Show #8661 - Monday, June 13, 2022

Eric Ahasic game 6.


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Lisa Hernson, a banking director from New York, New York

Mazin Omer, a student from Toledo, Ohio

Eric Ahasic, a meteorologist from Minneapolis, Minnesota (whose 5-day cash winnings total $133,801)

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Jeopardy! Round

(Mayim: Responses start with "H-I", and then precede "historic" alphabetically.)
    $200 16
Under a treaty following WWI, Hungary lost about 2/3 of its territory, including Transylvania, to this country
    $200 13
Per an Alice Walker novel, God will be mad if you don't notice it in a field
    $200 21
In 2014 Prince William knighted this Oscar winner's "left foot", & the rest of him, too
    $200 10
To rest in a big way for a few months starting around December
    $200 12
In Oregon a first offense for texting while doing this can be a class B violation & a $1,000 fine
    $200 24
In 2014 Jennifer Garner began wondering about the contents of your wallet in ads for this company
    $400 3
Hungary's Ferenc Puskas, "The Galloping Major", was one of the first international superstars of this sport
    $400 4
Luke Castellan (not Percy Jackson), who stole Zeus' master bolt
    $400 17
To honor his father, this star here was knighted in his birth name, so he's Sir Maurice Micklewhite
    $400 11
Check out an example of these; you don't have to translate them, though
    $400 8
Although it's been said many times, many ways, in Dec. 1992 a 22-year-old software engineer sent these 2 words in the very 1st text
    $400 26
A tree-dweller, the 2-toed this mammal sleeps about 15 hours a day & can take an entire month to digest some food items
    $600 1
An important river of Central Europe & Hungary, the Tisza is a tributary of this much longer river
    DD: $1,000 5
The murder of Linnet Doyle aboard the Karnak, a steamer
    $600 22
After captaining the Enterprise on TV in the '90s, this actor would get called "Sir" for another reason in 2010
    $600 18
A set of people who rob on a public road, or in a more fun sense, a side project for Willie Nelson & 3 other legends
    $600 14
Online at damnyou this: "How's your day going?"; "Awful. I have a bad case of the manboobs" (followed by) "Omg. The Mondays!"
    $600 27
"Shave & a haircut, 2 bits"?! Sounds like quite the bargain, as 2 bits is usually worth this amount of money
    $800 2
The beautiful Tokaj region in the northeast is world famous for its production of this, like Tokaji Aszu
    $800 6
In a novel by Khaled Hosseini, a boy named Hassan
    $800 25
In 1998 Queen Elizabeth knighted this piano-playing singer, though his first & last names got reversed when he was introduced
    $800 19
From the Latin for "gap", it describes the break a TV show takes when it goes out of production for a few weeks
    $800 15
MMS, this message service, lets you attach that cute video of your toddler singing "Poker Face" in a text to grandma
    $800 28
The basic movement in this numeric Lone Star State dance is "quick-quick, slow, slow"
    $1000 9
In 1988, 43 years after his death in self-exile in New York, this composer's remains were returned to his beloved Hungary
    $1000 7
In a Paulo Coelho novel, a 200-year-old who can transform base metals into gold
    $1000 30
Though too frail to kneel, this 85-year-old silent film star was tapped in 1975, just a few miles from where he grew up in poverty
    $1000 20
This hairy adjective is extremely close to historic in the dictionary
    $1000 23
ATEOTD, in texting lingo, ATEOTD is short for this
    $1000 29
In 1934 John Dillinger got a very unwanted birthday present, this 4-word designation & soon, a $10,000 reward on his head

Scores at the first commercial break (after clue 15):

Eric Mazin Lisa
$3,000 $2,000 -$600

Scores at the end of the Jeopardy! Round:

