In 1620 the 2nd Tokugawa shogun cemented his power by marrying his daughter off to the guy with this important title |
This 1850 book was pure magic & Dickens' "favourite child" |
(Josette: What is Oliver Twist?)
David Copperfield
Jesse Ventura, wrestling with politics from 1999 to 2003 |
governor of Minnesota
Ghosts of pirates said a collective "Arrr, too late" after vitamin C was identified as a cure for this disease in 1932 |
A trick, or an ornamental cushion covering |
(Chas: A throw? What is a throw?)
a sham
Pedro Pascal made the removal of his helmet a major moment in this show, but hey, "This is the Way" |
The Mandalorian
Into the 20th century, Uzbekistan had rulers with this title reminiscent of the Mongols; the Soviets finally got rid of them |
This 1936 novel was pure Faulkner, Faulkner! |
Absalom, Absalom!
Future world leader Boris Johnson, from 2008 to 2016 |
mayor of London
Night blindness may result from a lack of this vitamin that helps to activate rhodopsin, which aids in maintaining light sensitivity |
vitamin A
This word for an act of deception is thought to be an alteration of part of a conjuror's rhyming phrase |
(Chas: What is a ruse?) ... (Ken: From hocus pocus.)
a hoax
James Doohan, who played this role on "Star Trek", was wounded in multiple places on D-Day; one bullet took off his right middle finger |
In the 1960s, many Indian farmers transitioned for a mix of crops to high-yield wheat as part of this colorful revolution |
the Green Revolution
This Thackeray book arrived in 1848; the first version of what is now the same-named magazine, 11 years later |
Vanity Fair
"Law & Order" man Fred Dalton Thompson, from 1994 to 2003 |
U.S. senator
A thiamin deficiency can lead to thisthis, a disease whose name derives from Sinhalese for "extreme weakness" |
German for "substitute" , it's an inferior imitation, as of food that's in short supply |
(Ken: You turned around your luck in this category.) [Laughter]
After sending Bender home on this show, a God-like being says, "When you do things right, people won't be sure you've done anything at all" |
The Javanese Wars of Succession involved local potentates & this Dutch entity the Javanese called "Kumpeni" |
the Dutch East India Company
Published in the U.S. in 1962, this William S. Burroughs "meal" was not easily digested by some |
Naked Lunch
Celebrity in his own right if only for his facial hair, C. Everett Koop, from 1982 to 1989 |
U.S. surgeon general
Take your B6 to avoid microcytic this, where red blood cells are smaller than normal |
(Ken: [After Josette picks next clue] Good for a dietitian.)
This word for a fake once meant the craft of metalmaking |
(Amy: What is... a... dummy?)
a forgery
Let's not frak around; Lorne Greene & Edward James Olmos led this title ship, but not at the same time |
Battlestar Galactica
Today the victims of persecution in China, this Muslim group had a Central Asian empire from about 750 to 850 A.D. |
the Uyghurs
V-2 rockets play a crucial role in this "colorful", award-winning Pynchon novel |
Gravity's Rainbow
Political patriarch Joseph P. Kennedy, from 1938 to 1940 |
ambassador to the U.K.
Usually from a lack of vitamin D, the disease that softens bones in children is called this; for adults, it's osteomalacia |
The first part of this fancy 13-letter word for a lie derives from Latin for "before" |
Will Robinson was once again in danger in the 2018 reboot of this show, with the appropriately named Brian Steele as the robot |
Lost in Space