Show #2185 - Friday, February 18, 1994

1994 Teen Tournament quarterfinal game 5.


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Peter Steffen, a senior from New Hampton, Iowa

Rebecca Sinderbrand, a senior from Brooklyn, New York

E.J. Sieracki, a senior from Canton, Michigan

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Jeopardy! Round

    $100 26
The Pomeranian & Pekingese are classified as this type, which may make you want to play with them
    $100 17
The 5,000-acre Euro Disney resort is 1/5 the size of this world capital that's just 20 miles away
    $100 6
The 8 stripes on this state's flag represent the 8 main islands
    $100 1
After its 1912 accident, inquiries found it was traveling too fast for icy conditions
    $100 9
You should never eat these fruits if they're covered with slime
    $100 16
According to the proverb, it's what happens when the cat's away
    $200 28
The Cocker is considered an American cousin of the English Cocker breed of this dog
    $200 21
Beware! One of these mythical beasts lurks in a lair beneath Sleeping Beauty's Chateau
    $200 7
As a reminder of its fur-trapping days, Oregon shows this animal on the reverse of its flag
    $200 2
In the 1980s the proceeds from secret arms sales to Iran were funneled to this country's Contras
    $200 12
Karl keeps one of these small songbirds as a pet
    $200 18
In case anyone ever asks, for Stephen King it's A negative
    $300 29
The Borzoi is descended from this dog whose name reminds us of a bus
    $300 23
A Caribbean restaurant called the Blue Lagoon is located inside this ride that's full of Buccaneers
    $300 8
A badger sits atop the shield on this state's flag
    $300 3
A 1969 army coup in Libya put this colonel into power
    $300 13
It's a good name for leonine tresses
    $300 19
This metal with the same name as a coin is named for a German goblin who lives in mines
    $400 30
The "Scottish" breed of this dog is called a Scottie for short
    $400 24
The French call this attraction full of singing doll's "Le Monde est Petit"
    $400 10
Appropriately, this "Evergreen State" is the only state whose flag is green
    DD: $500 4
He was king of England during the French Revolution
    $400 14
A music dictionary will tell you it's another name for a note
    $400 20
NASA is an acronym for this
    $500 27
The Labrador retriever originated in this present Canadian province
    $500 25
A rip-roaring recreation of his wild west show features cowboys, Indians & stampeding buffalo
    $500 11
South Carolina's flag depicts a crescent over this state tree
    $500 5
The Straits Convention of 1841 concerned travel through the Bosporus & this other Turkish strait
    $500 15
I'd love to fly a plane over this Asian country
    $500 22
You're considered prolix if you use an abundance of these

Scores at the first commercial break (after clue 15):

E.J. Rebecca Peter
$1,200 $600 $900

Scores at the end of the Jeopardy! Round:

E.J. Rebecca Peter
$3,300 $1,000 $2,400

Double Jeopardy! Round

    $200 1
This largest Roman amphitheatre was flooded for mock naval battles called naumachiae
    $200 2
This Cuban president is also the head of the Cuban Communist Party
    $200 7
This Canadian province has 2-year schools called colleges d'enseignement general et professionel
    $200 19
It states, "I will give no deadly medicine to anyone if asked, nor suggest any such counsel"
    $200 18
Mayim, mayim, a modern circle dance from this country, is a variation of the hora
    $200 21
He published the autobiographical "My Life on the Plains" in 1874, 2 years before his "Last Stand"
    $400 13
This "fiddling" emperor scandalized the populace by performing in public in female roles
    $400 3
Francisco Franco is buried inside a mountain in this, his native country
    $400 8
Mistress of arts was a 19th century female equivalent of this degree earned by young men
    $400 9
To check the development of fetuses, doctors use this technique that produces images on a screen
    $400 23
The Krakowiak, popular since the 19th century, was named for a city in this country
    $400 24
A government grant enabled him to publish "The Zoology of the Voyage of H.M.S. Beagle"
    $600 12
Early Christians hid in these underground tunnels during times of persecution
    $600 4
Evita must have been his good luck charm; he became president of Argentina 4 months after he married her
    $600 14
It can be an academy for young ladies or an institution that trains candidates for priesthood
    $600 20
The rheumatoid type of this disease causes pain & swelling in the joints & can lead to crippling
    $600 28
Traditionally, a fandango is accompanied by castanets & this instrument
    $600 25
In "Den of' Lions", Terry Anderson discusses his ordeal as a hostage in this country
    $800 11
Statues depict Romulus & Remus, the legendary founders of Rome, with this animal that nursed them
    $800 5
This Oxford-graduate was president of the Oxford Union 11 years before she became PM of Pakistan
    $800 15
A sum of money granted for advanced study or research, it's also a synonym for companionship
    $800 22
Of chicken pox, polio & malaria, the one not caused by a virus
    $800 29
In the Tinikling dance of the Philippines, dancers hop between moving poles made of this plant
    DD: $1,500 26
Bruce Catton & Shelby Foote are famous for their books on this subject
    $1000 10
The curia, which still stands in the Roman forum, was the seat of this powerful government body
    $1000 6
He was just 17 when he was crowned king of Jordan in 1953
    $1000 16
This Italian woman's famous "method" encourages a child's self-development
    DD: $1,500 17
"Circulation" is a monthly publication of this American organization
    $1000 30
This woman who died in 1991 based many of her modern dance works, such as "Clytemnestra" on mythology
    $1000 27
She followed "Coming of Age in Samoa" with "Growing Up in New Guinea"

Scores at the end of the Double Jeopardy! Round:

E.J. Rebecca Peter
$7,100 $2,500 $10,100

Final Jeopardy! Round

In the late 1100s, monks at Glastonbury Abbey claimed they'd found the bodies of this royal couple

Final scores:

E.J. Rebecca Peter
$6,100 $5,000 $14,201
2nd place: $1,000 if eliminated 3rd place: $1,000 if eliminated Automatic semifinalist

Game dynamics:

Game dynamics graph

Coryat scores:

E.J. Rebecca Peter
$7,100 $4,500 $9,400
19 R,
2 W
11 R,
3 W
(including 2 DDs)
24 R
(including 1 DD),
1 W

Combined Coryat: $21,000

[game responses] [game scores] [suggest correction]

Game tape date: 1994-01-03
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