Show #7092 - Tuesday, June 16, 2015

Brennan Bushee game 2.


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Batya Diamond, a teacher and songwriter from Wilton, Connecticut

Raf Noboa y Rivera, a sportswriter from Astoria, New York

Brennan Bushee, an operations analyst from Malden, Massachusetts (whose 1-day cash winnings total $27,201)

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Jeopardy! Round

(Alex: And because of Father's Day, which is coming up...)
    $200 2
In "Grand Hotel", Greta Garbo had this 5-word desire, No. 30 on AFI's list of top 100 movie quotes
    $200 16
This strongman is usually depicted kneeling, & his star Ras Algethi is known as the "Kneeler's Head"
    $200 1
    $200 12
It's the presidential power to just say no
    $200 28
Kalamata & Spanish are types of these
    $200 5
The passing of the ages is personified by this old bearded man carrying a scythe & an hourglass
    $400 3
In this '50s film, Natalie Wood tells James Dean that a girl wants a man who is gentle & sweet & who doesn't run away
    $400 21
Kochab & Pherkad in this "minor" constellation are "Guardians of the Pole"; they once served as twin North Pole stars
    $400 4
    $400 13
A small dagger, or a high, very thin heel on a woman's shoe
    $400 25
Thin pieces of dough are called these Chinese dumpling skins, but they can be used to make egg rolls & pot stickers
    $400 19
Seen here is dad, one of the 28 letters of this alphabet, the second-most widely used in the world
    $600 6
Rob Reiner's mom, Estelle, uttered this memorable line in "When Harry Met Sally..."
    DD: $600 14
This constellation's second-brightest star, Shaula, is also known as "the Stinger"
    $600 7
In Denmark:
Evangelical this
    $600 17
It's the traditional 7-letter cry on first sighting a fox
    $600 9
This Mexican appetizer, a tortilla filled with cheese, gets its name from the Spanish for "cheese"
    $600 22
A dialect survey of the U.S. found that a sweetened carbonated drink is "soda" to about 1/2 of us, this word to about 1/4
    $800 10
Ilsa Laszlo had a request: "Play it, Sam. Play" this song
    $800 20
To the Egyptians, the constellation Carina was part of the ship that carried Osiris & this wife in a flood
    $800 8
    $800 18
This martial art is the short Korean phrase for "Strike with the foot, strike with the hand, the way"
    $800 29
A thumb-sized potato & young fish both have this digit-al name
    $800 23
A Florence, Alabama music festival honors this "Father of the Blues" who was born here in 1873
    $1000 11
"I want the fairy tale", Julia Roberts says as Vivian in this movie
    $1000 26
The largest constellation, this "water serpent" covers 1,303 square degrees of the sky
    $1000 15
    $1000 27
One of the last entries in a dictionary is this type of Cajun dance music
    $1000 30
This seafood stew from Provence is often served over thick slices of French bread
    $1000 24
In England it's the name for Santa

Scores at the first commercial break (after clue 15):

Brennan Raf Batya
$1,800 $3,200 $2,400

Scores at the end of the Jeopardy! Round:

Brennan Raf Batya
$4,400 $5,000 $5,000

Double Jeopardy! Round

    $400 7
In 1917 the royal family took this new name, also a castle
    $400 21
(Sarah of the Clue Crew does some field work in Alaska.) The glistening fluid that gives the carnivorous plant, called the sundew, its name, is there to lure & trap these
    $400 1
A "business"-like musical:
"Coffee Break" &
"The Company Way"
    $400 15
"The Fallen Race" is a sci-fi novel set in Australia about the Anonos, spawn of humans & these marsupials
    $400 19
Adverb meaning every once in a while
    $400 9
This Dutch city's name comes from "count's hedge", a name used when it was a private hunting area
    $800 6
Thomas Bruce, earl of this, went east to Greece to get some marbles; his son James went west & was gov.-gen. of Canada
    $800 14
Also called the paper plant, it was long cultivated in the Nile delta region of Egypt
    $800 2
Take a gamble:
"Fugue For Tinhorns" &
"The Oldest Established (Permanent Floating Crap Game in New York)"
    $800 18
A collection of animal stories from India, the "Panchatantra" was originally written in this ancient language
    $800 24
It's the double reed music maker heard here
    $800 13
This arid, treeless region of South Dakota is home to many rugged formations & fossil deposits
    $1200 8
Robert Catesby, an extremist Catholic, masterminded this 1605 plot to blow up Parliament
    $1200 23
A parasitic plant called the monster flower is also known as this flower, for its horrible stink
    $1200 3
Take a swing:
"Shoeless Joe From Hannibal, Mo" &
"The American League"
    $1200 20
Euripides wrote a tragedy about these title "Women" & their fate after their city falls
    $1200 27
A salesman who gets a percentage of the price of each item sold is working "on" this
    DD: $5,000 16
Reflecting its precious resources, it was the colonial name for what is now Ghana
    DD: $2,000 11
Capturing Jamaica in 1655 allowed the English to replace the beer on ships with this, which didn't go bad
    $1600 26
No, that's not a field of snakes--it's these lilies that resemble striking snakes
    $1600 4
Singing puppets!:
"Everyone's A Little Bit Racist" &
"There Is Life Outside Your Apartment"
    $1600 22
This short story collection's characters include Shere Khan & Kaa
    $1600 28
It's the 9-letter term for someone who owns & manages a small hotel or B&B
    $1600 17
A chain of barrier islands off the coast of North Carolina where the U.S.S. Monitor rests today
    $2000 10
He was PM from 1902 to 1905; later, a declaration supporting a Jewish homeland in Palestine was named for him
    $2000 30
Sisal hemp & the century plant are members of this Southwestern U.S. plant genus
    $2000 5
Join the burlesque show:
"Everything's Coming Up Roses" &
"Rose's Turn"
    $2000 25
Written by a Pole, this "Narrative of the Time of Nero" has a Latin question as its title
    $2000 29
A Debbie Downer for the 21st century
    $2000 12
This huge desert in the southern end of Arabia is the largest area of contiguous sand in the world

Scores at the end of the Double Jeopardy! Round:

Brennan Raf Batya
$21,800 $15,000 $5,800

[wagering suggestions for these scores]

Final Jeopardy! Round

"A reviewer... wrote that my pictures didn't have any beginning or any end. He didn't mean it as a compliment, but it was"

Final scores:

Brennan Raf Batya
$30,001 $22,500 $3,400
2-day champion: $57,202 2nd place: $2,000 3rd place: $1,000

Game dynamics:

Game dynamics graph

Coryat scores:

Brennan Raf Batya
$18,000 $14,600 $5,800
20 R
(including 1 DD),
1 W
21 R
(including 2 DDs),
3 W
13 R,
4 W

Combined Coryat: $38,400

[game responses] [game scores] [suggest correction]

Game tape date: Unknown
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