Show #7 - Tuesday, September 18, 1984


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Gene Visich, a homemaker from Washington Township, New Jersey

Alan Friedenthal, a loan officer from Tarzana, California

Lorrie Farrely, an elementary school teacher from Orange, California (whose 2-day cash winnings total $20,250)

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Jeopardy! Round

    $100 10
Only president born in California
    $100 1
Aesop character that won by a "hare"
    $100 7
Man's name, bird's beak, or a restaurant's check
    $100 20
Utica, NY was the site of his first 5 & 10ยข store
    $100 18
Where Petula Clark would go when she was feeling low
    $100 6
Literary "quoth" of Poe's raven
    $200 17
In '24, we "kept cool" with him
    $200 2
Crusoe named him for the day they met
    $200 9
What you stick your pimento in
    $200 21
Atlanta-based firm that owns Minute Maid, Hi-C & Columbia Pictures
    $200 8
He was a "better man" than Rudyard Kipling
    $300 15
All presidents from 1960-80 had served in this branch of the military
    $300 3
They called Robin Hood's companion this, though he was over 7' tall
    $300 11
A single serving of butter for Mrs. Nixon
    $300 22
U.S. company that builds Renault cars
    $300 19
Milne's "bear of very little brain"
    $400 14
Alaska & Hawaii became states under this president
    $400 4
Gulliver's tiny people
    $400 12
A fast rabbit or used to lift one
    $400 23
A "rock" solid reputation has made them #1 in life insurance
    $400 24
In cable from Europe he said, "The report of my death was an exaggeration"
    $500 16
President who was born Leslie L. King
    $500 5
In one Grimm tale, she's Rose Red's sister
    $500 13
A completely honest hot dog
    $500 26
In 1950, they offered 1st all-purpose credit card
    $500 25
It completes: "Theirs not to make reply, theirs not to reason why..."

Scores at the first commercial break (after clue 10):

Lorrie Alan Gene
$1,600 $0 $600

Scores at the end of the Jeopardy! Round:

Lorrie Alan Gene
$2,900 -$500 $2,500

Double Jeopardy! Round

    $200 5
Pope Julius II ordered him to paint the Sistine Chapel
    $200 9
For her 100th birthday, she'll get her torch back
    $200 1
It's the Run for the Roses in the Bluegrass State
    $200 16
Office for conductor & living quarters for crew, it is often red
    $200 17
Celebrated botanist, or civic subject of Carson monologues
    $400 6
Name for the Virgin Mary in many paintings
    $400 10
There were no known successful escapes from this "Rock" in S.F. bay
    $400 2
In Japan its name is sumo, in nightclubs its name is mud
    DD: $400 18
Where Glenn Miller was headed on this choo choo:

Instrumental music plays
    $400 20
Longfellow's "spreading" tree, now battling extinction by blight
    DD: $2,000 7
Born on Crete, Domenicos Theotocopoulos was called "The Greek" by Spaniards
    $600 12
Last Memorial Day, a Vietnam casualty was interred at this Arlington shrine
    $600 3
Legendary site of first baseball game
    $600 21
Favorite food of pandas, it's the world's largest grass
    $800 8
Rodin's sculptured tribute to eggheads
    $800 13
Plays are still performed at this site of Lincoln's assassination
    $800 4
Her hairstyle & style on the ice made her famous in the '76 Olympics
    $800 22
This "tree's" branches pointed way out of desert, so Mormons named it for Biblical leader
    $1000 11
It's combined with pigment to make tempera paint
    $1000 15
At 555' 5", this 100-year-old all-stone structure is world's tallest
    $1000 14
Great-Grandson of Chief Black Hawk & 1 of 1st in NFL Hall of Fame
    $1000 19
It met the Union Pacific at Promontory, Utah, in 1869
    $1000 23
Largest specimen of this tree has 350 large trunks & over 3,000 small ones

Scores at the end of the Double Jeopardy! Round:

Lorrie Alan Gene
$7,300 $700 $3,500
(lock game)

[wagering suggestions for these scores]

Final Jeopardy! Round

Country where Napoleon met his "Waterloo"

Final scores:

Lorrie Alan Gene
$7,550 $1,400 $1,100
3-day champion: $27,800 2nd place: Sunray deluxe range + Bernardaud de Limoges dinnerware 3rd place: Excel exercise equipment

Game dynamics:

Game dynamics graph

Coryat scores:

Lorrie Alan Gene
$5,900 $700 $3,500
20 R
(including 1 DD),
3 W
6 R
(including 1 DD),
3 W
19 R,
7 W

Combined Coryat: $10,100

[game responses] [game scores] [suggest correction]

Game tape date: 1984-08-08
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