In Billy Joel's "___ Man" |
As you might expect, the Reuters Foundation sets up training programs for those in this field |
A 1982 play by this man is set among the Jerome family of Brighton Beach in 1937 |
Neil Simon
The second-most reported cause of occupational injury is from this pollution caused by jackhammers & music |
sound pollution (or noise pollution)
A carpet for a calico |
a cat mat
In Wynonna's "Girls With ___" |
In 2004 the Starbright Foundation for sick kids merged, sensibly enough, with this foundation |
(David: What is Make-A-Wish?)
the Starlight Foundation
The plays of Franz Grillparzer, called this country's greatest dramatist, include "Family Strife In Hapsburg" |
(Hi, I'm Christie Whitman.) As EPA head, I helped create a program to reduce diesel exhaust for these vehicles; children will breathe easier |
(Alex: With a minute to go.)
school buses
It's what the mallard acquired when he found a 4-leaf clover |
duck luck
(Cheryl of the Clue Crew reports from inside the Old North Church.) On April 18, 1775 North Church sexton Robert Newman climbed into the steeple to use the code famously known by this 9-word phrase |
(David: What is one if by land or two if by sea?) (Sharon: What is one if by land, two if by sea?) ... (Alex [to David]: You said "or" and Sharon left out the word completely.)
one if by land and two if by sea
In Bruce Hornsby's "___ Rain" |
In 1914 the USA's first community foundation was set up in this Ohio city, then the nation's 6th largest |
Ralph "Mike Hammer" Meeker & John C. "Mr. Cellophane" Reilly have played this role made famous by Brando |
Stanley Kowalski
The American Lung Association's list of cities with the worst particle air pollutuion is topped by 3 in this state |
(John: What is Texas?)
Hard-to-wash-out mark that a large wading bird left on your clothing |
a crane stain
In Linda Ronstadt's "Different ___" |
It was launched in 1936 with car company stock, but its $10 billion portfolio no longer includes that stock |
the Ford Foundation
Aeschylus' play named for this king, Clytemnestra's husband, opens at his palace in Argos |
From the Greek for "heat", this type of water pollution kills fish when hot water is dumped into a lake |
Type of paint for your dromedary |
camel enamel
(Sarah of the Clue Crew reports from the Freedom Trail.) Begun in 1795, it's the building behind me that Oliver Wendell Holmes called the "hub of the solar system" |
(David: What's the, uh, Massachusetts State Capitol?) (Alex: No. [Looks to judges] You're gonna give him that? All right. I thought the state capital was Boston, but that's the building, [*]. Go again.)
the Bulfinch State House
In The Byrds' "Mr. ___ Man" |
The breast cancer foundation named for this victim of the disease holds the "Race for the Cure" |
Susan Komen
Jack Absolute & Bob Acres, both vying for Lydia Languish's hand, are the title characters of this Sheridan play |
The Rivals
TCDD is a type of this toxic industrial byproduct used in Agent Orange |
(Sharon: What is DDT?)
Someone who guides or ministers to a big spotted feline |
(Sharon: What is a... cheetah...)
a leopard shepherd