Eric Mazin Lisa
$6,800 $2,800 -$200

Double Jeopardy! Round

    $400 16
In 1915 the Revenue Cutter Service & the Life-Saving Service merged to create this branch of the military
    $400 17
Because they orbit between the Earth & Sun, these are known as the 2 "inferior" planets
    $400 24
The woman who found the baby Moses floating in a basket in the river is identified in Exodus only as this person's daughter
    $400 18
Anderson Brothers Bank was founded in 1933 in the depths of this to give desperately needed support to South Carolina farmers
    $400 1
Hofstra linguistics Prof Robert Leonard sang at this 1969 concert, where he & his band Sha Na Na opened for their pal Jimi Hendrix
    $400 26
One possible answer:
    $800 7
The Dorr Rebellion in 1842 was directed against the government of this "Ocean State"
    $800 9
65 times the size of the Sun, Canopus, the second-brightest star in the sky, is a yellow-white one of these
    $800 25
David's wife & Solomon's mother, she had formerly been married to Uriah the Hittite
    $800 8
In September 2008 Lehman Brothers, with $639 billion in assets, filed the largest one of these in U.S. history
    $800 2
Can't get much more metal than Runhild Gammelsaeter, who sang for the band called this god's Hammer & has a PhD from the U. of Oslo
    $800 27
Precious commodity:
    $1200 4
In 1912, the U.S. flag gained its 47th & 48th stars after these two neighbors, highlighted here, joined the Union
    $1200 10
It's the second smallest of the solar system's 8 major planets
    DD: $5,000 15
This dancer who in Matthew 14 is referred to as "the daughter of Herodias" is better known by this name
    $1200 12
A philanthropic fund was created in 1940 by these brothers--John 3rd, Laurance, Winthrop, Nelson & David
    $1200 3
"I'm just a sucker with no self-esteem" sang Dexter Holland, a molecular biology PhD who's the lead singer of this band
    $1200 28
This little light in a gas-powered appliance:
    $1600 5
In 1973 this retired Chief Justice returned to California to swear in Tom Bradley, the first Black mayor of Los Angeles
    DD: $6,000 11
Blown back by this, a comet's ion tail points almost directly away from the Sun
    $1600 22
This matriarch was the mother of Esau & Jacob
    $1600 13
The fabulous Baker Boys, Julian & Felix, run a hedge fund specializing in this 7-letter sector of new drug development
    $1600 19
After playing guitar with Lou Reed & Nico in this influential '60s band, Sterling Morrison earned a PhD in medieval studies
    $1600 29
A reddish brown:
    $2000 6
Known as "Mother", she emigrated from Italy in 1889 & in 1946 she became the first U.S. citizen to be declared a saint
    $2000 21
Astronomers use this, the difference in an object's direction when observed from 2 points, to measure distance
    $2000 23
The name of this queen who vowed to have the prophet Elijah killed has come to mean an immoral woman
    $2000 14
Founded by French freres, this financial advising & asset managing giant is LAZ on the New York Stock Exchange
    $2000 20
4-time "Jeopardy!" champ Jackie Fuchs has a J.D. from Harvard; as Jackie Fox, she played bass in this all-female Joan Jett band
    $2000 30
Vascular plant part: 24-25-12-5-13

Scores at the end of the Double Jeopardy! Round:

Eric Mazin Lisa
$29,400 $9,200 $200
(lock game)

[wagering suggestions for these scores]

Final Jeopardy! Round

Buster Keaton considered her the tops in her field &, in fact, was one of her early mentors

Final scores:

Eric Mazin Lisa
$26,800 $401 $400
6-day champion: $160,601 2nd place: $2,000 3rd place: $1,000

Game dynamics:

Game dynamics graph

Coryat scores:

Eric Mazin Lisa
$21,200 $10,200 $200
26 R
(including 2 DDs),
2 W
18 R,
6 W
(including 1 DD)
7 R,
4 W

Combined Coryat: $31,600

[game responses] [game scores] [suggest correction]

Game tape date: 2022-04-20
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