Once upon a time it was proper etiquette to present one of these alliterative items during a social visit |
a calling card
In 1566 she gave birth to the boy who would be king--James VI of Scotland |
(Jeff: Who is Mary?) (Mayim: Can you be more specific?)
Mary, Queen of Scots
AAA in the states & the R.A.C. in England helped promote safety regarding these, the "a" in the middle of their names |
Her, as Liz Lemon: "I took one of those 'Which Gossip Girl Are You?' quizzes, & it said I was the dad's guitar" |
(Tina) Fey
Sorry!, Operation, Battleship |
board games
Some ancestors of Native Americans are believed to have crossed from Asia over what's now this about 13,000 years ago |
the Bering Strait
In the U.S., the permanent resident card is more commonly called this |
a green card
Kings Fahd, Khalid & Faisal all ruled over this country |
Saudi Arabia
Part of this youth club's pledge reads, "My hands to larger service, and my health to better living" |
the 4-H Club
Ali Wong learned "In order to be a" this "wife, you have to be a" this. "I am more of a commemorative plaque" |
a trophy
Affenpinscher, Basenji, German Spitz |
Bearing the name of an 8th century Berber conqueror, this strait separates 2 continents |
(Jeff: What is... Bosphorus?)
the Strait of Gibraltar
Joel McHale hosts the reboot of this classic game show |
Card Sharks
Nearly 10 feet tall & standing on a 3 1/2 foot base, the largest statue in the Statuary Hall Collection is of this king |
Fittingly, this organization was founded in 1892 for outings in "mountain regions of the Pacific coast" |
the Sierra Club
Mitch Hedberg: this snack brand's "initial intention was to make tennis balls but... a big truck of potatoes arrived" |
Boater, ushanka, top |
The Channel Tunnel travels under this strait for more than 20 miles |
(Sri: What's the English Channel?)
Strait of Dover
Women used to keep a list of prospective partners at a ball, hence this expression for a crammed schedule |
a full dance card
Hadassah was another name for this queen of the Old Testament |
(Queen) Esther
In the early 1930s this Harlem nightclub made Cab Calloway the leader of its house orchestra |
(Kate: What is Birdland?)
the Cotton Club
"I would like to give these kids a good home; in fact, there's a good one a few miles away" was one of his lines as a grumpy TV foster dad |
Bernie Mac
Baku, N'Djamena, Phnom Penh |
world capitals
The 1905 Battle of Tsushima Strait near Korea was a decisive victory for Japan over this nation |
Crawdad ends with a parent, as does this spice, a ginger family member that's big in Scandinavia |
In 2014 Felipe VI succeeded this man, his father, as king of Spain |
(Jeff: Who is Carlos?) (Mayim: More specific.)
Juan Carlos
A creative club in this nation, Mbari Mbayo gets its name partially from the Igbo language |
In a 1984 film Rob Reiner said they "earned a distinguished place in rock history as one of England's loudest bands" |
Spinal Tap
Greek, ambrosia, larb |
The Sunda Strait connects the Indian Ocean with this sea that shares its name with an island |
the Java Sea