Only president born in California |
Richard Nixon
Aesop character that won by a "hare" |
turtle (or tortoise)
Man's name, bird's beak, or a restaurant's check |
Utica, NY was the site of his first 5 & 10ยข store |
(Alex: Woolworth's, right.)
Where Petula Clark would go when she was feeling low |
Literary "quoth" of Poe's raven |
In '24, we "kept cool" with him |
Calvin Coolidge
Crusoe named him for the day they met |
What you stick your pimento in |
an Olive
Atlanta-based firm that owns Minute Maid, Hi-C & Columbia Pictures |
[Alan receives a grand ovation for finally ringing in.]
He was a "better man" than Rudyard Kipling |
Gunga Din
All presidents from 1960-80 had served in this branch of the military |
(Alex: As a matter of fact, they were the only presidents to have come from [*].)
the Navy
They called Robin Hood's companion this, though he was over 7' tall |
Little John
A single serving of butter for Mrs. Nixon |
U.S. company that builds Renault cars |
(Gene: [No response])
American Motors
Milne's "bear of very little brain" |
Alaska & Hawaii became states under this president |
Gulliver's tiny people |
the Lilliputians
A fast rabbit or used to lift one |
(Gene: What is a...)
a Jack
A "rock" solid reputation has made them #1 in life insurance |
(Alex: And we've got about a minute to go in the round.)
In cable from Europe he said, "The report of my death was an exaggeration" |
Mark Twain
President who was born Leslie L. King |
(Gene: [*]?) (Alex: Oh, yes!) (Gene: Who is [*]?) (Alex: You got it just in the nick of time.) ... (Alex: His name was changed by his step-father.)
Gerald Ford
In one Grimm tale, she's Rose Red's sister |
Snow White
A completely honest hot dog |
a Frank
In 1950, they offered 1st all-purpose credit card |
(Lorrie: Who is Bank of America?) [Contestant is heard ringing in.] (Alex: That is wrong....Just a moment.) [Alan is seen and heard ringing in.] [Player time's up signal is heard.] [End-of-round signal is heard.] (Alex: You can give me the answer.) (Alan: Who is American Express?) (Alex: That is wrong? Gene, do you want to try it? No? I'll give it to you then. What is the [*]? [*]. That sound effect, of course...) [End-of-round signal plays again.] (Alex: ...means that the round is over. You're out of Jeopardy, and Alan, you're in jeopardy in a manner of speaking. You're $500 in the hole.)
Diners Club
It completes: "Theirs not to make reply, theirs not to reason why..." |
(Alan: Blank.)
[Note: Lorrie is given credit for the misquote, "Theirs is but to do or die."]
Theirs but to do and die