, the GSA, operates the Federal Communications & Computer Systems
    $800 26
Quinnat is another name for the Chinook species of this fish
    $800 19
His control mechanism for rocket apparatus earned him a place in the Inventors Hall Of Fame
    $800 6
In 1569 Lithuania & this country merged to form the largest single kingdom in Eastern Europe
    $800 15
We hope his third wife, actress Carlotta Monterey, never called him a "hairy ape"
    $1000 24
Name shared by the largest city in Costa Rica & the seat of California's Santa Clara County
    $1000 3
Set up in 1887 to regulate railroads, this commission was given authority over trucking in 1935
    $1000 25
The red-spotted type of this salamander is one of the most common in the U.S.
    $1000 20
He was knighted in 1879 for a method of stamping deeds, not for his steelmaking process
    DD: $2,000 5
In 1975, 38 Americans died trying to rescue this U.S. merchant ship seized by Cambodian forces
    $1000 1
In the late 1800s Victorien Sardou not only wrote but directed plays for this great French actress

Scores at the end of the Double Jeopardy! Round:

Al Deborah Patrick
$8,900 $5,200 $2,500

[wagering suggestions for these scores]

Final Jeopardy! Round

THE 1950s
June 2, 1953 event telecast worldwide & filmed in Technicolor

Final scores:

Al Deborah Patrick
$10,401 $10,400 $1
5-day champion: $58,903 + Jeopardy! '92 home game 2nd place: S&S Mills carpeting + Imperial wallcoverings + Jeopardy! '92 home game 3rd place: Service Merchandise gift certificate + Wheel of Fortune/Jeopardy! video games for the Super Nintendo Entertainment System and Sega Genesis system + Jeopardy! '92 home game

Game dynamics:

Game dynamics graph

Coryat scores:

Al Deborah Patrick
$7,900 $9,100 $2,500
25 R
(including 1 DD),
6 W
21 R,
4 W
(including 2 DDs)
8 R,
2 W

Combined Coryat: $19,500

[game responses] [game scores] [suggest correction]

Game tape date: 1993-02-02
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