"Gobi", as in its Gobi Desert, means "waterless place" in the language of this landlocked nation |
The Battle of the Boroughs: games between these 2 NBA squads |
(Caitlin: Who are the Knicks and the...)
the Knicks & the Nets
Eudyptula, a genus of these Southern Hemisphere birds, means "good little diver"; the fairy type is Eudyptula minor |
Like a wedding band, this simple symbol has no beginning & no end & represents unity, wholeness & eternity |
a circle
Tolkien coined the term eucatastrophe, referring to one of these 2-word results, which he said made a complete fairy-story |
a happy ending
This colorful challenger to Sir Gawain turns out to be Sir Bertilak in disguise |
the Green Knight
The Kerch Strait--along with serious border issues--separates Russia from this country on the Black Sea |
[NOTE: "Recorded on January 11, 2022" is displayed.]
Speeding fine $15 & You inherit $100 are examples of these paired board game elements |
(Ken: In Monopoly, yes. Less than a minute now.)
Chance & Community Chest
Canis aureus, or "golden dog", is a species of this canine with a foul odor & a reputation for skulking cowardice |
(Margaret: What is a sheepdog?) (Caitlin: What is a hyena?) ... (Ken: It's a strong anti-sheepdog take from Margaret--this is [*], in fact.)
a jackal
On a gravestone, a hand with the index finger pointing upward symbolizes the hope of this place |
As the name implies, xylotherapy uses certain kinds of these for medical purposes |
The figure best known by this name appears in some versions as Ambrosius, a prophet & adviser to King Vortigern |
(Margaret: I would like to make it a True Daily Double.) (Ken: Wow!) (Margaret: I mean, this is my shot, right?) (Ken: You seem so earnest about it.) ... [Enthusiastic applause and "Whoo!" from the audience]
I've got this nation on the Black Sea on my mind, along with Mount Kazbek, an extinct volcano that's one of its highest points |
[The end-of-round signal sounds.]
Ash is bros for life with this Pokemon |
In 1816 this animal was classified in the genus Pan; some scientists want to put it in Homo |
It's the unit of electrical resistance whose symbol is seen here |
Anguilliform means resembling these slippery creatures |
Named parts of Arthur's fighting gear included "Excalibur" , his sword, "Ron", his lance, & "Pridwen", this |
his shield
In a 1980 comedy this title pair explains: "We're on a mission from God" |
[Ken reads the quote in an attempt to imitate Elwood.]
the Blues Brothers
Waran is Arabic for the monitor lizard; this largest member of the genus Varanus can weigh 350 pounds & kill with its bite |
(Ken: Adrian?) (Adrian: Uh, what is crocodile?)
the Komodo dragon
In the portrait, the framing garland is leaves of this long-lived tree, a symbol of endurance |
Be careful around a bergschrund, one of these you may encounter on a mountainous glacier |
a crevasse
The son of Lancelot, this noblest of Arthur's knights was among the few virtuous enough to find the Holy Grail |
Sir Galahad
Here's looking at this Silver Screen royal couple |
Lauren Bacall & Humphrey Bogart
Musca is Latin for "fly", an insect that should fear Muscicapa, a genus of this bird |
a flycatcher
Associated with Hermes, this symbol seen here is an emblem of the medical profession & also a sign of peace |
a caduceus
Where you at, Yeti? This 13-letter field deals with the study of legendary creatures |
Arthur's mother was Igraine, duchess of this peninsular region |