Before the U.S., this European nation was mired down in Vietnam |
In Poland, they say "Under capitalism, man exploits man, while under" this system, "it's vice versa" |
communism (or socialism)
In 1978 this Scot asked "Do Ya Think I'm Sexy?" |
[Alex pronounced it "Do"; while the song is "Da Ya Think I'm Sexy", an error is currently assumed.]
(Alex: And I guess they did, they bought a lot of those albums.)
Rod Stewart
In sculpture, a portrait of the head sometimes with neck and shoulders |
a bust
"Pikes Peak or Bust" was slogan of 1858 gold rush in this state |
(Ron: What is California?)
In 19th century schools, dull or lazy pupils sometimes had to wear this on their head |
a dunce cap
Spain's name came from Hispania, what it was first called during their rule |
(Ron: What are the Visigoths?) (Pat: What is Ferdinand & Isabella?)
the Romans
Policy of many stores, "In God we trust, all others pay" this |
(Ron: What is the cost?)
Swedish group whose name is the first initial of the four members |
State in which this song takes place
"Oh beat the drum slowly and play the fife lowly / Play the Dead March as they carry me along" |
(Alex: The song is "The Cowboy's Lament" or "The Streets of Laredo", sung by Burl Ives.)
If she wanted to be alone, Greta Garbo might have enjoyed this form of prison punishment |
solitary confinement
While they all settled here at the same time, it wasn't called Jutland or Saxonland, but this |
England (Angleland)
Marx said, "Each should work according to his ability and be paid according to" this |
(Ron: His production.) (Alex: No. Remember to phrase it in the form of a question.)
according to his need
Unfortunately, he is no longer "Alive & Well & Living in Paris" |
Jacques Brel
1 of 4 states that's officially a commonwealth |
Virginia (or Massachusetts, Pennsylvania, or Kentucky)
Asian torture that could be done to "Raindrops Keep Falling On My..." forehead |
the (Chinese) water torture
To the Mexicans' displeasure, Napoleon III put this Archduke of Austria on their throne |
Scottish economist famed for "The Wealth of Nations" & laissez-faire viewpoint |
Adam Smith
British-Australian group whose career has been "Stayin' Alive" for 17 years |
[The end-of-round signal sounds.]
the Bee Gees
The Republican Party traces its origins to an 1854 meeting at Ripon in this state |
(Ron: What is Michigan?)
Poe narrator's punishment for believing Montresor really wants to show him a cask of Amontillado |
being bricked into a cell (or cellar, being walled up)
Now part of Yugoslavia, Austria-Hungary declared war on it in 1914 |
The nation's money supply is controlled by the Federal Reserve, headed by him |
(Alex: We've got less than a minute to go in the game.)
Paul Volcker
Nicknamed "The Treasure State", the motto of this 4th-largest in area is "Gold & Silver" |