Show #4883 - Wednesday, November 30, 2005

Vik Vaz game 3.


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Liz Lackey, a student from Wayne, New Jersey

Josh Danson, a marketing communications consultant from San Francisco, California

Vik Vaz, a medical student from Austin, Texas (whose 2-day cash winnings total $51,201)

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Jeopardy! Round

(Alex: That's the Culinary Institute of America.)
    $200 1
On July 26, 1953 this future president & 150 followers attacked one of Cuba's major military bases
    $200 2
From 1965:
"Sont les mots qui vont tres bien ensemble"
    $200 30
Sedimentology is a branch of this -ology
    $200 28
He created the 1931 oil-on-canvas piece seen here
    $200 25
The one-day "Teenagers in the Kitchen" course focuses on this food & the dough for it
    $200 7
A small snail-like mollusk that has no shell, or a metal disk often used illegally in vending machines
    $400 8
Cuba first came under Spanish control in this century
    $400 3
Neil Diamond:
"Hands, touchin' hands, reachin' out, touchin' me, touchin' you..."
    $400 29
At Cornell, "Intuitive Judgment" & "Comparative Cognition" are courses in this department
    $400 27
Items recently uncovered at her home & museum include dresses from Oaxaca & earrings probably from Picasso
    $400 18
No soup for you at the CIA unless you learn how to make this, the liquid upon which soup is built
    $400 12
The Gate of Heavenly Peace lies at the southern edge of this capital's Imperial City
    $600 9
The Cuban mission known as Lookout Farm, or Finca Vigia, was home to this author from 1939 to 1960
    $600 4
Barry Manilow:
"Well, you kissed me and stopped me from shaking and I need you today, oh" her
    $600 20
(Cheryl of the Clue Crew shows off her handwriting at the blackboard.) Tall letters, like the "L"s here, are a sign of pride according to this -ology, a term coined in 1875
    $600 22
He's the French artist whose work is seen here, if you get our Pointillism
    $600 13
CIA grads include Rocco DiSpirito, star of this NBC reality show
    $600 15
An earthenware drink cup, or your face
    $800 10
In 1875 this Tammany Hall boss escaped from jail in New York City & fled to Cuba
    $800 5
Tom Jones:
"Why, why, why" her
    $800 21
Amgen & Novozymes are usually called this type of company
    $800 23
His 1812 painting of a notable historical figure is seen here
    $800 14
The course called Cookies, these small pies & Mignardises sounds more fun than Algebra 101
    $800 16
From the Welsh for "rock", it's the broken projecting part of a rock
    $1000 11
The unsuccessful attack on Cuba known as the Bay of Pigs invasion began on April 17th of this year
    $1000 6
Elvis Costello:
"You can call me anything you like but my name is" this
    DD: $2,000 26
Thaumatology, the study of these events, might be part of deciding who gets canonized
    $1000 24
This group of British painters exhibited anonymously, signing their paintings PRB
    $1000 17
In the library, even the mysteries are culinary, like one that's not called "The Main Course" but "The Main" this
    $1000 19
It's the abbreviated form of the Russian for "Chief Administration of Corrective Labor Camps"

Scores at the first commercial break (after clue 15):

Vik Josh Liz
$2,600 $1,600 $1,400

Scores at the end of the Jeopardy! Round:

Vik Josh Liz
$6,600 $3,800 $2,000

Double Jeopardy! Round

    $400 8
From 1865 to 1870 this "flowery" city served as the capital of Italy
    $400 7
This FBI agent played by Gillian Anderson on "The X-Files" was named after a Dodgers announcer
    $400 3
As a result of the 2000 Census, 4 states gained 2 House seats; New York & this "Keystone State" lost 2
    $400 1
Haydn's "Hunt" (No. 73) is this type of orchestral piece
    $400 26
We're bullish on Aldebaran, a .86 apparent magnitude star in this constellation
    $400 21
The archbishop of this district is the primate of all England
    $800 9
The best-known landmark in this German city known for its perfume is its cathedral with 2 towers rising over 500 feet
    $800 14
(Jimmy of the Clue Crew reports from the Kennedy Space Center in Florida.) This TV astronaut worked at NASA's Kennedy Space Center & lived in Cocoa Beach, where he dreamed of Jeannie
    $800 13
Only James G. Blaine & this great N.H. orator served 2 non-consecutive terms as Sec'y of State
    $800 2
Mozart's "Hunt", heard here, is this type of chamber piece
    $800 27
Castor has an apparent magnitude of 1.6; this star, also in Gemini, is brighter at 1.2
    $800 22
China has a "grand" one, & so does Venice
    $1200 10
This capital's Tower of Belem was built in the early 1500s to honor explorer Vasco da Gama
    $1200 15
On "Newhart", these 3 brothers owned the local cafe
    $1200 16
In 1988 this Conn. attorney general upset incumbent Lowell Weicker for the U.S. Senate; he's been re-elected twice
    DD: $2,000 4
Beethoven's "Solemnis" is this type of religious work
    $1200 28
John McEnroe might say, "You cannot be" this star in Canis Major with an apparent magnitude of -1.6
    $1200 23
John Steinbeck described this district of Monterey as "a poem, a stink, a grating noise"
    $1600 11
20 miles from the Italian border, this leading resort city on the French Riviera has a population of about 350,000
    $1600 17
Calling Bernard Fox, who played this nurse-chasing warlock on "Bewitched"
    $1600 19
In 2005 this Floridian became the first Cuban-American U.S. senator
    $1600 5
Charles Ives' "Concord" is this type of work for piano
    DD: $1,000 29
A spectral class G yellow star, it has an apparent magnitude of about -26
    $1600 24
Spanning 1,800 feet, the Quebec Bridge is the world's longest bridge of this type
    $2000 12
Known as the "Granite City", its name is Scots for "At the Mouth of the Dee", the river on which it lies
    $2000 18
This news director of radio station WKRP in Cincinnati won the Silver Sow Award for Agricultural Reportage
    $2000 20
Age 87 at his death in 1864, he was the oldest man ever to serve as Chief Justice of the U.S.
    $2000 6
He composed the cantata heard here
    $2000 30
This star of Orion is the 12th-brightest in the sky; do your best Geena Davis impression
    $2000 25
"Optimism" is the alternate title of this Voltaire work

Scores at the end of the Double Jeopardy! Round:

Vik Josh Liz
$15,400 $10,400 $10,400

[wagering suggestions for these scores]

Final Jeopardy! Round

The last full 2005 Micropedia article about a person is on the Russian-born man famed as an inventor of this in the 1920s

Final scores:

Vik Josh Liz
$20,801 $1 $5,399
3-day champion: $72,002 3rd place: $1,000 2nd place: $2,000

Game dynamics:

Game dynamics graph

Coryat scores:

Vik Josh Liz
$14,400 $11,400 $9,600
18 R
(including 1 DD),
3 W
18 R,
3 W
(including 1 DD)
15 R
(including 1 DD),
3 W

Combined Coryat: $35,400

[game responses] [game scores] [suggest correction]

Game tape date: 2005-09-13
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