Show #1309 - Thursday, April 19, 1990


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Beverly Davenport, a management consultant originally from Jeffersonville, Pennsylvania

Pete Brown, a U.S. Coast Guard officer from Mobile, Alabama

Liz Barnea, a librarian from Billings, Montana (whose 2-day cash winnings total $15,700)

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Jeopardy! Round

    $100 26
Edgar Bergen received an honorary Oscar in 1938 for creating this dummy
    $100 10
The first Europeans to visit the area were explorers from this country
    $100 1
In 1957 Mary Quant opened her Bazaar Boutique on the King's Road in this city
    $100 3
The Pleistocene epoch of extensive glaciation in Europe & America is also called this
    $100 13
"Mrs." is an abbreviation of this title
    $100 21
Some call this American war "The War of Northern Aggression"
    $200 27
The last Oscar for cinematography in B & W went to this '66 film based on an Edward Albee play
    $200 11
This university in Provo, run by the Mormon church, is the largest in the state
    $200 2
Geoffrey Beene designed the gown that Lynda Bird Johnson wore for this Dec. 9, 1967 event
    $200 4
A magnetic storm is a worldwide disturbance of Earth's magnetic field caused by disturbances there
    $200 14
Any Mongol could tell you it means "Universal Ruler"
    $200 22
October, our tenth month, is from the Latin word "octo", meaning this
    $300 18
Record speeds of more than 600 MPH have been reached at the International Speedway here
    $300 7
This Bronx native designs western-inspired fashions for ladies & for "chaps"
    DD: $500 5
The temperature & humidity conditions characteristic of Santa Ana, Foehn & Chinook winds
    $300 15
In 1973 Lou Ferrigno was "Mr." this, & Maria Margarita Moran, "Miss"
    $300 23
It was the No. 2 reactor at this Pennsylvania site that caused fears of a meltdown
    $400 19
When it applied for statehood in 1849, some wanted to call it Deseret, which means this
    $400 8
By the 1920s Balenciaga was the leading couturier in this country, his homeland
    $400 6
"Seasonal" term that describes the cold & dark weather that nuclear war could bring
    $400 16
This moniker for a mendicant comes from the Latin for "brother"
    $400 24
In 1968 Creighton Abrams replaced this general as commander of U.S. forces in Vietnam
    $500 20
The state's largest ski area, Park City, is on the eastern slopes of this range of the Rockies
    $500 9
This Havana-born designer is known by his first name, not by his last, Sardina
    $500 12
The 2 most commonly used temperature scales, each named for its inventor
    $500 17
It follows "your" when addressing a duke
    $500 25
This chairman of Occidental Petroleum said he will raise $250 million a year in a "Stop Cancer" drive

Scores at the first commercial break (after clue 14):

Liz Pete Beverly
$1,300 $300 $100

Scores at the end of the Jeopardy! Round:

Liz Pete Beverly
$2,300 $200 -$500

Double Jeopardy! Round

    $200 14
In 1954 the U.S. tested a hydrogen bomb in the Marshall Islands & launched this nuclear sub
    $200 9
Poet John Donne was first to write "No man is" this
    $200 2
This spotted breed originated in the Palouse River region of Washington & Idaho
    $200 1
Type of American school that's equivalent to a European gymnasium
    $200 15
In 1788 a handful of officials & some 700 convicts founded this Australian city on Botany Bay
    $200 26
1 of the 2 things the Lord "rained" upon the cities to destroy them
    $400 20
N.Y. governor who announced in January 1948 he'd run for president if nominated; he was; he lost
    $400 10
Bret Harte wrote a short story about "The Outcasts of" this mining camp
    $400 3
Of 18, 36 or 48, the maximum number of letters allowed in the name of a thoroughbred racehorse
    $400 5
The women who raised $500,000 to open this Baltimore med school in 1893 insisted women be admitted
    $400 16
Intercontinental flights to Scotland land at Prestwick Airport just outside this city
    $400 27
Jesus told them the fate of people who don't heed them will be worse than Sodom & Gomorrah
    $600 21
In 1973 he chaired the Senate Select Committee on Presidential Campaign Activities
    DD: $500 11
The Reader's Encyclopedia said, "He loved the... main streets of America even as he deplored them"
    $600 4
During their first year, both male & female horses are referred to by this term
    $600 6
In 1989 this city's school system, 3rd largest in the U.S., was required by state law to decentralize
    $600 17
In 1919 locksmith Anton Drexler founded the forerunner of the Nazi Party in this Bavarian capital
    $800 24
Lyndon Johnson convinced Arthur Goldberg to give up his Supreme Court seat for this job
    $800 12
Ayn Rand book that ends with "Then there was only the ocean and the sky and the figure of Howard Roark"
    $800 22
It's a projection with a tuft of hair on the back of a horse's leg just above the hoof
    DD: $500 7
The first U.S. school of architecture was established at this Mass. school founded in 1861
    $800 18
Much in the news of late, it's Colombia's second largest city
    $1000 25
In 1972 she ran for president on the slogan "Unbought and unbossed"
    $1000 13
His eccentric novel "Tristram Shandy" contains blank pages & 1-sentence chapters
    $1000 23
This harness breed shares its name with a 17th century English coach for hire
    $1000 8
Headquartered in the Bronx, its ads say it's the "Jesuit University of New York City"
    $1000 19
You can see an exhibit about early transatlantic flights at this Newfoundland city's airport

Scores at the end of the Double Jeopardy! Round:

Liz Pete Beverly
$5,100 $1,000 $4,100

[wagering suggestions for these scores]

Final Jeopardy! Round

This company was incorporated in 1946 as Tokyo Telecommunications Engineering Corporation

Final scores:

Liz Pete Beverly
$8,200 $2,000 $6,100
3-day champion: $23,900 3rd place: Casablanca Ceiling Fan 2nd place: Jean D'Eve watch & 48-piece flatware set

Game dynamics:

Game dynamics graph

Coryat scores:

Liz Pete Beverly
$5,100 $1,500 $4,500
16 R,
1 W
13 R,
8 W
(including 1 DD)
11 R
(including 2 DDs),
4 W

Combined Coryat: $11,100

[game responses] [game scores] [suggest correction]

Game tape date: 1989-12-03
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