Seen here, she had a low-key 2005 wedding to a real prince of a guy |
Camilla Parker Bowles
The Barones of Long Island |
Everybody Loves Raymond
In a battle between them, Ares is defeated by this Greek goddess of war, his female counterpart |
Our nation's top judicial body employs this professional fool |
Supreme Court jester
Chimamanda Adichie had a 2014 bestseller with "We Should All Be" these, believers in women's equality |
Vallis, used in the names of planetary gorges, is "valley" in this language |
This web-based mapping service introduced in 2005 gives a satellite view of Paris, Tokyo or your own block |
(Stel: What is Google Maps?) [Originally ruled incorrect; ruled correct before the second Daily Double] [ERRATUM: Google Earth was introduced in 2001, not 2005.]
Google Earth (or Google Maps)
The Crawley family, who lived big in Yorkshire County |
Downton Abbey
In some myths, Eros is the son of this love goddess |
Government body that protects the great outdoors & brings color & fabric swatches for the indoors |
Department of Interior designers
15 years after "Push", this gem of a writer gives voice to Precious' son in "The Kid" |
From Hindi for "valley", a dhoon is a type of valley found at the foot of these great mountains |
the Himalayas
The 13 senators who voted no on her confirmation was the largest number for any Secretary of State since 1825 |
(Stel: Who is Hillary Rodham Clinton?)
Condoleezza Rice
The Johnsons, including baby DeVante & twins Jack & Diane |
This Greek goddess of agriculture has a daughter by Zeus (her brother) |
A 2-time Oscar-winning actor is honored by a 554-foot obelisk |
the Denzel Washington Monument
Maryse Condé wrote the historical novel "I, Tituba, Black Witch of" this New England town |
From the Russian for "valley", a doline, a surface collapse of limestone, is better known as this |
a sinkhole
A 22-year civil war ended in this African country that would split up a few years later |
The DiMeos, including son J.J., who has cerebral palsy |
As a baby, this handsome youth was put into the care of Persephone, who later had to share custody |
(Stel: Who is Hermes?)
Coffee maker with a plunger that holds briefings for journalists |
(Wes: What is the French press room?) [Originally ruled incorrect; ruled correct before the first Daily Double]
the French press secretary (or the French press room)
This British author of "White Teeth" also wrote "Swing Time", a story of 2 childhood friends who dream of being dancers |
Zadie Smith
This Arabic word for "valley" means a ravine that becomes a river during the rainy season |
London's Day of Terror known as 7/7, July 7th of 2005, came just 1 day after a triumph when it was chosen for this honor |
(Stel: [*]--what is [*]?)
Olympics hosts
So-Cal family the Cohens, who celebrated Chrismukkah |
The O.C.
She is both the mother & the wife of Oedipus |
A disaster-defying breakfast chain that serves pancake alternatives to 435 members |
the Waffle House of Representatives
This "Their Eyes Were Watching God" author wrote "Tell My Horse" after living in Haiti |
Zora Neale Hurston
This 8-letter name of an L.A. suburb & a Phoenix suburb is made of 2 different words for "valley" |